Professor Gijs van Kessel is enjoying a relaxing drive in the country late one evening, when suddenly a girl pops out in front of him and flags him down. Margo Pearson, 28 year-old parson's daughter, is helping with the delivery of a baby - after all, she's got her First Aid merit badge or something. Gijs grabs his doctor bag and crawls into the tent with Margo and the laboring girl. Non-squeamish Margo is actually very helpful - including following the "put your hand here and keep it steady" post-partum instructions.

Margo is an only child. Her father is the vicar (maybe you already guessed that from the title?), Margo and her mum are his able assistants. Margo has been drifting into potential marriage with pig farmer George Merridew. George has been courting her cautiously with a view to eventual marriage with the grudging blessing of his overbearing mother. Mrs. Merridew thinks that as a vicar's daughter, Margo would be a suitable wife for her boy - after some moulding. Unfortunately for George, Margo is not a girl to be moulded. And frankly, after seeing Gijs, Margo knows that prosaic, pig-farming George is not the man for her. She doesn't have any illusions about her looks, or rather, lack of them, but she does wish she had looks that would make men look twice and remember her. Professor van Kessel does remember her...as a small girl without fear, sensible and bossy. Ouch. That's not what Margo has in mind.
Sir William, local bigwig, asks Margo if she will take his granddaughter to London. No problemo. Margo takes Imogen to her aunts house...Imogen's young cousin is being seen by a paediatric specialist...none other than Professor van Kessel. Professor RDD offers to take Margo home in an hour. During which hour, Margo is ignored by the household staff and practically starves to death. The Prof. offers to buy her some lunch, since he missed his too (he's fibbing - he just had lamb cutlets and some substantial apple tart at the hospital - see, I told you he was kind). Margo endears herself to the doctor by just ordering an omelette and salad.
Back at the vicarage in time for a substantial tea, Professor Doctor Gijs van Kessel endears himself to me by inviting the Pearson family to just call him Gijs. Editor's Note: I really like the fact that Margo doesn't have to spend 185 pages calling the RDD "Professor van Kessel" - and not just because it's a pain to type.During tea, Margo gets to thinking about what Gijs' home life might be like and wonders whether he is married. Margo, being Margo, it was no sooner said than done. "Are you married?" Embarrassment klaxons are blaring...but Gijs is adorable...and described by Betty as "either a man with the kindest heart imaginable or was prone to deafness."
Despite the burgeoning friendship with Gijs, Margo goes over to the Merridew farm to help George's mum preserve plums. While stoning plums, girlfriend has an epiphany that she can't possibly marry George the pig-farmer. Upon returning home, she tells her own mum that although she's fond of George, she just doesn't love him. She would like to be cosseted and spoilt and loved very much. Frankly I think it's the thought of living with George's mum that really has her put off the idea. She'd rather stay single than marry George and have to live with his mum.

George takes the news the next morning with a disturbing lack of concern...which was a very lowering thought to a girl...
In order to take a breather and "clear the decks", Margo heads off to visit Aunt Florence...an archdeacon's widow with a sharp nose, a sharp tongue and a warm heart. While taking a walk, Margo spots a toddler lying unconscious in the creek. She recognizes the little girl as the granddaughter of Lady Trueman, and marches her back to the manor in the pouring rain, losing a shoe in the process. A paediatric specialist is called in...no other than our Gijs. We've got to stop meeting like this...it seems that we are destined to only meet in emergencies. He drives her back to Aunt Flo's house where Margo discovers that "the peculiar feeling she had been experiencing for the last hour or so wasn't a cold in the head, it was love!" Margo is bundled off to bed while Aunt Flo and Gijs chat about her over a cup of coffee. Gijs reflects to himself that besides being surprised at seeing Margo again, he was also pleased. Hmmm. Pleased and surprised? Nice.
Pleased enough to stop by Margo's stall at the church bazaar. Margo is in charge of the "Good-
As-New" clothes...and steps out of character to remark, "do people really buy other people's clothes?" Editor's Note: I would think that a vicar's daughter would know better than that. At twenty-eight years old she's probably been to at least a couple dozen bazaars or jumble sales...which probably had used clothing stalls. But I digress. Gijs stops by to dispense a little fashion advice to the customers and invite Margo out to dinner - getting to know each other without an imminent medical emergency.

