Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
Abigail was the name of the third wife of King David in the Old Testament who referred to
herself as David's "handmaid" which paved the way for its use in literature for a lady's servant.
As an English name, Abigail first became common after the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans. It eventually became slang for 'servant' and grew less common.

As an English name, Abigail first became common after the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans. It eventually became slang for 'servant' and grew less common.
Bored yet? Don't be. Miss Abigail Trent is all about living up to her name. Because she was born on a Saturday her parents thought it would be a good joke to give her a name that was synonymous with work. That sounds a little mean to me. Now that her last remaining parent is dead and gone, Abigail is going to have to work hard for her money. Girlfriend has skills - she's a nurse, which in most cases would be a slam dunk, living wise...but she has a dependent. No, it's not a dog...or a cat...or a sibling. It's faithful family retainer, Bollinger aka, Bolly. He used to be the gardener, back when Abby's pastures were greener and her parents were viable, but lately he's been doing everything pro-bono - and Abigail owes him. In order to make bigger bucks, Abby signs on with an agency - it's not so much that she'll be earning more than at a hospital, but with temp work comes quicker paychecks. The sooner she gets paid, the sooner she can discharge her debt to Bolly. Nevermind the current economic climate...Abigail seems to have jobs thrust on her whether she wants them or not. Mostly she wants them.
Job #1:
Job #1:
Her first job takes her to Holland. Private nurse to the twice-widowed Clara Morgan. Yes, she's a lonely spoiled American, but she isn't really bad at heart, just shallow and ill. Her doctor brings along a specialist...who must be some sort of surgeon who specializes in gastroenterology. Professor van Wijkelen is a moody giant. Besides surgery, he specializes in icy sneers and scathing put-downs. That's okay, Abby can take it - she's made of stern stuff. Not only is she
tough, but she can read him like a cheap novel - "40 or more and unhappy - though I don't suppose he knows it." She's not the only good reader - he notices that she's unhappy but hides it. Abby runs into Prof. van Wijkelen at the post office while trying to send money to England for Bolly. It's evidently harder than it looks, but the Professor volunteers to drop it by when he's in London.
Job #2
Professor van Wijkelen asks Abigail to stay on in Holland to 'special' Professor de Wit. Luckily Abby finds out that Professor van Wiljkelen's first name is Dominic - lucky for me that I don't have to write out the full names of BOTH Professors. Also, less confusing. We'll call him Dominic from now on, even though Abigail doesn't yet. Strange letter from Bolly...don't send any money for a while. Bolly and Dominic had an interesting discussion back in London and reached an understanding. Bolly is now working for Dominic. In Holland. Which means that Abby can now visit him during her off hours. She makes darn sure to visit when Dominic is scheduled to be in surgery...there's only so many icy sneers one person should have to be e
xposed to - otherwise she's gonna need to invest in a parka - and her wages won't stretch that far. Bolly likes Dominic - even if he is a bit of a toff.

Job #2
Professor van Wijkelen asks Abigail to stay on in Holland to 'special' Professor de Wit. Luckily Abby finds out that Professor van Wiljkelen's first name is Dominic - lucky for me that I don't have to write out the full names of BOTH Professors. Also, less confusing. We'll call him Dominic from now on, even though Abigail doesn't yet. Strange letter from Bolly...don't send any money for a while. Bolly and Dominic had an interesting discussion back in London and reached an understanding. Bolly is now working for Dominic. In Holland. Which means that Abby can now visit him during her off hours. She makes darn sure to visit when Dominic is scheduled to be in surgery...there's only so many icy sneers one person should have to be e

Time for a kitten rescue! And a Dawning Realization. Dominic may be rough and gruff, but Abby's pretty sure that underneath his forbidding demeanor there's a teddy bear. She's seen a glimpse, but that's all. She has no illusions about him ever falling for her plain, plump self, she would just like him to be happy (but hey, miracles happen, right?).
