zebra crossing
Oh, we have them here in the U.S. we just don't call them that. They are merely white longitudinal stripes painted on the dark surface of a road to indicate a crossing. In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy they are mentioned...in reference to Man using the improbable creature called the Babel fish as proof to the non-existence of God... the novel says, "Man then goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed at the next zebra crossing."
In Ring in a Teacup, Lucy stands at a zebra crossing "in Knightsbridge, having spent her morning with her small nose pressed to the fashionable shop windows there, and among the cars which pulled up was a Panther 4.2 convertible with him in the driver's seat. There was a girl beside him; exactly right for the car, too, elegant and dark and haughty..."
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