Louisa Howarth isn't a nurse...I think we've established that at this point in her career the Great Neels didn't cast nurses in starring roles, but just to keep her in the medical profession, Louisa is receptionist extraordinaire to Sir James. Sir James is taking on a part-time partner, Dr. Thomas Gifford. Guess what? He's Mr. Angry Eyes, only this time the eyes aren't angry, just cold. Cold as ice (which just gave me a Foreigner flash-back....). Those cold eyes don't miss the fact that although Louisa may be a big girl, she's light on her feet and beautiful to boot.
Percy the Pompous (is there any other kind of Percy?) is the kind of gentleman caller who can't take a hint. He will keep proposing and Louisa will keep turning him down. He's good looking - but a little shy when it comes to height. Louisa tops him by an inch.
Louisa lives at home with her stepmother, Felicity. Felicity is still youngish, pretty and charming - and although Louisa is nothing like Felicity, they get along okay. Louisa does help out with money some - but she doesn't give in to Felicity too much. Sure, she pays Biddy (the housekeeper), but that's about the only thing she feels compelled to help out with. In fact, she's coming into an inheritance on her next birthday - her 28th, so she plans on a little more freedom and independence for herself - she's going to get her own flat. which she does with the help of Biddy. Biddy's friend, Mrs. Watts has a flat available and doesn't require a lot of annoying paperwork. As she says, "I won't do the dirty on you." Which phrase you would never hear in polite society, but it works as well as spitting in their hands and shaking. The flat might be tiny, but it is an actual flat, complete with bedroom, living room and kitchen. Louisa's done all this without informing Felicity...but now that she's got the flat, it's time to break the news. Felicity tries on a little emotional blackmail, but Louisa cheerfully brushes it off (♥).
Wherein Sir James travels to 'The Middle East'...leaving Dr. Gifford in Charge.

Louisa as receptionist extraordinaire will now be required to spend one or two nights a week at Dr. Gifford's place. Sounds a little like La Neels didn't have a great grasp on the duties required of a receptionist. After his first day of filling in, Mrs. Grant (the office nurse) asks if 'he'll do'. Evidently he has a lovely bedside manner, but he doesn't waste any of it on Louisa. 'He looks over me, around me, through me, but hardly ever at me, and when he does it's like an icy draught.' Dr. Gifford not only has an icy gaze, but now he's emitting icy draughts. Brrrr. Louisa doesn't let it bother her much - in fact she cheerfully forgives Dr. Gifford with a saucy, 'you can't like everyone you meet.' Even if he doesn't like her, she finds a lot to like about him. His lovely Regency home, lush garden, dog named Bellow and housekeeper named Rosie. Yes, he's got a well run home. All he needs is a wife. Of

Her: She's all wrong for you, you know.
Him: Shall we consider that remark unsaid.
Her: That's always seemed a silly thing to say...(♥♥)
Louisa starts worrying about his future...then has an epiphany. Percy! Percy the Pompous would be just right for Helena. In the meantime Dr. Gifford thinks that Louisa deserves a good husband, but in contrast with Louisa's epiphany, Dr. Gifford can't think of anyone who would suit.
With Sir James still negotiating peace in the Middle East, Dr. Gifford and Louisa are still putting in long hours at the office...so Louisa matter-of-factly invites Dr. Gifford round to her flat for dinner. Nothing fancy, just sandwiches. She takes advantage of the cosy surroundings to do a little fishing. Are you going to the Woodley's ball? After Dr. Gifford leaves, Louisa gives a whoop! The ball will be a perfect place to introduce Percy to Helena and get Helena off the doctor's back.
Sir James comes back from his super secret mission to The Middle East...so no more to-ing and fro-ing for Louisa. Dr. Gifford wishes her a very casual goodbye. 'He doesn't deserve the trouble she was taking over him, but he would thank her later.'