Job #3
Now that Professor de Wit is on the mend, Dominic comes up with another job for Abigail. There's a Mrs. Macklin, widow of a Scottish Presbyterian parson who could use some help for a week or two. She's recently had a bout of...well, really, who cares? She's in need of some light nursing and Abigail is just the person to do it. Dominic is horribly conflicted - he is disturbed by this young woman...and he doesn't want to be. In the meantime, Abigail offers to go pick up Mrs. Macklin's cat from the kitty hotel...and has to use 30 gulden of her own dwindling supply. This is the first time working for Dominic has cost her money, it won't be the last. Dominic takes a break from his icy sneering to invite Abigail to go with him to the hospital ball. It's a dream come true, but Cinderella doesn't have a ball gown. Dominic offers to go shopping at a fancy (read: expensive) boutique and help her pick something out. No thanks, Abigail has got to watch her nickels and gulden. He does convince her to choose a pink gown instead of a dowdy grey one. Mrs. Macklin suggests a crippled dressmaker, Abigail goes shopping for pink silk and chiffon, then gets drunk on the excitement and buys silver slippers and a matching handbag. Mrs. Macklin provides a sable coat. Question: Where does the widow of a Presbyterian parson come up with a sable coat? Too bad Abby checks the coat when they get to the dance - Dominic dances like he does everything else...with a chilly remoteness. He does thaw out enough to escort Abby to dinner...and to ask her to take on another job. There is an outbreak of salmonella at the hospital - and they are short staffed. And btw, you look charming and that dress is the bomb.
Job #3
Now that Professor de Wit is on the mend, Dominic comes up with another job for Abigail. There's a Mrs. Macklin, widow of a Scottish Presbyterian parson who could use some help for a week or two. She's recently had a bout of...well, really, who cares? She's in need of some light nursing and Abigail is just the person to do it. Dominic is horribly conflicted - he is disturbed by this young woman...and he doesn't want to be. In the meantime, Abigail offers to go pick up Mrs. Macklin's cat from the kitty hotel...and has to use 30 gulden of her own dwindling supply. This is the first time working for Dominic has cost her money, it won't be the last. Dominic takes a break from his icy sneering to invite Abigail to go with him to the hospital ball. It's a dream come true, but Cinderella doesn't have a ball gown. Dominic offers to go shopping at a fancy (read: expensive) boutique and help her pick something out. No thanks, Abigail has got to watch her nickels and gulden. He does convince her to choose a pink gown instead of a dowdy grey one. Mrs. Macklin suggests a crippled dressmaker, Abigail goes shopping for pink silk and chiffon, then gets drunk on the excitement and buys silver slippers and a matching handbag. Mrs. Macklin provides a sable coat. Question: Where does the widow of a Presbyterian parson come up with a sable coat? Too bad Abby checks the coat when they get to the dance - Dominic dances like he does everything else...with a chilly remoteness. He does thaw out enough to escort Abby to dinner...and to ask her to take on another job. There is an outbreak of salmonella at the hospital - and they are short staffed. And btw, you look charming and that dress is the bomb.
Umm. Thanks, but I would have taken the job without you softening me up. Smooth move, Exlax.
Editor's Note: I have a theory. Dominic has the emotional maturity of an amoeba.
Dominic does ask Abigail to dance again - to apologize, but Abigail is too busy giving her impersonation of a Chatty Cathy doll. Our frustrated hero gives it another go after the ball.
Him: We're going to stand out here in the cold until I say what I have to say!
Her: Yes, sir?
Him: Stop throwing my age at me every time you open your mouth!
Her: What rubbish you talk!
Him: I really wasn't 'softening you up' tonight...you are charming. Really. Really, really.
Abigail is then treated to an inexpertly given kiss. I find it rather charming that Dominic is out of practice. Abigail is having a tough time figuring him out. One moment he looks at her like he dislikes her, next, he's kissing her. What's a girl to think? She's thinking that maybe he kissed her because it was dark - in the stark light of day she wouldn't have stood a chance.
Dominic is still very unsure of her and unsure of his own feelings.
Job #4
Three days later and Abigail is back at the hospital helping deal with the salmonella outbreak. Dominic is eyeing her warily in the aftermath of his awkward snog. His moodiness is the stuff of legend. He now has the chance to show some temper - he's angry that Abby is working overtime. Abby tells him to calm down 'it's nothing to lose your cool over.' He cools
down enough to give her another kiss...this time he seems like he's been putting in a little practice (on whom, I wonder). Abby is completely bewildered by his behaviour...hot snogging one minute, icy sneers the next. Mrs. Macklin is more than happy to tell her The Sad Tale of Dominic's Past.
