Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Upcoming Reprise

Monday, May 30th. Cassandra by Chance.

Benedict, the Blind Hero!
Ogre's Relish!
Jan, the Polish Amnesiac Concentration Camp Survivor Trusty Loyal Manservant!


  1. *sigh*

    I love this book. I want to make all those cakes and feed deliciously almost-blind heroes and have them fall in love with me despite what I look like.

    Wait a minute.

    I've already had that romance in real life. (Minus the blind, at least in the literal sense.)

    Never mind.

  2. Cupboard love, Betty Magdalen? :)

    I made a yummy oatmeal cake with coconut pecan frosting the other day. I bet I could win a guy or two with that thing! ;-)


  3. You already have a super guy, Betty Cindy! (As do I, which was kind of the point.)

  4. I'll be pulling this out of the basement rubber maid tonight. My sister married a blind guy. It's funny how most of the marriages in my family could be Betty books!

  5. I do indeed, Betty Magdalen! And he loved the oatmeal cake, but yesterday's chocolate with peanut butter cream cheese frosting (YUM!!) was even better for him. :)

    BettyMary, that's amazing that you're all Neels' heroines and heroes looking for a book!

