The first few pages are delightful. Serena Proudfoot is a 25 year old steno/typist. She's just been assigned to work for Dr. ter Feulen. Serena is trying to decipher his poor penmanship coupled with medical terminology. As she talks to herself, he sneaks up behind her and asks why he hasn't seen her before, and where, oh where is Miss Payne? Serena is unruffled - Miss Payne is off sick with influenza, and perhaps a touch of overwork, if the pile of work is any indication...Introductions are bandied about...Serena has heard of Dr. ter Feulen...'you're a Dutch baron as well...'she's graciously prepared to forgive him for that. Editor's Note: This is a pretty common mind-set in Neeldom- that foreigners need to be forgiven for high birth. Unfortunately, except for a grandfather who was an earl, The Great Betty doesn't give us hereditary English royalty. All of her "sirs" seem to have been knighted for service to queen and country...but I digress....

Serena finishes up the typing and takes the offending documents down to the consultant's room... to find Dr. ter Feulen snoring without any loss of dignity. It's been a long day, and now the joys of queueing for the bus and riding home. Home to Mum the Martyr. Who is cosied up to the fire reading. Mum the Martyr reproaches Serena for getting home late, she's feeling peckish and now wants Serena to make dinner, tote that barge, lift that bale. Mum the Martyr is suffering from nerves. Of course this is all a cover for her real job as an assassin.
Mum the Martyr is ghastly. Really and truly ghastly. She has spent her life dropping anvils on Serena's hopes, dreams and self-confidence. With her tinkling laugh, her charming smiles, and her self-deprecating ways she has elegantly stabbed Serena in both kidneys and her liver. I wouldn't mind that so much, but I wish Serena had at least some sense of self-preservation. It's like she's got a sign on her back that says "Shoot Me". More on that later, but in the meantime, let's get on with the story.
Miss Payne decides to retire, Serena is offered her job on the grounds that she is the nearest thing to Miss Payne that Dr. ter Feulen has found. Great. Just what a girl wants to hear - that she is unobtrusive and non-distracting. She's willing to take the job, but then Dr. ter Hotty informs her that they will be heading o

Him: She is ill?
Her: No...just delicate. She suffers from nerves and finds it hard to do things.
Him: Things like housework and shopping?
Her: Yes.
He sighed gently. Selfish widows with loving daughters were still only too common...Serena deserves more in life. And so it begins. Dr. ter Hotty tells her that mummy dearest can come with.
Serena dreads telling mum, but when she gets home, it's only to find that Dr. ter Feulen has beat her to the punch and smoothed the way. Mum the Martyr is excited about the trip and already planning her new and improved wardrobe. It will be such fun. Maybe she'll meet a man (that's mum talking, not Serena). She'll also have many more opportunities for target practice on Serena.
Traveling with Mum the Martyr is trying at best...she complains the entire time while Serena does all the heavy lifting. She finally shuts up when the chauffeur driven car shows up. She doesn't have any objection to being driven around town in a Jaguar. She does object to the boarding house that Dr. ter Feulen has put them up at, but she soon changes her tune. Her new tune is

Dr. ter Feulen finds out about her lack of parental company for the weekend and shows up at the boarding house in tweeds. Tweeds that make him look even hotter than usual. One fine day is had by both. Dr. Sizzling ter Hotty takes her on the de rigueur canal tour, a stop at a museum to see some etchings and multiple coffee and tea breaks. Watching Serena smile, he wonders how he ever thought her a plain girl. This is promising...first he doesn't want her to be alone on Saturday, then he's finding her attractive. What next?
Church! Serena just makes it to the English church for services...and who does she see there? Yup. Dr. Hotty. He has gone there on an impulse - guessing that's where she'd be. Good guesser.
The very next day Serena and Dr. ter Feulen are off to The Hague. Mum the Martyr shoots a couple of poison darts when she finds out she's not invited. Why does Serena gets to have all the fun? Lucky for Serena Mr. Harding is plenty willing and able to take mum off their hands.
Dr. ter Feulen takes advantage of the lack of mum to take Serena out to dinner - he makes sure it's a place where she would feel comfortable in her green jersey dress. Back in Amsterdam - Mum decides to catch a ride back to England with Mr. Harding. She'll be carried in comfort from door to door - which is just how she likes it. Serena is a bit a loose ends so she dabbles in a bit of fibbing. The doctor immediately calls her on it.

