Lucilla "Lucy" Prendergast, 23, is swimming upstream. She has four distressingly gorgeous siblings, pleasing (though not pretty) features, and blazing emerald eyes which she has just managed to prop open when the cold and disapproving stare of a hospital guest le

For his part, Fraam der Linssen, nudging forty and possessing 'the kind of good looks so often written about an so seldom seen', has strode into the lecture hall, appraised the audience and prepared himself to hold forth on a topic near and dear to his heart when he spots that most insignificant of hospital denizens (possibly ranking even lower than a good ward maid with rheumatism and a smoking habit)--a student nurse--nodding off in the center of the front row. How dare she? Wickedly, he directs a question at her...
I didn't hear what you were saying, sir--I was asleep.
To hear him tell it later, he had the most difficult time not whisking her out of her seat then and there and marrying her out of hand.
She has to apologize, naturally.
They next meet at the scene of an accident. She saves the life of a little blighter...uh, boy...who has run into traffic. Fraam (which name is difficult to murmur endearingly, I imagine) scoops her up and (after she drops off to sleep in the Casualty area) 'examines' her--finding only bruises and scrapes.

Although it doesn't seem like he likes her very much, she thinks about him from time to time and wishes she'd been engineered better.
They meet again in Holland.
An old friend of her father, Doctor de Groot, wants her to stay with him and his only child Mies for a holiday.
(whistle, whistle, blatant plot device, whistle, whistle)
Don't you like each other? says a confused and beautiful Mies when they meet up with Fraam (an old family friend of Mies' too).
That remains to be seen. (Oh Fraam. You're at your best when you're as enigmatic as a Russian arms dealer.)
Lucy also meets Willem de Vries who I thought was destined to be a colorless, slope-shouldered suitor until I found out he had money. Then, naturally, he was better suited to be a young lovelorn fellow meant for Mies.
While Fraam moonlights as a one man chauffeur service by offering numerous women of a variety of hair hues rides in his swanky Panther de Ville, Lucy plots to bring Mies and Willem together. Maybe, she suggests, Willem could pretend to be interested in her. Waters are slightly muddied.
At the Dutch hospital ball, Lucy arrives in a horribly modest emerald number that Fraam just loves. If he could waltz her into a corner...Alas, she had told everyone that she wasn't dancing in a bid to not have Mies scrounge a date for her. Willem doesn't take no for an answer, however, and leads her onto the nearly empty dance floor...where she shakes her moneymaker in a jaw-dropping fashion. She's clearly the best dancer there.

The rest of Holland comprises a rescued kitten, Willem doing the psychological equivalent of taking Mies across his knee and walloping her, Fraam telling Lucy that he does his utmost not to see her and then a whopping kiss.
Sailing home with an upgraded stateroom and a massive bunch of flowers, Lucy is unaware of the palm greasing Fraam engaged in to make it so.
Fraam comes to England to give another lecture and this time Lucy takes care to sit well in the back to avoid him noticing her. Skipping down an unused corridor afterward, she is nevertheless irritated that he gives her nothing more than a frosty nod in passing. It bugs her all day and she decides to skip socializing and go to bed.
But she's pulled away by a message. There's a man down there in the waiting room. A real live man. For Lucy.
It's Fraam. Looking about him at the unwelcome surroundings he comments, 'I wonder how many young men survive a visit here? She answered him seriously. 'Well, if they're really keen, it doesn't seem to matter,' she told him, and wondered why he smiled.

(Oh Fraam! You'll never defeat the Nazis if you don't charge out of the foxhole!)
At the end of a very nice night he catches her close. 'I almost forgot,' his hand came up and lifted her chin gently: 'I had to give you this from Mies.' She had never been kissed like that before.
They next meet during a blizzard in her home village. Fraam just happened to be in the area...He goes out in the teeth of the storm to assist her in the at-home delivery she's had the misfortune to get roped into. Oopsie. The baby's breech. Double oopsie. The baby is twins. In a blizzard. Way out in the country.
This is one of those moments that underscores my deep and heartfelt affection for the easy charms of suburbia...
