Saturday, February 27, 2010

Book Caption Winner(s)!

The Grand Poobah Arbiters of Everything had a confab this morning about our caption contest. After the arm wrestling and synchronized clogging, we sat down (well, virtually) and hammered out the You Bettys are too smart for words. (Which is why I posted a picture of unofficial Betty mascot Evan Lysacek winning his gold medal. My new motto is: "When words fail...Lysacek." You're welcome.)

We have three winners (You can't do that! To which I reply, which part of Grand Poobah Arbiter of Everything was unclear?) And here they are:

Betty JoDee for her use of adverbs and adjectives "magnificent", "sensibly" and "impersonal"-- "Ouch, I believe that your magnificent Alsatian just nipped me on my sensibly clad posterior!"
The professor, hiding quiet amusement behind heavily lidded eyes, examined the body part in question with an impersonal hand . . . .

Betty Maria (via email) threw her submission in under the wire. We like it because our penny-wise heroines would surely have their minds wander to a sensible jersey dress after their hearts had sufficiently returned to their normal rhythms upon meeting their future husbands. "Now that is a darling jersey dress, in a very tasteful shade of dove-grey...and I'll bet it's uncrushable, too!"

Betty Lynn for her deft hand with a Neels villainous. Our only question is whether or not Veronica had worn her fake fur jacket to her wedding with Larry the American. "Oh no! My sister has taken all the housekeeping money to buy herself a fake fur jacket with rhinestone buttons. Whatever shall I do, Dr. Wal der Walkarpitz?"

Please email us with mailing addresses. You might even make a request for a particular book with the clear understanding that we don't have duplicates for each and we might crush your pretensions more surely than a purple clad matron meeting a Vogue model in a trouser suit.
[Betty Debbie] We do have roughly 60 books in our current stash (plus another dozen or so at Betty Keira's) it is possible we might be able to fulfill requests.

And thanks to all our Bettys. Stay uncrushable.


  1. Yay! and congratulations to the winners from one of the non-winners. I gladly admit that your winning entries were much more Betty than mine. (Going quickly to make sure I don't have any fake fur jackets with rhinestone buttons hiding in my closet......)

  2. Big round of applause to all the winners. I admit I used the caption contest to poke fun at Betty Keira for giving away her first ever Betty Neels book (and it was Fate is Remarkable -- Ah-mazing!)

    And good going, Betty Debbie, for getting onto Twitter. I'm off to pimp your presence!

  3. With her soft mousey hair falling forward to partly shield her rising blush, Betty JoDee bends her splendid build [more splendid than it used to be after four kids back-to-back] to accept her gold medal in nursing--oops, her caption-penning prize.
    Professor Maarke van der Hertenzoon: Few women of my acquaintance blush prettily.
    Betty JoDee: I imagine few women of your acquaintance blush, full stop.
    The professor gives a shout of laughter.

    Okay, I’m paraphrasing the scene from memory and am not sure it is actually inspired from Neelsdom (calling all Bettys—anyone know if this is a Neels scene or from a wannabe also-ran?). In addition, my Professor Maarke van der Hertenzoon (a blonde giant of a professor but alas with neither Lamborghinis nor Jollys) has to my knowledge never given a shout of laughter; he has been known, when particularly amused, to give a low rumble of a chuckle, reasonably a la Neels.

  4. That's it, I'm "more splendid" than I used to be before having six kids. It's too bad my original "splendid shape" was more of an Araminta and less of an Olivia. Olivias have got the height to carry a splendid shape. Aramintas would just turn dumpy...*sigh*.

  5. I would be splendid if I weren't so short. And you're on Twitter, Betty Debbie?! I thought we agreed to be co-dependent! ;0)

  6. Ah, Betty Keira -- we've lured her over to the dark side. You'll never hear from her again, as she gets sucked in to the Twitterverse. You could, of course, always join us.

    (Funny: Betty Janet refuses to follow more than 100 people, so she had to pick someone to sacrifice, I mean remove, from her follow list in order to follow Betty Debbie. I say all the Bettys should join Twitter just to make Betty Janet's head explode.)

    Incidentally, has anyone else noticed that if you type out a lot of people's names with the honorific Betty, we all begin to sound a bit like a cult - - or the residents of a poor town in the Ozarks?

  7. The Cult of Bettys? How very Dr. Who of you.(The Cult of Skaro). I don't think you need to worry unless we start speaking in a mechanically distorted voice saying "exterminate, exterminate". If we do that, my suggestion is to run.

  8. Yes. Run . . . and find a tardis!

  9. Ow, wow! Thank you so much. And I do think that a fake fur jacket with rhinestone buttons would be a necessity for any villainness marrying an American - particularly if he has a pinky ring.

  10. Yikes! I HAVE a fake fur (is that real rabbit?--Thumper, is that you?) jacket with rhinestone buttons that my grandmother gave me years ago with the notion that a young female professor would need one to attend all of the houseparties given for faculty on campus. Little did she know that you mostly attend bonfires in a sweatshirt and jeans. Wait!--upon closer inspection, it's a short cape--am I safe from Leisure Suit Larry?

  11. Betty JoDee: If it's real rabbit, I would keep a sharp eye out for ambitious housemen AND Leisure Suit Larry. The one might try to lure you to Brighton and the other give you a garishly large diamond, in a modern setting!
