Orphan girl works at a stately home...rich doctor falls in love, blah, blah, blah. Sounds like The Chain of Destiny, right? Nope, it's Only By Chance.

Coming out of the hospital one dark and rainy evening Henrietta finds a waterlogged kitten and steps back onto someone's foot. Best misstep ever. She has a lovely voice, he has an interesting voice...no names are exchanged, but they recognize each other instantly just days later...not when they see each other, no, when they hear each other. He's taking a tour of OT with Mrs. Carter...who is busy being her naturally vile self and tearing down Henrietta as much as possible. The stranger with the nice voice defends Henrietta quite ably. In fact, he is so nice, he waits outside to apologize! They exchange names...she's Henrietta Cowper, he's Mr. Ross-Pitt.
Henrietta disappears! She misses a couple of days in OT - which doesn't surprise the abrasive Mrs. Carter...it's what she's come to expect of Young Women. She's not the least bit curious about where Henrietta might be. Mr. R-P wonders if she might be ill.
Henrietta disappears! She misses a couple of days in OT - which doesn't surprise the abrasive Mrs. Carter...it's what she's come to expect of Young Women. She's not the least bit curious about where Henrietta might be. Mr. R-P wonders if she might be ill.

2. Looses her job cleaning offices.
3. Looses her bedsit.
The only reason she hasn't lost her cats, is that Mr. Ross-Pitt took them to his home while she was in hospital. What's an orphan to do? Mr. R-P hears of a likely job at his neighbor's stately home - food and lodging included. Sounds ideal. Did I mention it's close to his home? Yes? Well. Well, well, well.
Lady Hensen is willing to take her on as a Jill-of-all-trades...to help with cleaning, mending and tour operating. Henrietta is perfect for the job. Cheerful, willing, hardworking, polite and able to turn her hand to such things as mending the curtains. The Victorian orphanage hasn't been a total wash on the subject of job training...
And now, some highlights:
- Sharing a lodge with Mrs. Pettifer. It might be a small place, but it's not a bedsit, and it's not in the dodgy East End of London.
- Her orphanage roots are showing - she confesses to the gardener that she's never seen flowers growing - just in market stalls. Really?
- Miss Deidre Stone. She would like to become Mrs. Ross-Pitt, but it'll have to be over his dead body, because he isn't biting.
- Sir Peter's nephew Mike is intrigued by the plain little thing who isn't intrigued by him. He figures he'll have a laugh and get her to fall in love with him. He attempts to kiss her, and gets kicked in the shins for his troubles. Mr. Ross-Pitt breaks through a hedge to save the maiden, but the maiden has saved herself.
- After not saving Henrietta, Mr. R-P gives her a kiss on the cheek, invites her to tea at his lovely home, and earns a Dawning Realization on her part. He doesn't know yet that he's in love - but he can't get her off his mind. And now Henrietta starts to think of him as 'Adam'. Yay!
- Deidre does not compare favorably to Henrietta. Adam has reached the 'she would look good in a potato sack' stage as far as Henrietta is concerned.
While queueing up for the bus, Adam urges Henrietta to come spend the day with him at his dear old nanny's place on the Essex coast.
- The coast? Poor little orphan Henrietta has never before seen the sea!!!! She's grown up on an island and never seen the ocean.
- Adam has to head back to London because he has a courtesy date with Deidre. He's just had a wonderful day with Henrietta and the last thing he wants is to go out with the appalling Deidre. He's grumpy from the git-go, and again Deidre does not show well.
- her perfume reeks - unlike Henrietta
- she's a fussy eater - never having known what it is to be hungry - unlike Henrietta
- her voice gets shrill with temper - unlike Henrietta
- Meanwhile, back at the stately home, Henrietta reflects that she hates Deidre.
- The Hensens are going to the states for 2 weeks - so all the staff get a week off. Poor orphan H. doesn't have anywhere to go...until Matty (Adam's nanny) writes to invite her down.
- Her holiday is lovely - walking by the beach each day and chatting with Matty. Matty is like the granny she wished she had had.
