Good morning, Bettys!
This is my last reprise and, let me just say, it's been a peach rolling around in all this Betty awesomeness. Having read through all the comments on the original post and discussion thread, I have two observations. 1) I think it's agreed that Francesca is one of the best heroines in the late Canon. and 2) The comments from the Great Socking Betty Blogland are the thing that has made this so fabulous. Here are snippits of comments from just this novel:
- It was nice for an RDD to recognize a snub and react against it (rather
than hand one out himself like, oh I don't know...Nasty Reilof?) when he
walks out on his godmother's shindig. She doesn't know it (after all,
you're kinda stuck with godmothers), but FRANNY does. Good for him!
- You failed to mention that Lady Trumper is Marc's godmother. I think
this is the only time a Neels hero has a rotten godmother. I was quite
surprised when that little plot point came along. How did either of his
parents come to know such a person? and value her enough to make her
godmother to their child? Or maybe Lady T was nicer 35 years ago??
- $5000 pounds for Harrods? Really? Wow. I've never even shopped at a
place where I could spent $5000 in one go. There are no such places in
Podunk, PA. None.
- Betty Barbara here--
Thanks for mentioning the mobile phone, because
that jogged my memory for something else I wanted to mention. Mayhap
this book was written earlier that it was published--a lot earlier.
elderly butler/man of the house is mentioned to have been in the
resistance with Marc's dad. Given that the book was copyrighted in the
late 1990's, that would make faithful retain around 80 years old(If he
had been in his 20's during WWII). If Marc's dad was his contemporary,
and Marc is typical RDD age(say 37), the Marc's dad was well into his
40's when Marc is born. Of course, dad and retainer could have been
teens during the war, which would make retainer in his early to mid 70's
and put dad back to typical RDD age when Marc was born.
Anyway--a round about way of mentioning that I think this is the last Betty Book that mentions WWII.
See what I mean? You are all so wonderful to hear from!
Love, love and lardy cakes!
Betty Keira
I can't believe this is my last review. I was a little nervous about doing
The Fortunes of Francesca
- I know it's not a universal favorite (as if there is such a thing!).
There are no 'other women', no pet rescues, no adorable kiddies...the
romance is
really long in coming...despite all (or perhaps because of) that, I adore this book. Adore it. Let's dig in.
Francesca Bowen
(23) is sorely in need of work. She's had two years worth of nurses
training, that and a dollar bill will buy you your hearts desire (as
long as your heart only desires things from the dollar store). She's
the breadwinner of a family that includes,
a) her aunt, Mrs. Blake and
her younger brother (and medical student), Finn. Auntie can't work
(health issues), and Francesca and Auntie won't allow Finn to
work. Their household is oddly devoid of animal companionship.
answers an ad seeking a 'girl Friday'. Lady Trumper is not willing to
engage her, Francesca is not deemed suitable. She is however, suitable
enough to do a spot of heroic rescue work in Lady Trumper's kitchen
wherein Elsie (a servant) is bleeding from a nicked artery.
Professor Marc van der Kettener (35) is
impressed with Francesca's sangfroid-i-ness. It's not every day that
you meet a small mousy stranger who's that cool in the face of
for Lady Trumper is not particularly fun, but Francesca manages to
spread a little sunshine, endure what must be endured and enjoy whatever
little pleasures are offered - and she's a pro at recognizing the good
things in life.
Editor's Note: If you don't like characters like Pollyanna, you probably won't like Francesca - she seems to go through life playing The Glad Game (see first paragraph of the plot summary on wiki if you're not familiar with this game).
Professor sees Francesca walking down a busy street - so he pulls over
and picks her up. She's her usual outgoing self, but he's not sure what
to make of her. It's like she doesn't have an off switch.
'I trust Lady Trumper doesn't have to listen to your chatter?'
