Sarah Fletcher, orphan. Age 28. Clerical worker in Outpatients at St. Cyprian's. Lives in a bedsit with Charles - her cat. She has known Professor Nauta for two or three years - he has an Outpatient clinic once a week. Sarah considers him impatient and ill-tempered and figures that he never really notices her. The Professor does notice her...but not romantically. He considers her a sensible young, but not too young, woman who dresses appropriately for her job. Things might have gone on like this for years...possibly decades, if a strange woman hadn't stopped by one evening. The Prof. has asked not to be disturbed, but this woman is insistent. Sarah calls the doctor to let him know a woman is here to see him. The Professor responds with some language that is rather stronger than Sarah likes. You should watch your language...she says to him - oh dear, such strong language on her part could get her sacked. Not to worry, the insistent lady is his own mother and she has taken a liking to Sarah, which, as any Neels aficionado knows, is the Future Mother-in-Law Stamp of Approval, No Substitutions Accepted.

Mummy would like the Professor to arrange for Sarah to come to Holland and be a companion to the Professor's granny. Mummy's had one of her 'feelings'.
Much to Sarah's surprise, Professor Nauta (which sounds sooo close to 'naughty') invites her to lunch. After first discovering the state of Sarah's vacation time, it's time to discuss granny-care. Granny is ninety years old and extremely tetchy; she is also dying. Sarah is not about to be steamrolled...however, she might be willing to do it except for Charles. Your, er, young man? Um...that would be no. Charles is her cat. The Prof. can solve all her problems - with one caveat - Sarah is not to discuss their arrangements with anyone - hospital grapevine, don'tcha know. This Will Come Back to Haunt Him. The sound you hear is the low rumble of foreshadowing....
Sarah will be getting paid, quite handsomely...which makes her rightly suspect that granny is a handful. Tetchy grandmas are an Araminta special...Sarah has no problem holding her own with the often ill-tempered old lady. Ill-tempered? The Professor evidently came by his honestly. Sarah spends hours reading to the old lady, and when that palls, a piano is wheeled in and she plays for her. At any hour of the day or night. One night as she is thundering her way through some Brahmn's, the Professor surprises the heck out of her.
Him: What the devil do you think you're doing?
Her: Tsk, tsk...you should watch your language! What are you doing here?
Him: Um. My grandmother is dying...I'm here to say goodbye.
Her: My bad.
Sarah and the Professor take turns playing piano for the dying woman at all hours, and in various states of dishabille. There's an adorable scene with Sarah playing piano in the wee sma's and having her hair plaited by the Professor.
This goes on for a couple of days - then granny goes to her final reward, and Sarah is invited to stay for the funeral...in fact, the family practically insists. They're charmingly naive about the realities of life re: working class folk. Sarah agrees to stay - even though her vacation is over. She writes a letter to her boss, aptly named Miss Payne. There was no way of knowing there would be a lightning strike of postmen...which for some reason means that Her Letter Never Gets to Miss Payne. Rumble, rumble. Remember when I said that thing about something coming back to haunt the Professor?
When Sarah gets back to London, Miss Payne loses little time in giving her the sack for coming back late from her holiday. Not only does she sack Sarah, but she also gives her a bad reference - says she's 'unreliable'. Where's the Professor in all this? Oh he's off lecturing on something somewhere...
No one wants to hire her for clerical work, but she finds an untapped market for domestic situations! A job as housemaid in Bedford with a cottage to share with Charles. For some people this work would be considered beneath them, but not our Sarah, or rather, Fletcher - as she is now called. Fletcher is happy to be in the country. Happy to work with nice people. Meanwhile, the Professor is unhappy. And by unhappy, I mean enraged. Little Miss Sarah followed his instructions not to blab about the Holland trip and now has lost her job. It's His Fault and He Knows It. I like to think that somewhere around here, he has a sort of dawning realization - but he doesn't recognize it for what it is. Sarah has not only lost her job, she's moved out of her horrible little bedsitter without leaving a forwarding address. He spends every spare minute obsessively searching for her - even resorting to bribing girls with bottles of sherry for information. As far as he can tell, she's dropped off the face of the planet. Wracked with torment and guilt, he's more than a little startled to walk into his
godmother's house and see Sarah trotting briskly towards the dining room in her housemaid's uniform.
Him: *#&@, what the devil are you doing here?