Dinner is lovely (even if her clothes aren't), and the two carry on a refreshingly two-sided conversation. Good-byes are said, Margo assumes that's the last she'll get to see of Gijs. Which it is, until time for her to head back home. When Gijs shows up at the door, Aunt Flo tells her that it must have slipped her mind, but Gijs is going to drive her home. Another last good-by? He reminds her of a promise he had made to arrange a hospital tour for her. He'll pick her up next Tuesday.
Gijs really does admire Margo - she would make a splendid wife and mother, so hey, maybe while he's at it he can find a way for her to meet one of the younger doctors, however, when he does see her with Houseman Alec he forgets his idea - he finds no pleasure in the sight of her with the younger man. Hmmm.

Her: "You said I was a sensible girl with no silly ideas. Alec thought I sounded like a schoolteacher. If that's what you think of me I don't want to see you again, ever."
Him: But you are a sensible girl with a refreshing lack of silly ideas...
Her: See what I mean? It's call damning with faint praise. I'd rather have none of that.
One week later. Mom and Dad are out for the day running errands and doing a spot of early Christmas shopping. Oh, and dying in a motor accident.
Margo calls Aunt Flo. Who finds Gijs at her doorstep. Who offers to drive her to Margo. Who cries on his shoulder. Who swallowed the spider who ate the fly...I don't know why...
Gijs is so sweet...he would take her grief on his shoulders if he could, he even goes so far as to tell Margo. I'm going to use this to excuse some future bad behaviour. Gijs proceeds to help with all the formalities associated with the funeral and comforting Margo.
Aunt Flo is distressed about Margo - what will happen to her now? I shall marry her. Oh heck, I'm in love. He takes Margo for a walk to the place where they met, gives her a hanky while she sobs and snivels, then proceeds to propose in a rather delightful way. It might be a marriage of convenience...but it's very friendly and open.
Margo is a little worried about marrying him - but Aunt Flo has no such qualms..."you're marrying him because you love him, so of course you're doing the right thing." Wow. Even Margo's ecclesiastical aunt can tell.
In preparation for the wedding, some judicious shopping is engaged in - including a new house for the newlyweds. Yup, they jump right into buying real estate together. Which is surprisingly easy for them...unlike the months Dr. van der Stevejinck and I took to find our current residence.
On the way to the wedding ceremony Margo considers the fact that since Gijs isn't in love with anyone else, she may as well have a go at helping him to fall in love with her. It might take years, but it would be totally worth it.

The house of van Kessel is awfully big and fancy...Margo has her suspicions that Gijs might actually be a millionaire. Which he happens to be.
Her: I dare say I'll get used to it..
Him: If you can't bear to live here, we'll close it up and live in a cottage. (see - he's nice!)
It's very close to Christmas - so Margo and Gijs go Christmas shopping for all of Gijs family (who Margo hasn't yet met) and the servants (who she has). Christmas is a lovely family occasion - all of Gijs siblings, their spouses and children are there. And everyone likes her. After Christmas the extra family leaves, and it's down to Gijs and Margo (and the servants). It's pretty quiet - and so Margo goes for a walk. Unfortunately it starts snowing and she gets lost. Of course Gijs saves the day - but he's breathing pretty hard by the time he does - and it's not altogether because he had been running.