Her: I won't unless I really need to.
You can just bet this will come back to bite her.
And now on to Friesland where they speak not Dutch, but Friesian! Serena is to stay in the nurses home...Dr. ter Feulen has arranged tea for her, just another way he shows his interest in her comfort. Except when it comes to work. Then it's no holds barred. His notes look like he wrote them with his left hand and blindfolded.
Her next days off are monopolized by Dr. ter Feulen again. He's got a surprise got her...he takes her home to meet the family! All seven of his siblings, plus wives, kids and his mother! Surprise! His family is fabulous. I love them. They are AWESOME! They tease and have fun. Thus proving that big families are way funner than being the only child of a selfish widowed mother. It's her best day ever!! Too bad she and Marcus (yes, that's his name, get used to it) don't hear what his mum has to say to about them after they leave. 'They'll do."
They might do, but first, it's back to England. And a Dawning Realization...then a swoop and a kiss! Serena assumes it's a pity kiss because Marcus was dropping her off at home...a cold and empty

After washing her smalls, Serena goes flat hunting and finds herself a small semi-basement flatlet. Can a stray cat be far behind?
Girlfriend hides her new situation from Marcus...

Fortunately for Serena, she has an ecclesiastical Aunt Edith. Aunt Edith invites Serena to spend Christmas in Great Canning with her and the rector. Meanwhile back at the office...one of the other ladies has heard that Dr. ter Feulen is getting married. Bummer. Serena has got to wrap her head around the fact that the love of her life is getting married to someone else. It's enough to make a person jump in a canal on a snowy day. Wait a sec...that's not why she jumped in the canal. It was snowing...there were cries for help...no one else was around...Serena is a good swimmer...off comes the coat and galoshes...in goes Serena. We never learn why the other lady was taking a dip on a snowy December day, but as a plot device it works for me. I love it when Marc jumps in and boosts Serena out in an efficient and undignified way. It's off to the hospit

Serena unburdens herself to Aunt Edith about Marc...and dissolves into tears. Of course that's the moment Marc walks in. Aunt Edith saves the day and worms her way into my heart by inviting Marc to dinner by saying, "Cold turkey hangs heavy on one's hands after a day or so." I love that woman. And now I'm strangely in the mood for turkey.
Marc unburdens himself to Aunt Edith...Serena's a hard nut to crack, says he. Editor's Note: I say, try talking to her - that would go a long way towards cracking the nut that is Serena.
Let's wrap it up:
*Everyone at the hospital knows Marc is getting married.
*Serena can't take it any more - she gives notice.
*Marc is happy to take her resignation.
*Serena is dreadfully unhappy.
*Serena is sent to the Matron's office on her last day.
*Marc proposes.
*The end.
Yes, that's the end.
Rating: I really really wish I liked this book better...it's just hard for me to get over Mrs. Proudfoot. Mrs. Proudfoot is a horrible widowed mother...the kind that expects her daughter to do the shopping, the cleaning, the housework, cater parties and supplement the family income so that mum can have nice clothes, go out to dinner, to the hairdresser, etc...get the picture? She's got a tinkling laugh and a poor little me persona - obviously a clever disguise for her role as an assassin. Supposedly Mum is not intentionally unkind, but I think that's a load of hooey. Mum is completely selfish and I have a hard time forgiving her. She complains about her health, but her health is just fine, it's just 'nerves'. I also don't have a lot of patience with enabling daughters. It's all well and good to love your family, but not to be a doormat, which is just what Serena is. A doormat and an enabler. Aargh. Marc is rather sweet - when he isn't avoiding Serena. He does expect Serena to be a mind reader - and as much as says that to her. The best I can give this is mince pies and that is mainly on the strength of Aunt Edith's leftover turkey and Marc's 'enthusiastic' kisses.