Her next task is to make up to Percy and get him to take her to the ball. Which is as easy as pie. The ball is everything she could wish for. She introduces Percy to Helena with gratifying results. He is quite taken with the fair Helena. Dr. Gifford senses that she's up to something...'I ask myself why...' (as well he should). Why was Louisa so happy to introduce Percy to Helena? 'Percy isn't to think that I might free Helena if he should fancy her for his wife.'
Nothing like a spot of emergency obstetrics. Dr. Gifford ropes Louisa in as helper since there are no nurses at the ball. They take the young couple home - where her own doctor takes over. By now they've missed supper at the ball...so off to a late dinner at Dr. Gifford's (call me Thomas) place...where he invites her to make dinner - and then back to the ball. Percy is overbearing about her absence...he sounds like something from a Brontë novel. Louise goes off to borrow a bike to ride home from the ball...in her long ball gown...Thomas drives her home but icily turns down coffee. Oh dear, he seemed to be thawing and now he's icing up again. This does not change any of her resolve that Thomas mustn't marry Helena. Percy is the answer. Louisa just needs to come up with more opportunities for Percy and Helena to get together. She worries away at the problem like a dog with a bone. In the wee hours of the morning Louisa sits up in bed. A picnic! It would be ideal. She can invite all the mutual friends.
Louisa tells Felicity about it - it sounds lovely, as long as she doesn't have to do any of the preparations.
The picnic is not only a good opportunity for Helena and Percy to get together, but it's also a chance for a Dawning Realization. Whose? His. Yup, Thomas has completely thawed towards Louisa...so much so that the thought comes to him that he would like to have her for his wife. Only one problem...it's Helena. The picnic winds down before teatime. Helena would like to go out that evening, but Thomas cries off - citing work.
He might have had some work, but when he gets off early he makes a bee-line to Louisa's with a brief stop to pick up an abandoned kitten. The kitten is dirty and starving, and so is Thomas - except the dirty part. Their dinner is quite delightful - Louisa gives Thomas the peas to shuck and the table to set, she does the heavy culinary lifting, they share the washing up. It's all quite charming. Thomas does a bit of fishing of his own. He finds out that Louisa is leaving for her vacation quite soon. A trip to Aunt Kitty and Uncle Bob's in Scotland. She practically draws a map to Aunt Kitty's house before Thomas leaves. He leaves Louisa with a kiss on the cheek.
Coincidentally, Sir James had planned to go to Scotland for a conference, but unfortunately his wife is suffering from a severe attack of shingles. Sir James asks Thomas to take his place, which he is more than happy to do.

Meanwhile, Louisa has taken the train to Scotland and is daydreaming and wishing Thomas was there to share it.
Thomas drives himself up and brings his dog, Bellow. He has some actual business to take care of before dropping in on Louisa. He plans to get over his 'infatuation', which plan goes quite well for him...right up until he sees Louisa and realizes that what he is really suffering from is the real McCoy. Doesn't matter that she's wearing an old dress with strawberry stains down the front, she's simply The One.
Scotland is enchanting...hiking, picnic lunches, and an invitation from Thomas for Louisa to ride back to Salisbury in his great socking Bentley.
During the drive home, they cross through Gretna...then down to the family home in the Lake District. Of course the home is lovely - but Helena has never seen it - she's not fond of that part of England. Mum is more than happy to see Louisa, you can just tell that the thought of having Helena as a daughter-in-law has been less than thrilling. Mum reminds Thomas to make a few more stops during the rest of the journey. Editor's Note: If I've learned one thing from Neels, it's that girls need to stop on the road every hour or so. Men, never.
Back home in Salisbury, Louise visits Felicity who shares the information that Percy and Helena have been keeping each other company. Louisa is starting to have some qualms about her plotting.

Helena is just the same catty person as always...accusing Louisa of putting on weight eating 'all that good Scottish porridge'. Louisa had planned to stick to Percy like white on rice, but he sneaks off the minute she turns her back on him. Thomas is unconcerned - he tells Louisa that he figures Percy is with Helena and they're both fine. Doesn't worry him a bit.