- The vicar so happens to have an eldest son named David - who happens to be close in age to Henrietta. They get on like a house afire - but you just know he's like the brother she never had. Adam doesn't know that...all that he knows is that he's annoyed by the thought of her with David.
The loveliest bits of this book, for me, are the last twenty or thirty pages. Adam is adorable as a man in love. He sounds very puppy-ish. He feels great gusts of love - his heart lurches at the sight of her, he sets his mother's mind at rest concerning the troubling thought of him getting hitched to Deidre - nope, he's found someone else - someone who he thinks doesn't think of him in 'that way'...yet.
Henrietta spends part of a weekend with Matty again - David offers her a ride back. Turns out David likes a sweet young thing - Henrietta advises him 'if you like it then you'd better put a ring on it' . Adam takes an opportunity to give the best set-down ever to a presuming woman.
Adam and Henrietta are both lovesick - but neither has any clue about the other - there are murky waters...Adam is so hot and bothered that he walks over to the lodge and without even a by-your-leave kisses her. She completely enjoys the experience and admits it. But she can't figure out why a man who is as good as engaged to Deidre is kissing her. All Adam can think is that Henrietta has thrown a spanner into his sane and assured judgements. It would be nice if things could be resolved - but first Adam calls Matty and gets the story of David cleared up...then a quick trip to America. What? Yeah, he has a spot of emergency surgery to attend to in Washington (pretty sure it's Washington as in D.C. not State) coincidentally, Deirdre is in The States. Henrietta adds one plus one, divides by 50 states and comes up with Adam and Deidre together. Not altogether her fault, the kitchen knew he'd gone to the States; the milkman had it from Mrs. Patch, and he told Cook who told us....Addy overhead Mrs. Stone tell Lady Hensen that Miss Stone had flown to the States, too...so, really, you can't blame Henrietta for coming up with the wrong couple, can you?
Adam sorts this all out immediately so they can get down to the business of kissing, more kissing and proposing. The End.

Food: Henrietta ate food of the servant quarters variety AND the retired nanny variety. Casserole with baked apples and cream for afters, Stewed beef and dumplings with a jam roly poly for afters, treacle pudding, steak and kidney pudding, carrots from a neighbor's garden, potatoes from a local farmer, apples from the same farmer for apple pie and cream, scones and jam and a dough cake.
Fashion: Let's face it, Henrietta doesn't have much money to splash out. When she does finally have some money she buys a navy jersey jacket and skirt, floral blouse in muted pastels and a navy and white striped blouse with a neat little bow. Her next 'spree' nets her a finely pleated somber navy blue skirt, 2 blouses, a sage-green safari dress and a simply cut uncrushable floral dress.
English cream. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteOkay, so the "I've never seen flowers growing" line is pretty absurd; she'd have been in parks before. But in another sense, I can understand what she's saying: she's never been to a house where someone's growing the flowers they'll then have on display in their home.
Not seeing the sea? Priceless. Reminds me of one of Betty Henry's favorite bits of Irving Berlin doggerel:
We joined the Navy to see the world
And what did we see?
We saw the sea
We saw the Pacific and the Atlantic
But the Atlantic isn't romantic
And the Pacific isn't what it's cracked up to be...
Here's Fred Astaire singing it.
But it's not in the orphanage that she learned to speak consistent with her class. That's why she had to be at home until age 6; if she'd been abandoned at birth, she would have been raised by another class of people entirely...
Loved this book, except for the hideous Mike. Bad piece of work there...
Now Fred Astaire is here singing it.
DeleteBetty Anonymous
Totally possible to have never seen the sea. We didn't all grow up an hour from the coast. Orphans probably don't get many holiday outings.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't everyone live an hour from the coast in England? It ain't Montana.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this was similar to the orphans' experience (except for the "your parents/my mother" part, although that could be replaced by "your/my house-mother"):
Delete“I have never been this close to the sea,” Ellen said.
Of course you have. You’ve been to the harbor in Copenhagen a million times.”
Ellen laughed. “I mean the real sea, the way it is here. Open like this—a whole world of water.”
Annemarie shook her head in amazement. To live in Denmark, a country surrounded by water, and never to have stood at its edge?
“Your parents are really city people, aren’t they?”