But I digress. Lucy is so glad to see Fraam. She is just a student nurse after all and another pair of hands is more than welcome. Attach those hands to the body of a hot, hot RDD and then I think we've got the makings of a triple word score.
Fraam cooks and holds the babies and shovels snow. Lucy collects the eggs and milks the goat

And when they finally do make it back to her parent's house Lucy nods off from exhaustion. Fraam scoops her up and carries her to bed. Mrs. Prendergast tucked her in. 'The darling's absolutely out cold.' 'The darling's absolutely darling,' remarked Mr. der Linssen at his most suave. Putting aside the fact that I think 'suave' is a perfectly horrid word choice at a time like that, we've got some very telling signs.
When Lucy is shoveling snow with Fraam the next morning her dawning realization hits her over the head with a snow shovel. Eureka! I love him! What now?
Fraam asks Lucy to come to Holland to nurse Doctor de Groot who happens to need surgery for the very complaint that Fraam lectured on (and Lucy slept through). No matter. He'll fill her in.
She arrives after a long and weary day of travel dressed in the most utilitarian clothes possible when he stops at his house and invites her in to meet his family. If he'd tried that with me I'd feel legally bound to tell him that for his own safety and for the safety of others he'd better get used to wearing protective shin guards. But Lucy doesn't kick him under the table. They have a lovely dinner and she thinks how lucky some girl would be to get those in-laws.

Now before we get all judge-y about his delivery I'd like to make a couple of points:
- Sure those three little words weren't said ("Account at Harrods.') but he has been kissing her pretty steadily. Oughtn't she to have known?
- As soon as he read her brainwaves and angry Japanese snowmen as a token of her undying love for him, he proposed just as soon as he could. He's been waiting to ask her for months and it's as though he's a contractor who didn't let his foundation properly cure before slapping a house on top of it. The cracks from all that unseemly haste will soon begin to show.
Wow. You're, like, totally engaged. You are so not his type. He's liked a ton of other girls before. Let's sit down and make a list of them. No, no, we're going to need the thick pad of paper... Alright, now first the blonds...
Mies mentions a name Lucy hadn't heard before--Adilia. (Pity that I have not the time to find a font with daggers and dripping blood because Adilia looks a little innocuous in the default blogger font.)
To her credit, Lucy asks him about it and though he is cold (Framm-speak for uncertain and worried) he answers her well enough. He even invites Adilia to lunch and tells Lucy 'Now you know what she's like' which settles it as far as he's concerned.
And then Aunt Sophie gets to Lucy at a family function. (Marvelous that you young things know how to look the other way when your husbands play the field...) Fraam manages to say that he loves Lucy (to his aunt! which is nearly unforgivable as Lucy hasn't heard the words herself yet) so feathers are smoothed.
And then Lucy sees Fraam driving Adilia in his Panther de Ville (What is he a taxi service?!) at a time when he is supposed to be 'at work'. They begin to have a tearing row but Fraam doesn't waste time being icy and aloof. 'Now, now, my love,' he said soothingly, 'what is all this?' He kissed the top of her head. 'I believe Tante Sophie's hints and spite did their work, after all.' And then he explains. The reader begins to wonder if this will be the whole of their married life--jealous rages and solicitation all the way into the grave.
So she is calmed again.

Danger lies in Belgium.
There, be pirates and death rays and all manner of villainy.
(I'm going to get a cease and desist letter from the Belgium Chamber of Commerce--you see if I don't.)
Lucy is in the front parlor of Fraam's (they're living together, didn't I say? Properly chaperoned!) when Adilia (imaging the gore and daggers) walks in. I have come to suck your blood!
No, she does something worse than suck the life out of her dooming her to an eternity of pallid skin and a monotonous diet. She uses little truths to make a gigantic lie. Fraam is in London! I vill soon be there! Ah, Ah, Ah! Let's ask Fraam's faithful butler vere he is. London! Ah, ah, ah! You can have his ugly babies and I vill have his heart!
Lucy, having the grottiest day ever, keeps it together until Adilia leaves and then, flinging her ring into a teacup, dashes upstairs for her coat and gloves. All she knows for sure is that Fraam said he was going to Brussels when he actually went to London.