*Married young.
*Wife was beautiful but very hoochy.
*Wife was killed in a car accident with a boyfriend.
*Dominic's pride was damaged, nearly beyond repair.
*Dominic has lost his trust in women.
Abby accompanies Mrs. Macklin and Professor de Wit to a concert - where they are joined by Dominic. Who proceeds to hold hands with Abby in the dark. Awww. I guess it's on again. He goes so far as to tell her she's beautiful and honest and kind....but he's afraid it might not be real, and yes, he's a coward about love. 'Once bitten, twice shy. And I'm very shy', says he. So what does he do? He tells her that her services at the hospital are no longer needed and she's free to go back to London. He does take her to the station - where he confesses to being sentimental and vows to forget it. That's not the only thing he's going to forget.
Job #5
Abigail finally makes it back to England, in spite of the fact that Dominic forgot to pay her. The only job going is a grossly underpaid gig taking care of a lady with the delirium tremens. Lucky for her, Dominic has badgered Bolly into giving him the phone number of the agency and Dominic needs a nurse. ASAP. His niece has swallowed 3 pesetas. Oh, and she lives in Spain. Dominic will drive down from Holland - and would Abby please take a train to Southampton and catch a ship? What? I forgot to pay you? You can pick up your money and a generous travel allowance at the bank. Two days later they meet up on the dock...she's saying goodbye to a young man. Dominic practically trips over himself in his rush to assume that Abby enjoyed being chatted up by the younger man. Silly, silly Dominic. I shall not detail the tri
p from Spain to Holland. Suffice it to say it was 920 miles and they take a day and a half. Dominic is very quick to volunteer the info that he only asked her to come because he trusts her...as a NURSE. He's still not ready to trust women yet...but she'll be spending the night at his house.
Abby takes care of niece Nina at the hospital after her surgery (lucky Nina - her uncle is just exactly the kind of surgeon she needs).
Job #6
Dominic just can't seem to let Abby go...he convinces her to come back to his place and take care of Nina until her father can come get her. Dominic starts to get a little friendlier, and by friendlier, I mean he takes a few liberties such as snogging her while she is in her frumpy bathrobe. Abby looses her head and whispers Dominic darling in his ear. More than once. There's no stuffing that genii back in the bottle, but things are definitely starting to look up...
Job #7
...and then he gets her another temp job back at the hospital. He's off to BRUSSELS!!?! for a couple of days, and he'd like to have a heart to heart talk with Abby when he returns. In the meantime, please call me Dominic - you've said it before. It's really too bad he's going to Brussels...nothing good ever happens in the Neels version of Brussels. The first thing he sees when he gets back is Abby having a laugh with Registrar Henk. He assumes they are laughing about him - so he fires Abby and sends her off without references or the back salary he owes her. She is so mad she wants to leave Amsterdam - but she can't afford to go to London. Mrs. Macklin suggests she go to Friesland and help out a friend of hers. No pay, but she does get room and lodging and some free lessons in Dutch. This is all well and good, but girlfriend needs to earn some money so she can return to Mother England, so she gets a job...
Job #8
...shelving gherkins in a village shop. It is here that Dominic finally runs her to ground. Or rather, to ladder. Abigail is up on a ladder dusting said gherkins when in walks the love of her life. What follows is one of the most delightful denouements in Neeldom. Ever. Abby holds her ground..er..ladder and makes Dominic positively grovel before she'll accept him.
'I'm here making two gulden an hour because you haven't paid me! Not for weeks! You sent me away without any references and didn't even bother to ask if I had somewhere to go, just like a Victorian servant girl; for all you cared I might have gone on the streets!'
Dominic is gobsmacked and abjectly apologetic, as well he should be.
'Begin as you mean to go on' is her new motto. The End.
Editor's Note: I have a theory. Dominic has the emotional maturity of an amoeba.
Dominic does ask Abigail to dance again - to apologize, but Abigail is too busy giving her impersonation of a Chatty Cathy doll. Our frustrated hero gives it another go after the ball.
Him: We're going to stand out here in the cold until I say what I have to say!