No one wants to hire her for clerical work, but she finds an untapped market for domestic situations! A job as housemaid in Bedford with a cottage to share with Charles. For some people this work would be considered beneath them, but not our Sarah, or rather, Fletcher - as she is now called. Fletcher is happy to be in the country. Happy to work with nice people. Meanwhile, the Professor is unhappy. And by unhappy, I mean enraged. Little Miss Sarah followed his instructions not to blab about the Holland trip and now has lost her job. It's His Fault and He Knows It. I like to think that somewhere around here, he has a sort of dawning realization - but he doesn't recognize it for what it is. Sarah has not only lost her job, she's moved out of her horrible little bedsitter without leaving a forwarding address. He spends every spare minute obsessively searching for her - even resorting to bribing girls with bottles of sherry for information. As far as he can tell, she's dropped off the face of the planet. Wracked with torment and guilt, he's more than a little startled to walk into his

Him: *#&@, what the devil are you doing here?
Her: Mind your language, Professor. If you don't go away, you'll get me dismissed - and that will be twice.
She shoots, she scores! He might be relieved to find her, but he's not happy to see her working the other side of the baize door. The rest of the staff are curious about the relationship between Fletcher and Lady Wesley's godson - but she very calmly gives them a slightly edited version of the facts.
A word about the household help. I love them. They love Sarah - and don't hold it against her that she obviously isn't working in her natural sphere.
Wherein Lady Wesley spends a month in London.
The country staff get to go to the city too! The London house is harder work, mostly due to Lady Wesley's increased socializing and late hours, but there are some compensations - mostly in the form of shops and cinemas which are generally thin on the ground in the country.
The professor stops by to visit Lady W. and is treated to an 'enticing' view of Fletcher/Sarah crawling backwards down the stairs. Sarah is not nearly as pleased to see him. After turning red, she ignores him and hands Lady W. her lost ring and enquires in exactly the right tone of voice if that would be all.
Lady W: Back to work, Fletcher.
Professor: (frowns)
Lady W: (to herself: The girl has gotten under his bullet-proof skin) to him: I think I'll have Mudd train her as a lady's maid.
Professor: (grinds his teeth!!)
Lady Wesley continues to make seemingly innocent, but highly inflammatory (to the Prof.) remarks about Fletcher, while the Professor nearly gives himself a rage-induced ulcer. All Sarah needs to do is ask and he can have her reinstated at the hospital and even find her better housing. As if. By the time he gets home, he's calmed down and tells his dog that Sarah can take care of herself. Way to tempt fate, dude.

'Her boyfriend,' declared Sir William, who was sentimental.
'Her cat,' said the Professor, who was not.
Thank you, Betty.
Being in London has one other advantage - plot wise. Just after buying a fetching new frock, Sarah runs smack dab into who else, but the Prof? He's no snob - not above asking a housemaid to tea at Fortum's.
Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's Back to the Country We Go!
The Professor toddles up to the country just as soon as Lady Wesley and her minions have gotten back. Poor Fletcher has a Dawning Realization as the Professor cuts the cheese (Brie is cheese, right?) she's serving. It hardly seems fair that he kisses her at the bottom of the stairs that evening.
Poor Professor Nauta. He is fighting a losing battle. No way does loving Sarah fit into his nice neat bachelor existence. There's only one solution! Get her out of his system by seeing as much as possible of her! He manipulates his mother into visiting England and has her request to 'borrow' Sarah from Lady Wesley for a month to be a companion. Sarah privately does a little fuming at being treated like...uh...a servant, but in the end she packs her fetching frock and follows orders. The house (the lovely house) that Mevrouw Nauta is staying at just so happens to belong to the Professor. It's
too bad that Sarah and the Professor are at that awkward stage in their relationship. The stage where Sarah goes out of her way to avoid him. So much so, that she fibs about a lunch date after church and ends up taking a nap in the woods. Fortunately, her fetching frock stands out and the Professor has no problem finding her. He's pretty peeved at her...and she feels foolish. Editor's Note: This whole scene is so cringe-worthy to me. I always feel embarrassed for Sarah - not only to be caught sleeping, but also to have been caught fibbing. It's just the kind of stupid that someone in love would indulge in.