Gijs takes Margo furniture shopping (for their new house) in the attic of his house in Holland. Amongst the detritus of past decorating styles, Margo spots a cradle. Turns out all the van Kessel offspring spend their first month or so in it. Which begs the question...Gijs wanted a wife, but does he want children????
Back to London and the new house - it's coming along swimmingly when Gijs announces that his younger sister, Corinne the Corrupter, is coming to visit. Even though Corinne the Playing Fast and Loose with Her Marriage Vows is Gijs' sister, she is no role model for future Neels heroines. She carries on a secret 'Brightonless' (we hope) affair with the dastardly Jerome...secret until she fesses up to Margo, th
en vows her to secrecy. Corinne the Terminally Stupid gets into trouble with Jerome - he wants her to 'go to Brighton'. Corinne the Too Stupid to be Allowed sheds some tears in front of Margo and begs her to get rid of Jerome for her...when Margo shows doubts about helping her, Corinne plays the "I'm going to have a baby" card (don't worry, it's her husband's child...not Jerome's) and Margo agrees to help. This leads to some BIG TROUBLE with Gijs...because he sees Margo and Jerome having an intense conversation on the steps of the National Gallery - and Margo won't explain (remember - vow of silence). Since Margo won't say anything, Gijs ships her off to Aunt Flo's for a week - which doesn't help. When Margo gets back, Gijs announces that he's going to Holland for a couple of weeks. Alone. Margo sticks it out for about a week and a half then follows him to have it out. She offers to have the marriage annulled...Gijs tells girlfriend that he loves her too much to see her unhappy...Whatever shall I do, she wails. Gijs drives up to Friesland for the night - then goes straight to his office in the morning. Corinne the I'm Pregnant So I Should Get Away With It shows up and confesses all (her husband is making her do it) and ends her confession with tears and baby news. Gijs is way the heck too nice to her - but he does beg her never to ask Margo to make any more promises - because she was brought up to keep them. At all costs.
Gijs races back to the house - Margo hasn't left for her flight yet. He finally finds her in the attic, sobbing over the cradle. I love you's all round...then some implied future conjugal relations - "The cradle will need a good polish." The End.
Rating: I love this book. A lot. Margo is my favorite kind of Neels heroine: plucky, resourceful and cheerful. Gijs is adorable. He's nice even before he falls in love - no hooded eyes for him! The age difference is not that great - 28/35. The only fly in the marital ointment is baby sister. If I could change one thing about this book, it would be that Corinne got a little more closely acquainted with consequences, but that's not how The Great Neels rolled...I give this one a queen of puddings!