Back at work Louisa runs into Thomas. Literally runs into him.
Her: Are you made of rock?
Him: No, Louisa. I'm flesh and blood.
Her: (Oh great, I've fallen in love...wait a mo'...I've been in love for a long time! Dang.)
Louisa runs into Helena who warns her off of Thomas...and Percy. Seems like Helena can't quite make up her mind. Louisa has little patience with her, 'what twaddle you talk'.
- Biddy heard it from Mrs. Watts, whose sister works for the Thornfolds and who happened to be just outside the door while Percy and Helena planned a SECRET WEDDING!!! In Ebbesborne Wake. Louisa decides that she'd better put a spoke in it.
- Thomas ditches Helena and stops by Louisa's place. He offers to make some coffee while Louisa gets on with her ironing. He then washes up. All while taking her mind off a
thunderstorm (♥♥♥).
- Ebbesborne Wake isn't far...as the crow flies, but Louisa isn't a crow and the roads are narrow. Which all leads to the fact that she's too late to stop the wedding.
- Thomas shows up - Louisa confesses all and apologizes. "I've ruined your love life and I don't know what to do about it!"
- Thomas gets called away - he's a doctor - they always get called away at crucial moments...
- Louisa finally breaks down and cries - while sitting on a tomb in the rain. She is so emotionally exhausted from all the drama that she falls asleep. On the tomb. In the rain.
- Thomas is in a white-hot rage - he's been searching all over for her...so really, he's scared. He offers to take her home but she can't even get up 'I've got pins and needles' - which she would from sleeping on a tomb.
- Thomas takes her back to his home, she ties her hair back with a handy piece of string (you never know when a piece of string would come in handy). Rosie brings tea.
- He tells Louisa that he's thrilled and delighted that Helena and Percy are married. He was worried that something might occur to prevent it.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- Snogging.
- We shall have an ideal marriage. We shall love each other and argue and quarrel and make it up again and delight in each other's company.
- Snogging.
- The end.
Rating: I really really really like this book. Really. Louisa is simply adorable. She is big, beautiful and has plenty of self-confidence. She is always speaking her mind in a very forthright manner. Thomas is pretty great himself. He starts out chilly but warms right up next to the burning flame that is Louisa. You can just tell they're going to have a great marriage. Queen of Puddings!
Food: While recovering from her migraine, Biddy makes soup that is too salty, lamb chops slightly charred and pudding that looked like it had been a deep frozen dessert. Locally cured ham, scones, watercress soup (twice), lamb (three or four times), toffee pudding!!! Kedgeree, Welsh rarebit, pork pie, rhubarb tart, lardy cake!! Bushels of bannocks, teacakes, toast with Marmite.
Fashion: Jersey skirt and top with a little jacket in oatmeal, wide cotton skirt and thin cotton T-shirt, cotton dress with strawberry stains down the front, denim skirt, pinnies, apricot crêpe dress for the ball, elegant Italian shoes, Helena wears a jade-green silk outfit with silver sequins, cut far too low over her regrettable lack of bosom.
Love Paris Hilton as a Neels villainess. Glad to hear Louisa wears a denim skirt - I always appreciate it when the cover matches the contents. But the first time I looked I thought she was wearing super-wide bell bottoms wandered in from the early 70s.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of nice covers--Betty Miranda, your books have really, really nice covers.
ReplyDelete(I thought they were bell bottoms, also.)
Oh, I do so love it when the Veronica has a regrettable lack of bosom. (Although I am not sure who ever gets around to regretting that lack -- Veronica doesn't, the RDD doesn't, and mostly Araminta figures it's only what Veronica deserves.)
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's because it contrasts so satisfactorily with my curves.
His Great Aunt always regrets it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps they really are bell bottoms, Betty Jo Dee, although that wouldn't be very Bettyish. Thanks for the compliment to my book covers, for which I can take no responsibility at all. I am not consulted (and I doubt Betty was either).