Her: Yes, sir?
Him: Stop throwing my age at me every time you open your mouth!
Her: What rubbish you talk!
Him: I really wasn't 'softening you up' tonight...you are charming. Really. Really, really.

Abigail is then treated to an inexpertly given kiss. I find it rather charming that Dominic is out of practice. Abigail is having a tough time figuring him out. One moment he looks at her like he dislikes her, next, he's kissing her. What's a girl to think? She's thinking that maybe he kissed her because it was dark - in the stark light of day she wouldn't have stood a chance.
Dominic is still very unsure of her and unsure of his own feelings.
Job #4
Three days later and Abigail is back at the hospital helping deal with the salmonella outbreak. Dominic is eyeing her warily in the aftermath of his awkward snog. His moodiness is the stuff of legend. He now has the chance to show some temper - he's angry that Abby is working overtime. Abby tells him to calm down 'it's nothing to lose your cool over.' He cools

*Married young.
*Wife was beautiful but very hoochy.
*Wife was killed in a car accident with a boyfriend.
*Dominic's pride was damaged, nearly beyond repair.
*Dominic has lost his trust in women.
Abby accompanies Mrs. Macklin and Professor de Wit to a concert - where they are joined by Dominic. Who proceeds to hold hands with Abby in the dark. Awww. I guess it's on again. He goes so far as to tell her she's beautiful and honest and kind....but he's afraid it might not be real, and yes, he's a coward about love. 'Once bitten, twice shy. And I'm very shy', says he. So what does he do? He tells her that her services at the hospital are no longer needed and she's free to go back to London. He does take her to the station - where he confesses to being sentimental and vows to forget it. That's not the only thing he's going to forget.
Job #5
Abigail finally makes it back to England, in spite of the fact that Dominic forgot to pay her. The only job going is a grossly underpaid gig taking care of a lady with the delirium tremens. Lucky for her, Dominic has badgered Bolly into giving him the phone number of the agency and Dominic needs a nurse. ASAP. His niece has swallowed 3 pesetas. Oh, and she lives in Spain. Dominic will drive down from Holland - and would Abby please take a train to Southampton and catch a ship? What? I forgot to pay you? You can pick up your money and a generous travel allowance at the bank. Two days later they meet up on the dock...she's saying goodbye to a young man. Dominic practically trips over himself in his rush to assume that Abby enjoyed being chatted up by the younger man. Silly, silly Dominic. I shall not detail the tri

Abby takes care of niece Nina at the hospital after her surgery (lucky Nina - her uncle is just exactly the kind of surgeon she needs).
Job #6
Dominic just can't seem to let Abby go...he convinces her to come back to his place and take care of Nina until her father can come get her. Dominic starts to get a little friendlier, and by friendlier, I mean he takes a few liberties such as snogging her while she is in her frumpy bathrobe. Abby looses her head and whispers Dominic darling in his ear. More than once. There's no stuffing that genii back in the bottle, but things are definitely starting to look up...
Job #7
...and then he gets her another temp job back at the hospital. He's off to BRUSSELS!!?! for a couple of days, and he'd like to have a heart to heart talk with Abby when he returns. In the meantime, please call me Dominic - you've said it before. It's really too bad he's going to Brussels...nothing good ever happens in the Neels version of Brussels. The first thing he sees when he gets back is Abby having a laugh with Registrar Henk. He assumes they are laughing about him - so he fires Abby and sends her off without references or the back salary he owes her. She is so mad she wants to leave Amsterdam - but she can't afford to go to London. Mrs. Macklin suggests she go to Friesland and help out a friend of hers. No pay, but she does get room and lodging and some free lessons in Dutch. This is all well and good, but girlfriend needs to earn some money so she can return to Mother England, so she gets a job...
Job #8

'I'm here making two gulden an hour because you haven't paid me! Not for weeks! You sent me away without any references and didn't even bother to ask if I had somewhere to go, just like a Victorian servant girl; for all you cared I might have gone on the streets!'
Dominic is gobsmacked and abjectly apologetic, as well he should be.
'Begin as you mean to go on' is her new motto. The End.