Fashion: short wool coat in a pleasing shade of aubergine and a pleated skirt in a matching check, dark green jersey dress.
I think that the cover art is some of the most improbable in all of Neelsdom. No Araminta worth her salt would be caught dead wearing shoulder pads and a power suit.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I have the reprint, but your cover looks like a blouse rather than a jacket so I'll give it a bye. But the cover is still great 'cause it shows the scene where she catches him sleeping. (I swear the RDD always is awake while seeming to be asleep in all other books so I like it.)
ReplyDeleteI agree that Serena should have been as smart-mouthed to her mom (huh, did I just say that? I've got four kids!) as she is to Marc. And you're right the scenes with his family making merciless fun of him are priceless (no wonder he falls in love with Serena--she treats him the same--which makes this one of the more plausible of the Neels plot--oops, did I just imply they're not plausible?--don't worry, I'm running for the soap for my mouth....)
I totally accept the neurotic-cum-nasty family members in Neels' books. Frankly, in real life they're rather thicker on the ground than the lifelong retainer (father's former batman, et al.) living with the heroine and her siblings. And I also buy the possibility that in her relationship with the neurotic-cum-nasty family member, Araminta seems spineless even as she's feisty enough with the RDD.
ReplyDeleteI could go into all the psychobabble reasons why this actually does happen in just this way in real life, but you may prefer just to trust me on this (or think I'm merely being mouthy & talking back). The one distinction that needs to be made is this: Araminta can be an enabling doormat with her neurotic-cum-nasty family member, but she can't believe that she herself deserves that treatment even after the neurotic-cum-nasty family member has been dealt with. There has to be a live ember of self-esteem with which the RDD can fan the flames of a healthy romance.
Wow. Am I being pompous or what? :-D
Off to write a Promantica post on my theory of class mobility in post-war England and the Netherlands as it relates to the Neels Canon.
Okay, here's the post at Promantica where I posit the Unifying Theory of All Things Neels! It even explains why the heroines' families get nastier in the later books.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I have never had a hard time swallowing the dysfunctional families in some of Darling Betty's books. I think it's because I am often so surprised to observe what some people are willing to put up with in family members, but not in other relationships. You're right, Betty Magdalen, it's the family retainers that are more unbelievable to me, rather than the family members. I shall follow your link and comment further there.
ReplyDeleteBetty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteJust finished re-reading this (thank you library) and I do have to say that Mrs Proudfoot didn't bother me any more or any less than the number of other "Poor Little Me' mothers that inhabit Neelsdom. Hey, at least she got to live! And Serena's acquiescence feels real (even though we would like to see her really tell her mother to take a long walk off a short pier!!) I loved the scene towards the end where Serena slams around the kitchen, after her mother screws her over again--and oh my, reaches for a third(!!!)glass of sherry!
What is beginning to bother me is the RDD trait that has said RDD announcing to all that he is getting married and NEVER Once mentioning to our poor, low-self-esteem heroine, that SHE is the object of his affection. He wants a mind reader!! Argh!! Talk to the gal, why don't you?
But I did have to reach for a tissue (and it wasn't my allergies), so I would have to rate it Mince Pies with some Whipped Cream, maybe even Boeuf en Croute.
Bafriva- your review is so funny! Especially "Hey, at least she got to live!" - Actually I WAS SOOOO sooo hoping that the ferry or a car crash would taken her and Mr. Harding in an Accident (sorry I know it's cruel but I think it would have been better ALL round) Mr. Harding gets STUCK with her for life now... - It would have been a huge favor for him just to have an accident before the nuptials. Really I was expecting Betty's normal "accident" scene and it really disappointed me on that note. Other then that, what an awesome book! I disagree, about him wanting a mind reader. He takes her to Holland, gives up his weekends to take her to places HE has already scene, takes her to a museum that is really closed (but he knows the "manager"). The next weekend he takes her to visit his entire family! and the man is kissing her on page 124 and from what I can tell, he keeps kissing whenever he feels like outside work hours... - the girl's a dope ... "Boss kissing you" kind of mean he likes you - or he's a harasser (right?) lol - I loved his character so Straight laced and serious at work... then when he's with his family. But I love his "politely" sarcastic remarks about her mother! Too funny! He was VERY MEAN to have her resign but I think he did that on purpose because she got NONE of his "clues" and she was always "fibbing" to him and whenever he would ask her out, at the beginning she would Object -... She was nice so you can forgive her for being mean to Marc.... You could just tell the guy was all WORK and he probably hadn't dated anyone in 10 years (not that he couldn't, HE just couldn't be bothered)... I liked this book a lot. And yes Tissues for the last 20 pages are a must!
DeleteYes, from our low-self-esteem heroine's point of you it seems cruel to announce an engagement. So far, I think I've only read one book, "Dearest Mary Jane", where the hero actually takes offense at the heroine's idea that he was only amusing himself with her (those infamous kisses)and that he was really going to marry someone other girl. I'm hoping that our RDD is just being dense and has no idea that our heroines find it so hard to believe that such men could be in love with them.
