Good Evening, Bettys!
Aunt Kate of A Summer Idyll is sure a piece of work. She's a baddie of epic proportions. I mean, sure, she donates all of her estate to charity but to specifically mention a young relation (you know, the one who showed up for the cool hand on the fevered brow routine in your hour of dire necessity) only to cut her out of it is in poor taste. And The Great Betty did NOT do poor taste (unless it was to point out that some of our heroines had a crummy wine palate).
Anyway, as long as we're on the subject of unexpected wills, what would you imagine any of our heroines would do with a sudden windfall? (And don't say buy a wild horse and live depressingly alone in the country all winter. That's taken.)
Love and lardy cakes,
Betty Keira
For some reason, the plot to A Summer Idyll is very easy for me to remember:
- Phoebe Creswell (22) is a nurse in training.
- She's been on a few dates with Houseman Basil even though he is flashy and she is plain.
- Basil takes her to a party wherein she drinks something that tastes like 'sugared petrol'
- Basil ditches her so that he can go clubbing
- Phoebe runs into him at the hospital a couple of days later, he insults her, she slaps him silly. It's official, I like her.
considers dropping out of her training and starting again at a
different hospital, but before she has time to put that plan into
effect, Aunt Kate calls Phoebe's boss and demands that Phoebe come and
take care of her in her time of need.
Dr. Pritchard channels his
inner stalker. |
is under no illusion as to how fun this will be (not at all), but it
solves her problem rather neatly, so she heads off to Woolpit
(yes, Woolpit) the very next day. Aunt Kate makes Attila the Hun seem
warm and cuddly. She has a 'young whipper-snapper' of a doctor. Dr. George Pritchard (32)
may be hot and Phoebe may be plain, but that doesn't stop him from
falling for her. She likes him quite a bit, but that's all - as far as
she's concerned, he's way out of her league. He, on the other hand, has
taken to watching for glimpses of her out his surgery window.
And then Aunt Kate dies.
though Phoebe was her only living relative, even though Phoebe was the
only one to come and nurse her in her final days...Aunt Kate leaves all
of her worldly possessions to charity. All. She does mention Phoebe in
the will...just to reiterate the fact that Phoebe is to get nothing.
No. Thing.
For some reason Basil the Houseman shows up on the doorstep the day after the funeral. Phoebe shuts the door in his
face after informing him that Aunt Kate didn't leave her any
inheritance at all, including the house. Dr. Pritchard watches from his
surgery window. Gears are turning in his head - if Phoebe isn't to live
in the house, where will she go?
a few weeks grace period (before the house is sold), Phoebe arms
herself with some nursing magazines and starts writing application
letters. Before the spit is dry on the stamps, Dr. Pritchard proposes! Editor's Note: I'm
going to give him a pass on this MOC. He's in love and doesn't want her
tangled up in nurses training somewhere else, possibly far away.
"Thank you George, you're a saint!" |
divulges the fact that he's 32 years old, half-Dutch and his first name
is George. Hmm. George. That brings to mind another guy named George.
St. George. You know, that guy who killed a dragon. George Pritchard is
not called upon to kill a dragon, but he does wallop a leather-clad
biker who is stealing the silver and threatening Phoebe with a
flick-knife. Yes, a flick knife. Best fight scene in a Neels, ever.
Phoebe even gets a kiss.
I mention the implied future conjugal relations? George suggests that
they take it slow and get to know each other for a month or so...
Phoebe: After we're married?
George: Yes. I'm quite sure we'll be a happily married couple pretty dang soon.
married couple? George is sure thinking ahead. He proves his foresight
again when they go shopping in Cambridge. He practically shoves her into
an expensive lingerie shop and tells her to buy three of everything.
He's got a twinkle in his eye (probably their firstborn...if you get my
They are married by special licence.
Is there such a thing as too much pink?
Not in Neeldom. |
it was the way he encouraged her to buy unmentionables...maybe it was
his heroic gesture in regard to the violent biker...whatever the reason,
Phoebe starts imagining a future in which they share the big bedroom at
the back of the house.
days after the wedding, things start going south. I mean east. They
head off to Holland for 10 days. They should have gone to
Stourhead...relationships are forged and strengthened at Stourhead.
Stourhead. Word.
that strange hissing sound? It's a snake in the grass named
Corina. Corina. I can't say enough bad things about Corina. She
monopolizes George - acts like she's his one and only. She
flings herself on him at every opportunity. What does George do about
it? Nothing. He passively allows Corina to push his brand-new wife away.
It's Corina who puts the beginning seeds of doubt in Phoebe's mind,
but I blame George for allowing those doubts to fester.
one good thing about the trip to Holland is that Phoebe realizes she's
in love. And with that realization begins to allow George's cousin,
Kasper, to flirt with her. Aargh! I just get frustrated at the amount
emotional manipulation going on here. Phoebe is fascinated by Kasper -
and blushes whenever his name comes up. Like she has a guilty secret -
which she doesn't! She does cast her good sense to the wind and
encourages Kasper a tiny bit when George allows himself to be
monopolized by Corina. Again.