Rating: I dearly love this book! It's a bit on the longish side..and could have benefited from an editor who wasn't afraid to chop a job or two, but other than that, it's great. Dominic is icy, grumpy, moody, irascible, bad tempered, etc...but I get him. He has allowed h
is hurt pride to paint him into an emotional corner and he's been cowering there in a fetal position for far too long. It takes time and effort for him to unbend and accept the fact that he's in love and Abby is a truly good person. I even forgive him for not paying her - it just goes to show that he never thought of her as an employee. Abigail is pretty wonderful herself. She is unusually aware of Dominic's feelings - she knows before he does that he has feelings for her...she just isn't sure he'll be able to act on them - or if he'll just go all icy again. Queen of Puddings!

Fashion: pink organza with matching satin underslip made by a crippled dressmaker, tight brown velvet which she hopes doesn't pop its seams, brown and oatmeal tweed skirt with a brown sweater and a gay little neckcloth, a despised red wooly dressing gown.
Food: eggs and chips, milk and water in equal parts with afters of Mist.Mag.Tri. (for Clara Morgan) beef olives, cheese straws, erwten soup with yoghurt for afters, bitterballen, asparagus tips and herbs thickened with tapioca??, hare soup.
That cover makes our hero look like Michael Caine.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you for Clint Walker!! I would write more, but my heart is racing so fast that my fingers can't type.....
ReplyDeleteI'll be back when I've recovered from the fainting (or is it "feinting"? *laugh) couch.
I love this book! One of my earliest Betty reads, it's re-read often! Great review too.
ReplyDeleteHonest to God -- I had never heard of Clint Walker before this blog.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this is Lashings of Whipped Cream for me. Not too long, either (not like The Fifth Day of Christmas, which really drags), as the tenuous nature of Abigail's situation remains fresh and Dominic really needs all that time to learn to trust again.
Oh, and it's the best misunderstanding in The Canon, I think. The conversation that Dominic overhears is so easily misconstrued -- provided that you hear it through the lens that Dominic now has for Abby: she's beautiful and YOUNG and any man would be crazy to pass her up, so it has to be the case that she wouldn't want anyone old and crusty.
As with all misunderstandings in romance novels, a simple conversation clears it up, but if a Neels heroine overheard a conversation like that we'd totally understand her need to run away. As Dominic can't run away, he needs to make Abigail go away. (I even forgive him for not thinking about her salary as he never thinks of her as his employee. And yes, he does grovel at the end.)
This is definitely in my top ten.
Incidentally, here's a mind-boggling factoid: Dominic's first marriage to the uh, soul-killing hoochie mama? Had to have taken place in the late 50s! That just blew my mind; how very Douglas Sirk of The Great Betty.
The original Harlequin cover was a Bern Smith painting; here's a picture.
I think this is the only Neels book where the RDD isn't automatically an expert kisser (even the ones who have been shut away in their ivory towers of academics/ medecine can smooch proficiently when required). It humanizes our crusty hero. I liked him better after that. Plus, I love the fact that he never quite has that "superiority" thing over Abigail. Despite her poor, plain Jane status, she comes across as his equal.
ReplyDeleteI've tried using "Sunday's child" to explain to people that I had not, in fact, made up my child's name. It is a real English word. They look at me quite skeptically, as if I were making up the poem too. I thought that poem was quite well known??
Betty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteHold on to your popcorn fellow Bettys!
I just re-read this and have to AGREE with Betty Magdalen. I loved it!
This is definitely Lashings of Whipped Cream.
I got a nice giggle out of Bollinger's name--trust Betty to name a faithful retainer after an upscale Champagne!!
Betty Barbara -- I'm positively misty eyed. Does this mean all is forgiven and you'll come to the special brunch or tea party or whatever event I throw to honor The Founding Bettys? (Which I am absolutely doing, even if they have to attend in absentia...)
ReplyDeleteNow, to get Betty JoDee to forgive me...
I'm trying to imagine stuffed and life-sized dolls propped up on two chairs while you talk around us...hahahha
ReplyDeleteBetty Magdalen--
ReplyDeleteLet me know the date and I'll try. Alas, I am having major surgery on May 10th-so I suspect I shall be there in spirit only!