They ask her to wait in her room...and then lock her in. Before she has a chance to fashion a make-shift rope out of bedsheets or stage a prison riot (No justice, no peace!), Fraam walks in. His rage (which I sympathize with) evaporates when she explains. Tears and kisses. He went to London to get her released from having to work out her remaining time at the hospital so they could get married sooner. Brussels was a head-fake. (Whew.)
He'll give her a week to get her wedding dress and in the mean time that ring is to stay put.
The End
Rating: I remember liking this book but I also remember being irritated at the end. Why doesn't she trust him more? Why does she take off so fast? But upon re-reading I noticed some things that helped me like this waaaaay more. 1) Adilia called Lucy's future children plain. This is a super big deal--the bony brat found Lucy's insecurities like Luke Skywalker hunting womp rats and imploded them faster than the Death Star. 2) Though this Betty is not a fan of weekending in Brighton, she is an enormous fan of pre-marital snogging in the vicinity of Southern England. (Keep your hands to yourself!) Much of Fraam's problems would have been evaporated the second he decided to use that William and Mary settee in the front parlor for more than tea-sipping. 3) What guarantee do we have that Lucy's doubts are finally banished? On the final page Lucy flings her arms about Fraam's neck and kisses him. Heretofore, she had been cheerfully accepting his kisses but worried about invading his personal space on her own bat. This all changes when she finally (finally!) realizes that he's been waiting for her as long (longer, actually) as she was waiting for him.
Still, it would have been nice had there been a few fewer Adilia's waiting to shank Lucy when Fraam's back is turned.
No matter. I give it a Queen of Puddings!
Also, there are really wonderful bits with her family and as a nurse on the ward that I didn't cover very thoroughly in the review but which are well worth the read.
Food: Roast beef, fish and chips, currant buns, Sole Picasso (Cubed Sole?), vanilla ice cream, milk pudding, Poussin en Cocotte, carpet-bag steak (This sounds as tough as old boots.), cheese straws, bubble and squeak, and fried bread.
Fashion: She wears a jersey dress and jacket, a tweed skirt that she hates, a full rose-patterned skirt and (to the hospital ball) a green silk jersey gown with a modest neckline that she'd like to take some shears to and slash the bosom of. Tourists make themselves conspicuous with clothes made of 'uncrushable man-made fibers'. Fraam has a trendy waistcoat and a beautifully cut suit with the pant legs stuffed into wellies. Lucy meets her future in-laws in her traveling clothes--a tweed skirt, a shirt blouse (?) and sweater.
Betty Barbara here--
ReplyDelete'Shirt blouse'--either very bad editing or The Betty couldn't make up her mind which word to use or else a very plain blouse in the style of a man's shirt (no ruffles, bows, frills).
Take you pick--all explanations are equally logical.
But I'm with you re: getting dragged in to meet significant people in your wrinkled travel clothes. A kick in the shin is getting off light!
Also, unfortunate name for the hero--all I can think of every time I read it is Oil Filters and other auto parts!! (Yes, I know, different spelling--but still....)
The Panther de Ville is just not my idea of an ideal RDD vehicle. It looks like an upmarket version of a PT Cruiser...frankly the retro styling doesn't scream understated elegance or even testosterone fueled super car. No, it screams, 'I've got more money than sense."
ReplyDeleteDon't most/all of their problems get explained by the fact that she's 23 and he's 40? She's got all her self-esteem issues while he's convinced he's too old. (I love that she's a better dancer than he is.)
ReplyDeleteI think he proposes with imperfect certainty that she won't do a runner simply because (to him) 23 is young.
Which is not to say Lucy (whose married name will be Lucilla der Linssen, which I think is okay) shouldn't have been alert enough to think, "Mies might need the thick pad to list his girlfriends, but she only needs the tiniest scrap of paper to list his wives: me." But we understand why she doesn't.
You're right about the Panther de Ville, but I bet it looked better on long straight stretches of Dutch roads.
Betty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteRe: The Panther de Ville. To me it looks like one of those German Army staff cars used by the generals in all those WWII movies.
