Afternoon, Dear Bettys,
Today's question revolves around THE eternal question:
Who is The World's Most Unfanciable Man?
Now, I ought to say Russell Crowe as he has let himself go a bit and likes to throw things at people but I love him. I. Love. Him.
Fat Marlon Brando? Bring it.
But I can't stand either Brad Pitt or Matt Damon (commonly fanciable types) for anything unless they're in an Ocean's movie...
Such is the variety of individual taste.
Love and lardy cakes!
Betty Keira
Anyone familiar with the work of
Betty Neels knows that she had a somewhat limited repertoire of plot lines. Her genius was more about filling in the little details.
At the End of the Day
is a variation on a theme. It had some awesome moments and some great
lines. Shall we see how we feel about it at the end of the day?
tick...tick ...tick.
Julia Mitchell,
a ravishing fiery redhead of Junoesque proportions, has just turned
thirty. The big three-oh. She's nominally engaged to the slippery Nigel
Longman. Nigel is an up and coming doctor, with an up and coming job
interview in Bristol. In the meantime, she's Sister for Women's Medical
at a hospital in London. Sister Julia has a thorn in her side.
Professor van der Wagema (41).
Everyone knows they don't like each other. He runs the gamut from
tiresome to icy cold to bitingly sarcastic. I know what you're thinking:
He's the hero? Julia doesn't have a good opinion of him, but then
again, he barely registers on her radar. She doesn't know a thing about
him, and what's more, she doesn't care.

must be some kind of trigger that gets the two antagonists thinking
about each other - that trigger never gets revealed - but think about
each other they do. Maybe Julia just needs to think about a
vertebrate...and surprise, surprise, Professor van der Wagema has a fine
backbone. Mighty fine.
Even from the back he looked distinguished.
Yeah, bum check. Her burgeoning interest in him just so happens to
coincide with her dawning realization that the magic has gone out of her
relationship with Nigel. Mind you, it's all baby steps at this point.
In spite of working with Professor van der Wagema for over three years
on the ward, she knows nothing about him. Is he married? Does he have
children? Where does he live? None of these questions have ever flitted
across her consciousness before. One of the questions is answered quite
soon. He has an eleven year old son. That
must mean he's married.
showers a little unused maternal instinct on a stray kitten. Nigel is
off in Bristol and doesn't bother to call her with a status update. In
order to find out if he got the job, Julia resorts to calling the
Invertebrate's mother. Yes, her darling boy got the job. Julia shows
way too
much forbearance with Nigel. He is thrilled to get the job, but not
keen on getting married anytime soon. Maybe next year. Julia is supposed
to be satisfied with his less than thorough kissing.
If you haven't guessed by now, the sound that you're hearing is Julia's
biological clock. Nigel figures they can live in the
hospital-provided-flat and Julia can continue to work for a year or two
(that's after waiting the better part of a year to get married)...Julia
is not a nurse for nothing - she
knows she doesn't have all that many childbearing years left. She reflects to herself that
'30 is such a depressing age.'
In order to fight off her depression, she decides to take a holiday
back at Casa de Mitchell. She can potter around, do a little horseback
riding and think. Think about what? The depressing lack of commitment
that she's getting from Nigel. He's proving impossible to pin down and
have a serious discussion with. In fact, Julia wonders what exactly they
have to talk about - beyond work?
Let's just get off the subject of Nigel, okay? He's really not worth the word count.
Remember when I said that Professor van der Wagema has a son? Young
Nicholas is a pretty useful plot device. The Professor hires Mr.
Mitchell to tutor the lad in Latin. It's a wonderful excuse for him to
meet Julia's family.
Julia's mother is like a marital-status heat seeking missle. In less time than it takes to say
'lobster Newburg' -
she manages to winkle out the fact that he has been widowed for eight
years. Cha-ching! He's single. And happy to drive Julia back to London
at the end of her weekend. For
No Reason Whatsoever, Julia tarts herself up for the ride home...even wearing her Gucci shoes!
I hope you dressed yourself to kill on my account...says he, and then he kisses her! An engaged woman (yes, she's
still engaged)! Their relationship is quickly changing from adversarial to friendly.
Nicholas is more than happy to spend weekends at Casa de Mitchell. Julia
goes home for another visit and the two go riding together. Papa van
der Wagema rides up on his
white charger hired horse
and manages to get an invitation for the weekend. It's just a tiny step
from spending the night to being on a first name basis.
My name is Lauris. And now for some muddling.
Nicholas needs a mother...
Him: He'll have one soon...
Yes, it's that hoary old chestnut:
I'm In Love With You and Plan to Marry You, But Until Then You Can Just Assume I'm Engaged to Someone Else. Aargh. This will continue for the next
pages. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, Lauris is looming larger
and larger in her thoughts. Yes, that's the prelude to a Dawning
Lauris sees her distraught face in the morning and drags part of the truth from her -
'I can't marry Nigel'.