Rating: I love this book. A lot. Margo is my favorite kind of Neels heroine: plucky, resourceful and cheerful. Gijs is adorable. He's nice even before he falls in love - no hooded eyes for him! The age difference is not that great - 28/35. The only fly in the marital ointment is baby sister. If I could change one thing about this book, it would be that Corinne got a little more closely acquainted with consequences, but that's not how The Great Neels rolled...I give this one a queen of puddings!
Food: I'm guessing Betty penned this in the fall, because we have apple crumble (twice), apple tart AND Dutch apple tart. Not only that, but we also have a couple of casseroles, bacon sandwiches, toffee pudding, treacle tart, jam roly-poly pudding, roast pheasant , almond tart with lashings of whipped cream - all these things sound very fall/winter comfort food kind of dishes.
Fashion: at the used clothing stall there is a dress of puce nylon with a pattern of startling green leaves, draped to disguise the wearer's curves. Wow. Margo buys a new wardrobe consisting of a velvet skirt, elaborate top in delicate apricot, blue dress and jacket to be married in, brown jersey dress, blue cashmere dress, brown cashmere coat, and two party dresses, including a dark green velvet with a very immodest neckline.
This is one of my favorites too.
ReplyDeleteClearly, I'm going to have to get this book (I barely skimmed the review so I can be surprised).
ReplyDeleteThe only vicar's daughter I knew well was one from grade school whose name (an odd one that I will omit in this comment in case she Googles herself alot--unless she has changed, a high possibility) is in our household a name synonymous with teaching our children that in all childhoods the Blank Blanks of this world (snotty, petulant, talking behind your back, kissing up to the teacher to get others in trouble) exist--one has to learn to cope but you get Mommy sympathy while you do so.
Evidently, our Neels heroine acquits herself better than my childhood "friend."
Love this Neels book as well. I think we need to talk about the amount of food they eat in a Neels books. As you mentioned, she sat for one hour and no one offered her any food. You'd think she would starve? But really, they do eat continually. It starts first with a friendly young lady bringing you tea and sometimes cookies at around 6am and opening your curtains and commenting on the weather. I have tried to get Betty Cliff to play act this with me, but it was a no go. They eat an enormous breakfast at 8am, although if she's upset, she only crumbles toast. As an aside, Betty Ellen has rarely been upset enough not to eat. At 11am they have their elevensees - usually something to drink to keep them going until lunch. Lunch is usually around 1 pm and it's a full meal if they are eating at home. 5 pm is tea and that is basically a Salute To Carbs and Sugars fest. 8pm is their supper with is equivalent to lunch and sometimes if they go out in the evening, they have to fortify themselves enough to sleep by eating sandwiches and drinking coffee or hot chocolate around midnight. Of course, this all begs the question - How are Betty Neels characters not the size of an artiuclated lorry? The only thinking Betty Neels missed was the Second Breakfast enjoyed in The Hobbit.
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason this is called "fiction".
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Bettyellen about the impossibility of eating so much and not being huge. Not only do they eat a ton, the most exercise they get is the occasional walkies with the dogs. Luckily for our heroines, none of the RDD's seem to mind a little flesh on their girls.
Being overweight and gluten intolerant, I often fantasize about being able to eat like this. Toast dripping with butter, a second slice of cake, homemade bread. Yummy.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't one of my favorites. There's just one too many instances of our RDD "helping" her without knowing why for me.
I have now finished the book (no "Heaven is Gentle" but okay). I really did want someone to run around screeching, "I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no baby!" though.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, it's finally time to take on Our Beloved Neels on two major points:
#1--I am tired of otherwise sensible and old-enough-to-know-better heroine promising barely acquainted ward/sister-in-law/passing stranger to keep secrets that will, at her own admission, jeopardize her relationship with her up-till-now-understanding-so-no-good-reason-to-doubt-him-in-a-pinch man-with-whom-she-is-in-love husband--ugh--suspends willing disbelief until it just drops into a fiery pit; (of course, if it is Nasty Reilof, I wouldn't tell him anything either)
#2--Someone tell me how a young woman with "gorgeous/beautiful/lovely" eyes can be "plain," "unremarkable," or "no looks" unless she has a nose, forehead, or chin the size of Richard Armitage's? IF YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL EYES, YOU"RE NOT PLAIN! (pardon my volume)
Can I get an Amen?
#1. Lack of communication is the root of all plot devices...or something.
ReplyDelete#2. Amen. Have you noticed that there is not a single heroine with small,squinty eyes? I don't think there's even one with glasses - although there is the occasional RDD with spectacles.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRe: looks -- I worry that these women are plain despite the beautiful eyes because they have honking noses (honking Bentley = good; honking nose = bad) or are chinless or have a wart with little hairs or buck teeth. Beautiful eyes only gets you so far...
ReplyDeleteNo one mentioned my concern -- HER PARENTS ARE DEAD. There is precisely one place where the word sorrow crops up and two places where there is implied grief.
Ladies -- have you lost a parent? Were you heart-whole within a week? I would have liked some more discussion of her grieving process. Because otherwise it seemed like her parents were more than a little Disney-fied -- simulated parents but really only there as plot devices.
I remember being completely, almost physically shocked that her parents died. Family members die in TGB's books all the time, but usually it's under certain circumstances:
Delete1. They were absentee parents/family, and we never saw them, just heard about them.
2. They were old and had some terminal illness that no one was willing to tell them about.
3. They were evil and we didn't like them anyway. (Usually these didn't do us the favor of kicking the bucket, more's the pity.)
I can't really remember another one where we actually know and like the family, and she suddenly (no illness) kills them off halfway into the book. "The Secret Pool" doesn't count. Anyone?
Given the fact that pretty much every RDD and RBD in all of Bettydom has at least a “commanding” nose, it seems harsh to suggest that any resultant female offspring who inherit their father’s features would be considered to be “not pretty” regardless of their other beautiful features.
DeleteMy parents are both gone - Dad when I was 23 and mom 18 years later.
ReplyDeleteI miss them both all the time. The first week after Dad died (unexpectedly, at only 65) I was numb. In shock and weeping constantly. And for a good year or so after, I'd have random moments of crying for missing him. And if I keep this up, I'll be weeping now! I miss my dad!
The older I get the more I miss my mother. So many things I wished I'd asked her about. She was ill for over 2 years, waiting to die so we had plenty of time for good chats, but 15 years later, I have a whole different batch of questions. Where are you, Mama? We grieved for her in those two years. We quite literally partied when she was gone. She'd have been tickled by that. She'd suffered so long it was a relief to know she had gone Home.
Maybe it was living through WWII and the Blitz and all of the other stuff she'd endured but Betty surely does whisk right through grief, in almost every one of her books.
My oldest sister died 3 years ago and I remember standing in the funeral home before we went to the cemetery, in my husbands arms and the two of us wept big, snotty, red-faced tears for several minutes before one of my other sisters came and moved us out of the way. (We were standing in an aisle.)
You never see Betty's characters snotty and red-faced with grief.
This definitely goes on my top 10 list. I have read it at least a half a dozen times and never get sick of the practical Margo and the pleasant easy-going Gijs. On paper that seems so bland but they are far from that.
ReplyDeleteDid anybetty else notice that Gijs went looking for a corkscrew to open a bottle of champagne?