Aha--just hit the mighty Wikipedia--the Panther de Ville was a limited production British car (1974-1985)that deliberately used pre-War styling on the exterior and luxury on the inside, with a modern Jaguar engine and suspension--which meant it had power and you rode in great comfort.
But, oh my fellow Bettys, the Wiki article says that it was targeted to the 'taste of the nouveau riche'--like rock stars (Elton John) and film stars (Oliver Reed). The implication is that it was for those with too much money and no clue how to properly spend it, except on gaudy automobiles!!!
I cannot believe La Neels would want her RDDs to fall into such a category.
Just another creepy age difference...for some reason Betty likes that, and it always bothers me.
ReplyDeleteWholeheartedly agree with you. The age difference was too great and the ending (which ruined the whole book) just re-enforced the ickiness.
DeleteWe intensely disliked that Fraam wouldn't accede to Lucy's request to return home (if only to finish her qualifications (after-all a girl needs a backup plan)) so she could have some space.
Fraam came across as domineering and controlling. Poor Lucy.
I'd like to put in a defense for making fun of sleeping students--especially young ones. Sleeping students (oops, not that I personally have ever had one, mind you, spellbinding as I am--I hear just stories from colleagues...)are a phenomenon with which professors have to deal regularly. Everyone has his own technique or techniques for different situations. (Drumming my fingers on the student's desk while I lecture always goes over well.) Fraam's treatment is pretty mild and common, and he later points out that it was Sister Tutor who insisted on Lucy's apology not he.
ReplyDeleteTrue Story--I had a Ring in a Teacup moment a couple of weeks back. While drinking a pot of tea (really!!) at a tearoom and proofing papers I suddenly realized that a table of--well--hmmm--older women behind me (club meeting?) had been infiltrated by a twenty-something. I looked to see and behold the voice (not a weird child voice, just a young woman one) belonged to woman who had to be at least 65 or 70 or older! I started laughing and wondered if that's how Betty got the idea.
ReplyDeleteJust reread this one (nearly done with September's crop!). First off, it's on a short list for best title ever. I have no trouble remembering which book it is. Would that all her titles were so evocative.
ReplyDeleteI kind of get the ending. It's the original proposal that weirds me out. It's not an MOC proposal ("I think we'd suit each other and no, I don't believe I'll fall in love...again!"), and he claims to know when Lucy fell in love, so why not more snogging and "Look, Ma, no hands!" petting?
As I previously noted, I can live with Lucilla der Linssen, but I was really worried when Lucy goes to Lockett's farm:
Lucy Locket lost her pocket,
Kitty Fisher found it;
Not a penny was there in it,
Only ribbon round it
I mean, if that doesn't have obvious gynæcological ramifications, I don't know what does.
Just re-read this one. Very surprised Betty used the term "nigger in a woodpile" - page 212 in The Best of Betty version. To quote..."Ah, now we are getting to the heart of the matter, the-er-nigger in the woodpile."
ReplyDeleteNot really sensitive about these things, just seems a little offensive for normal use. Perhaps it does not mean the same thing in the UK as it does in the US.
It is really only recently that the term became generally regarded as offensive in the UK. When I was growing up (and I am a child of the '50s) the phrase was common, and I remember that 'nigger brown' was term used specifying an specific shade of brown, alongside cocoa, chocolate, tawny etc.
DeleteThere is an Agatha Christie book which was originally entitled "Ten Little Niggers" though I think that that has been renamed now to "Ten Little Indian" when reprinted now.
So for Betty's generation, the phrases and terms that included 'nigger' were common and generally not perceived as offensive because of the context in which they were used. Betty, like many when older, probably could not understand what the fuss was about and as she often was quite old fashioned in her depiction of women, the workplace and what an HEA with a RDD was like, probably was never aware of more recent responses to the use of the word.
Does nobody see the resemblance between the Jaguar de Ville and Cruella de Vil's car in 101 Dalmatians? The animated one was a Disney creation that looks a lot like it, but they actually used one for the 1996 movie.
ReplyDeleteDEFINITELY not an RDD car.