Mevrouw Nauta asks her son if there isn't more suitable work for Sarah than being a housemaid. Of course he'd love to help her out, but she would refuse help. At least he knows where she is,' the obstinate little fool' he says savagely. Poor guy - he needs to seal this deal before he has a coronary.

Grand Finale!
Charles runs off in a thunderstorm. He's missing for 3 days! Sarah goes to look for him and gets trapped in a rabbit snare with him! Lady Wesley calls the Professor who races out to the country to find her. Which he does - after dark. It's too late to find their way out of the woods - so the Professor puts his arm around Sarah and holds her through the night...sounds lovely...but there's still a sticking point. Who is the mysterious Miss Lisse - she who is called darling and talks of wedding plans. No problem - it's his sister! Kissing and proposal in the driveway - in full view of the entire cadre of servants. And then a couple of encores. The End.

Food: Sausage roll, steak and kidney pie with rice pudding for afters (in the servants hall), petit pois, creamed spinach and carrot sticks, new potatoes, canapes, pasties, iced melon, jellied chicken, strawberries and fromage blanc.
Fashion: brown pleated skirt, neat little jacket and a couple of drip dry blouses. Dove grey jersey, various housemaid's uniforms including the black with white apron used for serving meals, rose patterned cotton jersey(possibly inspiration for cover art?), another girl wears an indecent red dress to the London dinner party at Lady Wesley's - Sarah could see clear down the front when she was serving.
Betty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteYou don't mention the Prof's given name! Surely he has one, doesn't he?
Inquiring minds want to know.....
I know there was one book where the heroine doesn't have a last name--Roses and Champagne, but I can't remember any where she failed to give the hero a full name.
His first name is Radolf (ugh) - but it's hardly ever used. Sarah only says his name once - in the last scene. I don't think she even thinks of him as anything other than "The Professor".
ReplyDeleteProfessor Radolf Nauta.
Betty Debbie
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. I saw it about the same time I was digging out my copy and doing a quick skim of the end.
During his mother's visit, she refers to him, of course, as Radolf; Mrs. Boots and her sister refer to him as Mr Radolf at least once or twice.
But you are so right-Sarah always thinks of him as The Professor.
Hey, it could have been Rudolf....
Betty Barbara
Oh, it's a wonderful book. Really, among her best, and definitely among the best of her Late Period.
ReplyDeleteSidebar: I was thinking about this recently, how The Canon can be divvied up into a small number of categories:
The Early Period (heroines are actively nursing)
The Late-Early Period (heroines are actively nursing at the beginning, but within a few chapters get lured away to do other stuff, like get married)
The Travel Books (The Great Betty gets to write off as business expenses all her trips to Spitzbergen, Portugal, etc. Disappointingly, never the U.S.)
The Family Books (Stepchildren, cousins, tiny motherless children: we got 'em)
The Middle Period (Heroines work in hospital related jobs, or are not trained for much; we start to get some passages in the Heroes' POV)
The Late Period (Heroines have domestic jobs more and more; not coincidentally, such jobs are much more socially acceptable in the UK as celebrity cooks like Nigella Lawson blur the line between Upstairs & Downstairs; there are entire pages of text in the heroes' POV)
Anyway, as I was saying, this book is lovely and angsty. I know exactly what the dynamic was -- Sarah was raised to be privileged, but it was conditional and she did not feel entitled. Still, it's proper training of how things work in that life. In The Great Betty's day, one could tell someone's class just by how they spoke, and there was a lot of mutual respect between the lower class & the upper class because their existence was rather symbiotic. And they were agreed in their distrust of the hated middle class, who were encroaching and contemptuous of the old order. (I could tell you stories...)