'No, no...I speak only when spoken to. Sorry to have bored you, but you did look like the kind of person one could chat with.
not sure that you could call the Professor a kindred spirit - at least
not when it comes to chatting, but he is intrigued by Francesca's
indomitable spirit. When life hands her lemons, she doesn't just make
lemonade, she makes a friggin' lemon meringue pie.
kind of medicine does Professor Marc specialize in? He's a heart
surgeon, that's what. In Neeldom, where heart surgeons flourish, can
heart attacks be far behind? Nope, they can't. In this case, the
revelation that Marc is a heart specialist comes only 4 pages before
Auntie has a heart attack. It's clear to Francesca that Auntie will
need more supervision when she leaves hospital - so Francesca starts to
contemplate getting a new job working the graveyard shift - she'll just
have to forgo sleep for the foreseeable future.
being Franny can't help but be forthright. When Lady Trumper
discloses her unethical bill paying strategy, Franny corrects
her. Faster than the grass is growing in my front yard
(the van der Stevejincks have an embarrassment of lush greenery at this time of year),
Lady T sacks her. Francesca isn't overly fussed - after all, she was
planning on quitting in a few days. Lady Trumper threatens non-payment
of wages, but Franny very reasonably counter-threatens to take her to
The Haven in Pimlico. It sounds to me
like a place where old racehorses are put to pasture - which is sort of
what it is. The Haven is a small rest-home/geriatric facility,
conveniently located only a short bus ride from Francesca's home on Fish
Street. The pay isn't great - neither are the hours, but at least it's a
job. At least it's a job right up until Francesca slips and sprains
her ankle. Then loses her job. The little household is firmly wedged
between a rock and a hard place. There's simply not enough funds to go
around. Truly the low point for Francesca, Auntie and Finn. If only the
Professor was around to chat with...
Francesca could have whipped the winged Nazgul all by
herself...if she hadn't needed to protect Auntie. |
SirWilliam Meredith, the
Winged Nazgul of Opportunity
comes a-calling. He offers a home to Franny and Auntie. Francesca has
grave misgivings, but what's a breadwinner to do, when she can't earn
any bread? Uncle William has spent his life planning revenge and simply
can't pass up such a rare chance to get back at his sister and the
daughter of his other sister. If he had a mustache, it would be
twirling like a cordless drill with a new battery. Things are looking
dire for Auntie - no medical attention, no money, no home of her own -
and a brother who would just like her to die ASAP. As for Franny, Evil
Uncle plans for her to be an unpaid servant for the rest of his life -
and not receive a penny piece afterwards. Where, oh where, is the
You have no power here. I plan to marry Francesca. |
back in London and Franny is on his mind, but where is she? Not on
Fish Street, that's for sure. She's gone without a forwarding address.
The Professor is not without resources...and by resources I mean Finn.
Finn has been uneasy about Franny - her letters don't sound like her.
The two men cook up a rescue plan. Leaving at the crack of dawn, the men
drive down to Dorset and beard the dragon in his den. Uncle William
doesn't care if they take Mrs. Blake, but for some reason he feels that
keeping a 23 year-old niece is his right. The Professor says, I have that right, we're to be married. Franny just about swallows her tongue - but Finn shushes her - leave it to the professor. Auntie is dropped off at the hospital and Francesca is to stay at Marc's place.
- Francesca might be too thin, too pale and too tired, but she had the light of battle in her eyes.
- Marc's secretary, Mrs. Willett, will chaperone (and thus preserve Francesca's reputation).
- Marc gives Francesca carte blanche at Harrod's for a new wardrobe, including wedding outfit. Francesca sensibly agrees to it - she has no money of her own.
- Marc watches Francesca walk back to his place looking 'as though she intended to conquer the world'.
- Francesca tries to be more of a silent type...I find your silence quite terrifying.
Francesca has a knack when it comes to chatting with absolute
strangers. She gets to hear about all sorts of interesting things - how
proud the saleslady at Harrods is that her son got into cathedral choir
school, which hospital the cabby had his appendix out at, the butler's
sister's chilblains, etc...Her effort at being quiet is to try and fit
herself into a mold - a mold of what she perceives as the ideal wife for
Marc. Although he's not able to articulate it yet, he just wants her to
be herself. He's had glimpses into her awesomeness - just enough to
know that while she may be small and plain and mousy, she is also happy,
courageous and, well, awesome.
- Oh, and she realizes she's in love with him. Has been for some time.
The wedding is, of course, by special licence. Finn and Auntie
along with Mrs. Willett and Crisp make up the wedding party. Then it's
off to Holland for a bit. Marc admits to himself that he is getting fond
of Francesca.