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the rich American whom Veronica usually marries regrets the lack of bosom.
Good point, Betty Miranda -- I suspect the rich American regrets it briefly, then pulls out a checkbook and the number of a plastic surgeon. "Sorted," as my in-laws would say.
ReplyDeleteThe only things that I remembered about this book was the nice cover and the very silly falling asleep against the tomb in the rainstorm. Now I'm a pretty good suspender of disbelief, but I just couldn't go there or get past that. Not one of my favs.
ReplyDeleteBetty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteOh I just loved this one. Louisa is so much fun and it is all so very frothy! I was happy to see our heroine with actual girl-friends (see the exchanging snide remarks before the ball scene). I even tolerated Felicity(the not very wicked step-mother). And the supper scene ("here, shuck the peas and pour us some wine")--too cool.
So much to enjoy.
Loved this book -- just adored it. Which is surprising as I mostly don't care for the books later in The Canon as they feel a bit underwritten.
ReplyDeleteBut this one is delightful for all the reasons you mention. My dawning realization came when Louisa actually PLOTS to get Helena away from Thomas simply because it's what he deserves. She's not even in love with him, she just wants to do good.
Absolutely Queen of Puddings.
I love your reviews. They're like Special Features on a favourite dvd-you can enjoy it just a bit longer. I inherited a whole lot of Betty Neels from my grandmother and gave them all away! Now that I've actually read them I am slowly gathering up my collection and I just passed the halfway mark. Thank God for Amazon.
ReplyDeleteThis book didn't really tickle my fancy that much, despite the most romantic Dawning Realisation yet- crossing stepping stones in a long skirt, pausing to dabble toes in the water while a RDD watches and falls in love? Catch me, I'm swooning.
Aside from that (fanning face to recover) it all felt a little forced. A receptionist spending the night with her employer as part of her duties? I never really understood what she was doing there. An obstetric emergency at a party? Falling asleep on a tomb in the rain? A housekeeper not getting paid by her employer for the duration of the book, surviving on money slipped to her by Louisa? Didn't domestic employees have a union in the nineties? Far from not floating my boat, it's sinking fast.
I am a nurse and I find Betty Neels' descriptions of nursing fascinating. Nurses I work with remember having to make up their caps every week, not being allowed to speak to doctors. One married nurse was asked at her interview what kind of contraception she was using because children were not allowed- and she answered. Another nurse remembers being allowed to live out only in your second year, so long as you gave the hospital a copy of your keys so they could periodically inspect your living quarters. So all these anachronisms in Neels aren't all that far away.
We had a new consultant visit our ward for a week a while back. And he was Dutch! I wanted to giggle every time I saw him.
How nice that as a nurse, you can have fun comparing the nursing practices in the books with current day ones, and you can probably identify better with some of the nurse characters peeves and pleasures. I like reading the technical bits but must confess that they go over my head. Ooh! And how was the Dutch consultant - was he very tall, large, with fair but grizzled hair and all the usual RDD facial features? ;-) it would have been a thrill if he was all that!
DeleteDon't know if this will ever be read (it's 2022!!), but my 90 year old aunt had a tall, blond, well built Dutch physiotherapist helping her recoup from hip surgery a couple of years ago, and she couldn't wait to tell me that she had finally met a Dutchman who lived up to a Neels hero. Until then, the males from that part of the world were all rather disappointing in the dashing department.
DeleteLove this blog!!
Löve it! I'll place a link on our FB page. 🤗
DeleteBy the way, did anyone notice that he had a mobile phone? We've moved into the 20th century!
Food... don't forget the prudently boiled egg before the party. That is exactly the kind of post ww2 Betty food that I love!
ReplyDeleteLouisa felt very “Emma” to me. Cheerfully matchmaking for everyone but herself. What is this fascination TGB had with baked beans? Who suggests eating baked beans and then returning to a ball? Badly done, Louisa. I’m relieved they chose to eat something else. I did like the pre-party egg. Middle of the road Betty for me.