Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Upcoming Reprise

Monday, April 30th.
Sister Peters in Amsterdam
Betty Neels first published book begins: "It was one o'clock; the corridor leading from the main hospital to the children's unit was very quiet." The rest is history.


  1. Darling Addy - without her I would have missed a lot of fun (in real life). I would have missed hours and hours of enjoyment while reading. And I would not have "met" all of you here on TUJD. And there are so many things that I learned because I read Betty Neels and follow TUJD (about foreign languages, foreign countries, foreign cultures, foreign foods, computers...)
    This is my copy.
    Betty Anonymous

  2. Nice!!! I love this one too. It lacks the smoothness of her later work, but I love its very un-PC ness. The whole thing about red-haired people, so very odd to me! Love that Conraad can't see out of one eye... the way it goes through a year. Oh, yes, so much to love!!

  3. Betty Barbara here--
    Oh yes, Betty's first! and it shows!! Can you believe it? the Veronica is the one with the "magnificent figure"!!! (She's not a bean-pole. I don't think that even happens again.)

  4. Love the book, have to be able to focus and concentrate, it's complicated! Such a good start to her career!