This is one of my favourite BN books along with Tulips for Augusta and A Girl Named Rose. I'm pretty sure they're my three favourites but there might be a few others I've forgotten.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I really enjoy this one a lot. Possibly because it’s obvious that Fram is in love with Lucy from the start but for anyone who missed it, Betty makes it clear to the audience by having him call her a darling when she’s asleep right in front of her mum, which is before Lucy’s own dawning realisation.
I much prefer the BN books when we the audience knows the man is in love with the woman before her own dawning realisation (but not when the woman is engaged/involved with some creep) cause that storyline then usually gets dragged on through most of the book.
Anyway, in the review it’s mentioned that when Mies hears about their engagement, she's pretty insensitive and starts talking about Fram's girlfriends to Lucy. Well I've never seen it as a “Mies being insensitive moment”, so much as “Mies being jealous and showing it moment”.
Despite being engaged to Willem (and despite Fram's explanation to Lucy) i.e. Mies only pretends to fancy me to knock Willem down a peg whenever she's cross with him, Mies is supposed to be a very beautiful girl (in BN novels, beauty is more important than good manners or character quite often than not) and although Mies was nice, I think she was a little conceited.
Moreover, she was fashionable, didn't need to work for a living and had no intention of marrying anyone poor etc. Lucy by contrast was small and plain, wasn't in the forefront of fashion and would have to work for the rest of her life while married to some schumck because she couldn't do any better. Then she becomes engaged to Fram and I think that must have hurt Mies’ ego. She had it all, beauty, guys toppling over themselves for her etc, yet it wasn’t her that Fram wanted, it was plain little Lucy who had nothing to recommend her (not money, not a pretty face, not witty banter etc). So Mies’ whole “wow, I can't believe he's marring you" and “now let me tell you about all his ex-girlfriends especially Adilia, who no one has mentioned before so I am” is a moment of jealously that she gave into.
I also think Lucy should have trusted Fram but given the circumstances, I can also understand why she has her moments. He hasn’t said that he loves her (as she told him). She feels distinctly unattractive beside a very handsome fiancé who’d previously only escorted beauties around town, and unfortunately in BN books, beauty seems to be everything, and she also feels out of her element i.e. Fram’s rich, his family is rich, the women he used to escort came from well to do families but she’s from a working class one. So Adilia’s spiteful comments hit all the right notes to send Lucy flying.
This would be the lashings of whipped cream, I love this story. I like seeing how Fram finds ways to nudge his way into Lucy’s life, before she realises that she loves him and although his courtship is very subtle, it’s there. He doesn’t want to frighten her off before she falls in love with him, so he just keeps nudging his way into her life in little ways (I have to say that I’ve danced with the best dancer at the party, telling Mies and his date that he didn’t notice Lucy’s dress was out of date, I think he did know it but didn’t care) getting her a nice cabin on the boat etc but keeping his ego nicely protected by escorting around women that don’t interest him because he knows that Lucy doesn’t love him. However, he figures out when she falls for him and as soon as he can snapple her up, he does.
Thank you, Anonymous Betty, for your comment. It caused me to re-read this review which caused me to laugh aloud numerous times. The dog slept through each, so no harm done. "She is just a student nurse after all and another pair of hands is more than welcome. Attach those hands to the body of a hot, hot RDD and then I think we've got the makings of a triple word score." Snort, snort, snorkety-snort. Who wants to join the new Church of the Founding Bettys? Who wants to decorate the altar, bearing in mind you won't do as good a job as Betty Debbie would do.
DeleteI like this one such a lot, though it will never make my top three. The Great Betty nearly always stinks at portraying jealousy and its effects. These two deserve unhappiness for the stupid way they handle Adilia and the Others. And I assume they'll get it; if Betty had a higher word-count target, the tiffs and misunderstandings and runaways would just keep happening.
And Lucy's final run-away! Betty at her detached-from-reality worst, in my view.
Ring in a Teacup is one of my favorite BN books. I always seem to go back to it for a re-read. My other 2 favorites are A Girl in a Million and A Girl named Rose. Maybe because the girls are plucky and the RDD has to work at getting the girl.