Ellen nodded. “My mother is afraid of the ocean,” she said, laughing. “She says it is too big for her. And too cold!”
from "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry.
B. Baersma
Maybe Henrietta came down with Koplik's spots on the day before a rich benefactress took the orphans to the seaside?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely DC. Lots of people have never heard of Washington State and I wouldn't be surprised if Betty were one of them.
ReplyDeleteHa! Even U,S, citizens seem to have never heard of Washington State. Even when you are careful to articulate "Washington State" they assume you mean that other Washington.
DeleteKurt Cobain elevated Washington state to universal recognition...
DeleteBetty had heard of Oregon (and it's not-quite world famous silver thaw), so I suspect she was aware of Washington state. Oddly enough, I live near Wash DC and always specify those ending initials so no one gets confused and asks me if it's true the coffee is better there or whatever.
Henrietta and Mike made me think of Fanny and Henry Crawford in Mansfield Park, for some reason. I'm a recent convert to Miss Neels' books, by the way.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Betty Demon-Esprit (how incongruous that looks, somehow)! How delightful that you have found us. I so look forward to more sapient commentary like your Austen comparison. I'm more inclined to notice the cakes than the literary antecedents...
DeleteI always figured there was a direct connection from 19th century novelists like Austen & Dickens to Betty Neels, with stops at Charlotte M. Yonge and Barbara Pym. But I'm abysmally ill-read, so I can't back that up with actual examples.
DeleteWelcome, Betty Demon-Esprit. That sounds like a car model a Neels hero would drive.
DeleteWelcome, Betty De Mon Esprit, you are right about Fanny and Henry Crawford, there is a similarity there. And wasn't there another similar situation in Northanger Abbey where Isabella's ne'er-do-well brother persued Catherine?
DeleteBetty Anonymous
First, can we talk about the cover? What’s with all of the packages? There was no Shopping Trip O’Love in this book, no present-worthy events at all. Henrietta shopped at thrift shops. Is this perhaps a glimpse into the future?
ReplyDeleteThen...Hmmm...exactly how long was Henrietta in the hospital? Her landlady said she had “2 weeks to pay on Wednesday”. Adam figured she wasn’t telling the truth but needed the money, so he paid the rent. Seemed like Henrietta was in the hospital for about a week, and meanwhile the landlady rented out her room. Without telling her and with all her belongings inside and the rent paid? Pretty harsh.
More than one evil man in Bettydom has decided to get the girl to fall in love with him “for fun” when he wasn’t actually interested in her. Is that some weird British thing?
Someone mentioned recently that the RDDs had to work harder than the RBDs to get their girl. RBD Adam rescued Henrietta no less than four times ( from the clinic, from the street, from evil Mike and from creepy following guy.) He burst through hedges, jumped through windows and maybe even jumped a wall. He rescued Henrietta’s cats and later went back for her jam jar. He found her a job and a “family” (Matty). He also helped her rescue the tea house lady, and the meet-cute kitten. That’s a lot of rescuing. And he was hit by gusts of love, and discussed it with his dog. He may be Betty’s best RBD. It’s not at the top of my Betty list, but it does improve with a re-read.
a good piece of a knight-on-the-white-horse-rescuing-girls-in-danger story; read with great pleasure ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe review finally convinced me to read this one, and I really liked it! It was very straightforward. You know what I really, really liked about it? It seemed she could keep her job. She wouldn't have to live there but she could still show up to work (until the little ones start coming, at least), since Adam lived pretty close by. None of that spending her days counting the linen--aside from having to count, and mend, Lady Hensen's.
ReplyDeleteOne question: as noted in the review: "They exchange names...she's Henrietta Cowper, he's Mr. Ross-Pitt."
Actually, he asks, "What's your name?" and she says, "Henrietta Cowper." He sticks out his hand and says, "Ross-Pitt."
Not "Mr Ross-Pitt" or "Adam Ross-Pitt."
She gave her first and last name so I thought his name was Ross (first name, like this site's very own Betty Ross) Pitt (last name). So how does she KNOW that he has only given his last name? Is that normal in those circles? Personally I thought the hyphen was just poor proofreading on M&B's part.
B. Baersma