Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Upcoming Review

Monday, August 2nd. The Proposal. Orphan taking care of younger sister while working as companion to a cranky old Lady who has a dog named Bobo.

Thursday, August 5th. The Vicar's Daughter. Birthin' babies in a tent! Unfortunate motor-car fatalities, rescuing toddler from drowning, a potential mother-in-law who makes Margo help with the plum jam while being catty to her.

1 comment:

  1. Betty Barbara here--
    Oh hurray! The Proposal--I have actually reread that recently enough that I can perhaps comment intelligently on it.
    And here's hoping the library comes through with The Vicar's Daughter in a timely fashion.
    Unlike other Bettys, I do not own a copy of all of La Neels books. Alas.