Betty Barbara
Betty Barbara -- I can't have a TUJD party if you can't be there, so we'll work around your surgery, I promise. Maybe in the summer, maybe in the fall. Or maybe I'll bake scones and bring them to your hospital room...
ReplyDeleteBetty Magdalen--
ReplyDeleteIt may be major surgery (hip replacement), but that doesn't mean I'll be in hospital long enough for you to visit! If all goes well, they'll kick me out three days later!
Seriously--I should be party ready by the 4th of July! I would love the opportunity to meet you and fellow Bettys in person.
Betty Barbara
One of BN's books that I really love! Mainly because Abigail didn't give in easily to Dominic's groveling (although he did grovel handsomely). She stuck to her guns and did not get off the ladder on his first come hither.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good Betty book, especially the end when she tells him about his not paying her. I just loved the " going on the streets "!!!!!! My favourite will always be Caroline's Waterloo, but this comes in at 3rd place for me.
ReplyDeleteThis was one of my least favorite Neels romances. I get the guy forgetting to pay her once, but twice? And stranding her in Holland? What an arrogant, self-centered jerk. Forget about him!
ReplyDeleteThis blog, and Betty Neels' stories have been such a comfort, during this stressful crisis. Betty and her world have made this quarantine saner and less lonely for this lady. I thank you for this blog which has made me smile and remember that this too shall pass, so I'll try to picture myself as one of Betty's heroines though I can't even take a temperature.
ReplyDeleteBlessings from a Puerto Rican in Texas
What an enormously lovely thing to say. I'm so glad that TUJD and Betty can be your prop right now. If you haven't already, please consider joining us on Facebook. We have a lovely international community of Betties who are so supportive. Thank you for coming by!
DeleteJust cruising around and found these recent posts. It is a harrowing time in the world just now, best wishes to both Anonymous and Keira. We are in voluntary isolation, but can go out to shop and do essentials. I feel like screaming at times, then I think about the people who have lost the battle and think how lucky I am.
Delete1) This blog is hilarious 2) Does anyone else not understand why that epic road trip even happened?! I mean, yes, it's there for romantic tension reasons, but setting that aside... why wouldn't they take a flight? I honestly got kinda stressed out just reading about the car journey, Nina was in a serious state and they were all exhausted. I don't get it!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Z. This one’s a real head-scratcher. The poor child is vomiting and dehydrated, but they make her wait two days while Abigail and Dominic travel separately to reach her, and then she has to spend another two days traveling by car with a high fever and still vomiting and dehydrated, in order to get to a Dutch hospital? Yikes!
DeleteAbout Dominic. I found him to be much worse than Reilof, (The Hasty Marriage), with less of an excuse. Yes, Dominic had a bad, now dead, first wife 15 years ago, but Reilof had both a bad, now dead, first wife and a real-time jilting by zombie Joyce. And Dominic has a sister who’s perfectly nice, so he has no reason to think all women are bad. Yet Dominic seems to get a free pass, whereas Reilof gets reviled every time his name comes up in TUJD. Why so hard on Reilof and so easy on Dominic?
Did anyone else half think Dominic was going to say “I’m no monk, Abigail Trent” when he was talking about life after his first marriage?
An interesting read, but I’m not sure Dominic would be a good husband in the long run. I’m so glad we have Betty and TUJD for comfort-reading to get us through this pandemic.
"The emotional maturity of an amoeba"! I love it! And it's so true as well. Thank you Betty Debbie :)
ReplyDeleteIs anyone still monitoring this blog? I started reading it this year, and I love these reviews
1) "the emotional maturity of an amoeba"! I love it! Thank you Betty Debbie :)
ReplyDelete2) a thing that made me giggle very slighly was when the professor said "I can no longer sleep...nor can I eat--presently I shall be unable to do my work". I mean, if you can't eat or sleep, you might need to think about it a bit--but if you can't do your work, my gosh that's REALLY serious! :D
Is anyone still monitoring this blog? I have been reading it a lot over the past few months, and I really love all the reviews.
Well, readers still write comments and they get posted and answered, so yes, it's still being monitored, but there's a more active presence on their Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteThank you Anonymous Betty! I don't have Facebook so am airing my opinions via this blog instead. I am also refining the art of writing drafts before I post so I don't sound like a callow teenager!