ReplyDeleteI love that you're commenting on your past reviews, Betty Katie. It's so rewarding to know they're not just in the memory hole.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go with the 'dense as cheese' defense for the heroines. THEY fell in love with the ladies so why on earth would the charming Aramintas not think they're the bees knees? Still, he deserves a kick in the shins for all that needless worry he gives her...
If it's a toss-up whom to blame for the lame ending, I'm giving the edge to Marc. Why wait? It can't be because she works for him (which, legally, she doesn't but I agree that's beside the point) because even then he waits an awfully long time before booting her out the door.
ReplyDeleteHe says to Aunt Edith that Serena's a tough nut to crack, but did her tears not suggest that she's no longer tough nor nuts, and actually has the tensile strength of a wet Kleenex?
And Matron's office? That's right up there with proposing in the solicitor's office. No, no, no. Take her home to the Bishops and propose in your sitting room.
I can't remember what the ratings are -- so I'll select the cheese board because of Betty Keira's comment about Serena getting the "dense as cheese" defense. (Which makes Marc as thick as the board the cheese comes on, which sounds about right to me.)
After a few re-reads, I have come to the conclusion that I really like this one. I have read all the "poor little me" mothers and really find it hard not to strangle them slowly. Sadly, there were mothers like that around, not so much now. Serena manned up when the time came and she found her prince.
ReplyDeleteIs anybody else bothered by the fact that he sternly warns her not to fib to him, but he tells a straight up lie about his Bristol appointments on Christmas Eve?
ReplyDeleteBtw I’ve never commented but I LOVE this site ♥️ I am currently reading through the entire cannon on archive.org and I’m amazed at how many I hadn’t read before, and enjoying new perspectives on those I remember. Love your reviews!!
Betty Sharon (Born to two 100% Dutch American parents and married to another. Mijnheer was actually born in Amsterdam while his dutch American parents were studying there. The only time I’ve been to the Netherlands was for a couple of hours layover at schipol a few years ago. I grew up with lots of older relatives speaking Dutch or with heavy Dutch accents. They served olliebollen and spekulaas for special treats and chocolate letters every Christmas! And SO MUCH coffee lol. Not sure how I became a tea lover but that’s what I am. Love my Brown Betty tea pot. Betty neels is my perfect comfort author!)
No, it has never bothered me. And since Serena kept lying to him and he only made that up so she would accept the ride he offered, I have no problem with it and wouldn't hold it against him. He is going to some length just to be able to ferry her to her relatives for the holidays. 🤗
ReplyDeleteI recognize that fist. 😁
DeleteAnonymous Betty here. I liked this book. Id rate it higher than mince pie. Yet I too wish Serena had a spine when it comes to her un-mother, but I do sort of understand. Family dynamics become cast in concrete over time. Serena has been manipulated by her mother’s martyrdom and false love for more than a decade. She lost her beloved father as a young child. Aunt Edith’s husband says, “ When I saw you last, my dear, you were a very little girl.’” Ppor poor Serena. I hated her mother.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Betty again. I might go nearly to boeuf en croute. I liked Serena. Here’s how it could end, to bring it up a notch:
ReplyDeleteMrs. Harding checked her mail. And her phone messages. And checked it again. And again the next day. Still nothing from Serena. Never a word from her ungrateful daughter. Hadn’t she slaved and sacrificed for years to care for that child, and to get only a telex notifying her that she’d married a perfectly marvelous catch. Serena! The ordinary little drudge! Now a titled baroness, she’s enjoying a millionaire’s lifestyle, with jewels and furs and private planes, and several elegant homes and servants, and meeting all those splendid connections, yet making NO time for mother dearest. She sees that hateful Aunt Edith and her grubby husband, and even invites them on a cruise, but she ignores me! Her mother! And her husband is always very polite, but so cool and aloof, so she dare not contact him. It really is too bad, thought Mrs. Harding, for Mr. Harding has been rather cool of late, and just last week he’d cut her off short when she was explaining why she didn’t send a gift to his newly-married nephew. As if!
Oops. Error. Try This : Fanfic:
ReplyDeleteMrs. Harding checked her mail. And her phone messages. And checked it again. And again the next day. Still nothing from Serena. Never a word from her ungrateful daughter. Hadn’t she slaved and sacrificed for years to care for that child, and to get only a telex notifying her that she’d married a perfectly marvelous catch. Serena! The ordinary little drudge! Now a titled baroness, she’s enjoying a millionaire’s lifestyle, with jewels and furs and private planes, and several elegant homes and servants, and meeting all those splendid connections, yet making NO time for mother dearest. She sees that hateful Aunt Edith and her grubby husband, and even invites them on a cruise, but she ignores me! Her mother! And her husband is always very polite, but so cool and aloof, so she dare not contact him. It really is too bad, thought Mrs. Harding, for Mr. Harding has been rather cool of late, and just last week he’d cut me off short when I was explaining why she didn’t send a gift to his newly-married nephew. As if!