I loved every bit of this book and agree with your review and rating!! Hurrah! Just one thing to add: I get slightly breathless when I think how close the Professor comes to never seeing her again if she's not working for his godmother. (But then I figure Sarah has to call for her trunk at the bedsit, or her stepmother finds out, or something would have happened. Fate may be remarkable, but it's powerless in the face of the geo-magnetic forces pulling Neels protagonists together...)
Re TGB's day and class:
DeleteThis was published in 1990 and she is describing arguably the 1930s (well forties, early fifties).
I was amazed when the RDD went to see if a FARM had a telephone.
I would say it's still true that you can tell social class from accent (or more likely vocabulary).
Wonderful review. Thank you.
Meant slso to say that the dress visible for miles illustration is really beautiful.
DeleteBetty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteWith a few more thoughts. Of course, once I dragged out the book to verify the hero's name, I had to sit down and re-read the whole thing and I am so glad I did. What a lovely, lovely book. Happy sigh(but I digress)
Sarah is one of the few Neels heroines who knows wine. Just sayin'. No sweet Moselle for her!
And Lisse, the plot device sister--oh yeah! But what's a Betty to do? None of the other young women who flitted around The Prof made the grade as 'the other woman'!
This book has one of my favorite Betty lines: If this is your bedside behavior it's a wonder you have any patients.
ReplyDeleteThank you Betty Debbie for a perfect review of my favorite Betty. It had been so long since I first read it that I didn't want to spoil the ending by reading your review before I finished the book. It's been taking me longer now that vacation is over. So I read half the review yesterday, finished the book last night and then finished your review today.
ReplyDeleteThe "she gets gobsmacked with love and he cuts the cheese" scene really popped out at me this time. I'm glad you saw it too, I got to laugh twice. ;-)
And I learned "It's much more fun when you read along!" (sound like a commercial ha ha ha)
Definitely up in my Top Ten. I love how spunky Sarah is! A Cantankerous hero! The whole book is close to faultless and Caroline's Waterloo just beats it by a nose.
ReplyDeleteI just re-read this after someone reminded me of it on the Facebook page. There is a magically appearing dog, too. The Professor tells Sarah that he has left the dog at the vet to be groomed, and then the dog bounces up to greet her in the next scene.
ReplyDeletequite a nice piece of reading and kind of fresh plot twisting - no Ward Sisters/Staff Nurses (very successful ones at work - which they usually liked - and turning to meek housewives shortly afterwards), a lady-housemaid stuff, which is new, etc.
ReplyDeleteand somewhere in the middle there was Doulton set mentioned, and instantly that echoed 'the Royal one with hand-painted periwinkles' - I adore Hyacinth Bucket, pronounced Bouquet (LOL)
Was Lisse (the plot device sister) in Antarctica? She didn't go to her grandmother's funeral? After all, it wasn't a rushed affair -- that's why Sarah was late getting back to work. Seems odd that her name is never mentioned in the family and that she wouldn't fly back from wherever to pay her respects. The family has enough money. Very odd. Wonder what else they're keeping from Sarah.
ReplyDeleteBetty-1 refers to the professor’s mother as “Mevrouw Nauta junior” but to me, that sounds a bit odd. A mix of classic Dutch and English slang. I wonder if there isn’t a word for junior in Dutch. Or a word for dowager. Or maybe Betty thought it would be confusing to her readers if she used it. And maybe it would be.