He doesn't get to hear her confess her love for him yet, but you can
bet he knows which way the Thames is flowing. Lauris snatches the
opportunity to offer Julia a ride to Bristol - so as to have it out with
Nigel. Risky business that. Taking the girl you love to meet her
fiancee - there's always the possibility that they'll make up. Nope.
After an initial
'You're throwing ME over?',
Nigel seems positively relieved to have dodged the matrimonial bullet.
Very lowering to a girl, but Lauris is right there to get the post-game
wrap-up. He invites himself to dinner at her flat and asks for all the
gory details.
Now that Nigel is out of the way, let's start dating! If only it were so
easy. Julia is firmly of the opinion that Lauris is engaged. She does
go out with him a couple of times, but always under protest 'what will
your fiancee think?' Lauris could seal the deal PDQ if only he'd tell
her that he loves her...not a mythical fiancee - but that's not how
things roll in Neeldom. There are formalities. First of all, Julia must
have lunch at his house, meet his housekeeper and his dog Digby (whose
name always reminds me of an old article about the
'redshirt' characters in Star Trek - the author named the redshirts '
Digby and Johnson'...but I digress).
The Sad Tale of Nicky's Mother is told. She left them when Nicholas was little - and went to America only to die of viral pneumonia (as you do...).

Then a little excitement is in order. Julia feels the need to walk home from Lauris' place.
No, that's too far.
Okay, I'll take the bus from the British Museum.
Fine, but I'll walk you there.
a darn good thing he does, because they get caught in a demonstration.
Lauris pushes Julia up against a wall and shelters her Excuse me while I grab a fan. Wow, did it just get
a little hot in here? Not only does he protect her,
he then proceeds to Kiss Her Fiercely.
is coming and Lauris has invited Julia's two younger brothers to go to
Holland for a few days with him and Nicholas. Would Julia please come
too? Julia is only too happy (it will give her a chance to check out the
fictional fiancee). But first she has to get a streaming head cold.
Lauris comes up to her flatlet and bullies her into getting better. I'll have you up on your feet if it kills me. He
makes tea, heats up soup, feeds Wellington (the kitten) and offers to
wash her hair. Awww. His motive (besides being in love) has got to be
the trip to Holland.
picks up all three boys, then stops by to get Julia. Night ferry from
Harwich, he's got a lovely small castle with pepperpot towers, this is
my mother, sleep well...
Julia gets up early in the morning to go exploring and is proposed to for her pains.
Him: You love me now, don't you?
Her:Yes, but what about your finacee?
I never said I had a fiancee...I merely stated my intention of getting
married. Nicholas knows I want to marry you, so does my mother, so does
your mother. You're the only one who didn't get it.
Proposal, kissing.
The end.
Rating: This one was a mixed bag for me. Julia has dug
herself into a very boring rut with Nigel. She's not getting any younger
- and she's watching her dreams of a house in the country with 2.5
kids, a donkey, a pony, two dogs, a cat or two and a husband who loves
her - slip slide away. Her dissatisfaction with Nigel isn't anything new
in a
Betty Neels, but it does ring true. She
really does like him - but Nigel is unable/unwilling/too thick to see
Julia as a real woman who has needs and a biological clock that is
running down. I didn't appreciate how long
The Nigel Affair
lingered on in the book (she doesn't officially dump him until page
114!!). If you assume that the antagonistic feelings between Julia and
Lauris at the beginning of the book are from suppressed desire, then his
iciness and her statement
"He's the most unfanciable man I know"
(I♥Betty Neels)make more sense. Betty Neels dealt with a somewhat similar plotline much more deftly in
Heidelberg Wedding
(published the year before this one). If I had one wish for this book,
it would be that we knew more of what Lauris was thinking. Such as, when
did he fall in love with her? Before she fell for him, that much is
obvious...but when? The best I can give it is a
Mince Pie.
Food: A whole meal with capitalization - salad Niçoise,
lobster Newburg, soufflé Harliquin. Macaroni cheese, cheese sandwich
and lager after the cinema, cress sandwiches, chocolate cake, smoked
salmon with brown bread and butter, omelette Diplomate (more
capitalization!), peaches poached in champagne, mince pies, doughnuts,
lobster soup, roast duck, syllabub with lashing of cream.
Fashion: The Professor wears slacks and a sport shirt
(off duty), Julia wears old slacks and a disreputable sweater, an
elderly corduroy skirt with a cotton sweater that had seen better days.
She goes riding in slacks with an old out-at-elbows sweater and a bright
scarf. When she
'dresses to kill', she wears a knitted jacket and skirt with a tucked silk blouse, all in grey, with her Gucci shoes.