ReplyDeleteI have lots more to add after re-reading the book twice over, so this will be a long post.
I liked this book the first time, but I found it much better on a second read. Yes, Dominic is truly horrible at the start, but there is clearly a lot of love bottled up in him that's aching to come out (if only he could trust a woman again...) - his care for Mrs Macklin and Professor de Wit shows this quite well. And once he loosens up, he is not afraid to show his feelings (and hang the old ladies who come in to buy groceries!).
I have two quibbles. The first is about Dominic not paying her; I know it's because he's seeing her as a woman and not a nurse and his feelings are all in turmoil, but it's still a bit painful. At least we know that the lost pay will be more than made up to her in lavish amounts of tasteful expensive jewellery (among other things) over years of marriage!
The second quibble is about Nina's pesetas, as people have already pointed out. I work in the healthcare field, so prepare for a lecture. A complete gastrointestinal obstruction like Nina's is a surgical emergency. They're not going to die immediately so you have enough time to stabilise the patient (get them hydrated via a drip, relieve pain, etc) but if you don't get that blockage out quick smart afterwards - as in twenty-four hours rather than five whole days - you're going to have big, big problems. AND DOMINIC KNOWS THIS. (Otherwise he would be a "Nick" from Brussels who does cosmetic surgery for profit.) Maybe he was concerned about the infrastructure of the hospital if the country was still recovering after the Spanish civil war?? (Not sure about timelines here, my knowledge of this period of history is non-existent.) But even Dominic's sister will admit that standards of care are good in Spain, and arrangements could have been made for Dominic to operate himself, even if some palms needed to be greased in the process. If Dominic existed in real life, he would have overruled his sister's objections with a single cold glare. I'm afraid that The Great Betty sacrificed reality for the sake of a really gripping plot line. I wonder how much she winced as she wrote that bit, having run out of ideas to add drama, and wondered if anyone would notice?
But quibbles aside, I loved this book on the second read. I especially loved watching Dominic warm up. Yes, he does have the emotional maturity of an amoeba (I just love that, Betty Debbie!) but in terms of man/woman interactions his growth stopped at 24-ish, and stayed stunted for many years. But he does mature, I think; and thanks to Abigail's stance at the end, I think he grows up even in that last scene, as he goes from "Marry me so I can work!" to "I am so sorry, please marry me, I love everything about you". And then smashes the record for Most Kisses in a Betty Neels Proposal Scene. Love it. Love it!
But I think the scene that stands out for me is, oddly enough, the one as she comes out of the fancy loo in Spain. She is obviously wearing that look that you get when you come out of a really unusual toilet somewhere (I'm thinking of one country pub with garishly awesome toilet seats). The fact that he is interested in her feelings about small things and their ability to chat about them bodes really well for those ordinary days in everyday life when nothing spectacular is happening. (I especially love this scene because as far as I know, it is the only time the "fancy toilet face" is immortalised in print!) It's those little things that really set The Great Betty's books apart.
Is it terribly obvious that this book is one of my favourites?
Betty Evie, your refining the art of writing drafts (❤️ the expression) really pays off. What a delightful comment!
DeleteP.S.: The Uncrushable Jersey Dress is the only reason I have a Facebook account. 🌞
(Not sure emojis still work on Blogger. We'll see...)
Thank you so much for you kind words Betty Anonymous! And yes, your emojis worked perfectly :)
DeleteBetty Evie, I wondered the same thing about the obstruction. My thought was maybe it was that the coins wouldn't pass through from the stomach to the colon, but the metal in the coins was toxic. I know zinc in coins becomes toxic somehow when mixed with with stomach acid.
DeleteI absolutely love Betty Neels books, they have become my go to reads when I need to unwind..I have found solace in them after my husband passed away two years ago. I know that they are not masterpieces of written works, but I love them anyway. Saturday's Child is one of my favourites, if not my favourite!...I have never commented before on any page regarding Betty's novels. but as I am enjoying reading all the comments here I felt the need to add my voice
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Betty Robyn! It's so nice to hear your voice here! Sincere condolences on your loss. Betty books are very comforting (most of them, anyway-- we all have our favorites and most unfavorites :).
DeleteB. Baersma