He thought of her often and with pleasure. He
drops her off for a day of shopping in Den Haag, but neglects to give
her any money. Francesca is resourceful enough to survive the day with
ten pounds in her purse - enough for morning coffee, a sandwich for
lunch and the entry fee for the Mauritshuis. Not enough for a trolley
ride all the way back to the hospital. Marc is a little put out that
she is late, until he finds out why - then he grovels quite nicely.
Franny, being Franny doesn't hold a grudge about it.
Truer words were never spoken. |
Marc has to go away for a few days - he leaves Franny
at their home in Holland. She misses him, but more importantly, he has
been looking forward to coming home and finding her waiting for him.
in London Marc tells Francesca that they are going to a dinner party at
Lady Trumper's. No! says Franny. Yes! says Marc. He's not ashamed of
her. Franny finds her friendly salesgirl at Harrod's and together they
The Amber Chiffon Dress of Destiny. It turns Franny into a
stunner. Marc is somewhat gobsmacked at how pretty she is. She can see
the unspoken compliment in his eyes, which helps carry her through the
cocktail hour. Lady Trumper can't help but be spiteful and rude about
Francesca - to Marc, who won't stand for
anyone to insult Francesca. He invents a medical emergency and takes Francesca out to dine and dance.
Editor's Note: Marc
has been very gradually leading up to falling in love with Francesca - I
think this evening is the critical eye-opener for him. He's still not
quite ready to admit it to himself, but he does very soon hereafter.
has to go to Israel for a week or so. On the brink of leaving, he
nearly confesses his love - but is interrupted. Dang. There's just time
to give Franny a kiss.
The final scene is as cute as it is short...
- Marc
hides out in his downstairs office - Franny knows he's there because
she can see his car. She finally goes downstairs to see him.
- Franny thinks Marc is happy because he's fallen for someone - she tells him she just wants him to be happy.
- Why?
- Because I love you more than anything in the world.
- I love you too - and I was sitting here wondering how to tell you.
Family van der Kettener, the later years. |
- I'll tell you how to do it, said Franny...(brilliant, absolutely brilliant)
Future pledges of affection are discussed.
'...Two of each, said Franny, then they can make up a tennis four.'
'...At least you don't hanker after a cricket eleven.'
The End.
Francesca reminds me of a doll I owned in the early
1960's . |
Rating: If you were hoping for a love story,
The Fortunes of Francesca
might disappoint. It doesn't disappoint me. I adore Francesca. She's
such a fun character - indomitable, chatty, cheerful - a glass half-full
kind of girl. She's not entirely sweetness and light - she does have a
fierce side. I love her when she's calling bad Uncle William a
tyrant. I love her when she shares a few truths with Lady Trumper - and
is willing to do so even in the face of being sacked. Brother Finn is a
surprisingly consistent character - in many of
Betty Neels
other books, he would have barely rated a mention - but in The Fortunes
of Francesca he hangs around for an unusually long time. It's rather
adorable that he has a bit of a man-crush on Professor van der
Kettener. It's also adorable that while he thinks the Professor will
make Franny a good husband, he also hopes that Franny won't be
pig-headed about it. Marc is a fine hero - but let's face it - the story
is not really about him...Francesca steals the show each and every time
she makes an appearance. Marc will spend the rest of his life
see-sawing between a wish for peace and quiet and wondering how he ever
got so lucky as to be married to Francesca.
Lashings of Whipped Cream!
Food: Eggs, bacon and fried bread, fish and chips supplied by the Professor, steak and kidney pudding (twice), tea and crumpets,
'warm milk laced with the best brandy', fairy cakes,
roast pheasant, red cabbage and a rich pudding with whipped cream.
Franny makes three kinds of sandwiches - Gentleman's Relish, cucumber
and egg and cress.
Fashion: navy skirt with a white blouse
topped with a navy cardigan, a sodden woolly hat and a mac that clings
damply, TWO pre-wedding shopping trips to Harrods - fully financed by
Marc! At her first post-wedding dinner party she wears a dark red velvet
dress. To go to Lady Trumper's dinner party, Francesca splurges on the
Amber Chiffon Dress of Destiny that pretty much stops Marc in his tracks.