A few badly chosen words and Kasper is invited to visit them in Woolpit, come June.
is lovely in early summer, George and Phoebe are settling in and
finally starting to get to know each other...when here comes Kasper! Oh,
and he's brought Corina with him. With enough luggage to stay a month!
does her best impression of a wolf hunting down a straggling caribou
and goes after George with unparalleled single-mindedness. Gone is any
chance for Phoebe to have time by herself with George. Corina has dug
herself in for a long spell of trench warfare. Phoebe fights back with
strict breakfast hour rules. Seems kind of weak in the face of Corina's
blatant artillery, but that's all she's got. Luckily for her the
village of Woolpit experiences it's own little measles epidemic. Corina
and Kasper flee the scene.

for a happily ever after? No, George suggests that they should drive up
to London and have dinner (and dancing) with Corina and Kasper. Phoebe
prays for someone in the village to need some urgent medical
attention...a fractured femur would be providential. Too bad for Phoebe
that the entire village happens to be disgustingly healthy and
prone. The dinner is just as bad as she thought it would be. Corina
once again monopolizes George...she is left with Kasper...again.
in Woolpit things start to get back to normal...Phoebe sits around
knitting, George reads the paper and takes naps in the sun when he's not
working. I can see them sliding into Mr. and Mrs. Barcalounger.
has time to contemplate the state of the that Corina was
gone there would be time for her to get closer to George. She had no
idea how to go about it - because she had no sexy little tricks. (To quote The Princess Bride, "I do not think that means what you think that means...")
now for a happily ever after? That would just be silly...because just
when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, it's The Return of Corina.
Not every book in the Canon has an unforgivable line...but many do. In A Summer Idyll it's when George asks Phoebe to apologize to Corina.
was perched on the rent table, with her legs swinging. That she had
been talking about Phoebe was obvious from the look of triumph she shot
at her as she went into the room. She said at once in a little girl
voice: "You see, George, how cross Phoebe looks. She doesn't want me to
stay - she said she hadn't invited me..."
looked up briefly: "You've already said that, Corina, and I'm quite sure
that if Phoebe did say that she didn't mean it. My wife would never be
inhospitable to our guests." His voice hardened. "And if she did, I'm
sure it was inadvertent and she'll apologize."
Corina then proceeds to stay and monopolize George
FOR A WEEK!!! She is finally dislodged by a quartet of poisoned kiddies and a missed trip to Cambridge.
After George FINALLY escorts Corina off the premises, all's well that ends well.
"Happen they be in love?"
"Happen they are." Mrs. Thirsk smiled broadly. "And high time too."
A couple of laps around the lake would give
those crazy kids enough time to sort themselves out. |
The moral of this story? Visit Stourhead first!
I really really like the first half of this book - which made the
second half much less enjoyable. The second half could have benefited
from more bikers and less Corina. I liked George much better in the
first half when he was actually doing something. Once he
and Phoebe get married, he turns into just about the most passive hero
in Neeldom. He allows Corina full reign to do her worst...public
kissing, private rides home, monopolizing a newlywed, etc. His seeming
approval of Corina's actions is what drives Phoebe to allow Kasper to
flirt. Drove me crazy. Of course Phoebe doesn't help matters along by inviting Kasper to visit. I'm as baffled as Phoebe when George says, "I was always under the impression that a girl knew when a man was in love with her - you're the exception to the rule." Really? Did he read that in a book? A girl knows when a man is in love with her? How was she supposed to know?
The first half of the books is a Queen of Puddings for me. The second half merely rates a Cheese Board. I'd say it averages out to a helping of Mince Pies.
A drink that tastes like sugared petrol, tiny sausage rolls,
tiny vol-au-vents, smoked salmon on slivers of brown bread and butter.
Aunt Kate has fish in milk, egg custard and coddled eggs. Mrs. Thirsk is
famous for her rabbit stew with dumplings. For her first dinner party,
Phoebe makes watercress soup, ribs with little cutlet frills covering
the charred ends, saffron rice and pavlova. Mrs. Thirsk prepares lunch
that includes tomato soup, lamb chops and a 'green salad ice cream' for
afters. I couldn't find any recipes for green salad ice cream. I'm
wondering if it was a punctuation error.

green jersey separates bought at the January sales, worn with a velvet
jacket - it was the wrong outfit to wear to a party where all the other
girls were wearing slinky black dresses with deep vee necklines and no
backs worth mentioning. A grey wool dress that did nothing for her, a
dull brown dress that wasn't any better. Shopping trip to Cambridge
where she not only gets a load of new lingerie, she also gets pink satin
high heel bedroom slippers.