Anyway, what I want to talk about is Betty Neels and birthdays. It is extremely rare that the main characters in her novels celebrate a birthday. If birthdays are celebrated, it's most often for a great-aunt or a grandmother. Heroine's birthdays are danced around...'she would be 28 on her next birthday'...is usually (no, not always) as close as we get. My theory about this has to do with The Great Neels lack of diversity in birthday presents.
I was thinking that The Great Betty lacked imagination, but we all know that isn't the case...so what could it be? Timelessness. Think about it, when and if presents are given (and we're talking mostly Christmas), the lucky girl either gets a gorgeous Gucci scarf OR (if already married)jewelry. The scarf might not be quite as universally acceptable, but we can all be thankful that Serena Arabella Olivia Darling Dawson Fielding didn't get a Chia Pet, groovy fringed belt, Simon Says or legwarmers...
(Last year I gave Betty Keira a beautiful scarf for her birthday. I'm not usually much of a scarf girl, but on this occasion I borrowed it right back to help solve an emergency cleavage issue at my son's wedding. My point being, scarves can be not only decorative, but also dang useful.)
I turned 50 (yes, that's not a typo) on my birthday last year. I'm not usually too fussed about what I do or get for birthdays, but I warned Dr. van der Stevejinck weeks and weeks ahead of time that I expected him to step it up for such big milestone. I even made him a little 'Choose Your Own Adventure" book that gave him several options. I was fairly specific - but then I left it up to him to surprise me.
He definitely surprised me. He spent weeks (possibly months) conniving with 5 of my sisters and one brother to come surprise me for my birthday. It helps if you know that NONE of them live in the same state as me...none are closer than 200 miles....three of them traveled nearly or more than a 1,000 miles. On top of that, we had already spent a fabulous sunny day exploring places in Seattle that we'd always meant to go to , and never had (so I thought THAT was my present). On top of THAT he presented me with a new ring, to replace my wedding ring that had had to be cut off of my finger when I broke my wrist earlier that year. Best. Birthday. Ever.

I loved my 50th birthday, but in general I am very laid back as far as expectations go. This year I am so laid back that I haven't been able to give poor Dr. van der Stevejinck a list that he can work from. I keep telling him that there isn't anything I really need (true) but he needs help.
In order to help me help him, I'm going to ask for a little help from you, dear Bettys. What have been some of your favorite birthday presents?
I gave him some good ideas... hopefully he was listening :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite birthday present was...
...I really don't know. Most of my presents have been around the same calibre, which I sure enjoy and appreciate, but nothing really sticks out as exemplary. I usually enjoy the birthday dinner my parents take me out for :D
Neil Diamond tickets. Mijnheer van Voorhees has never topped that.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Dear BettyBlogger!
ReplyDeleteMay I ask a question about Waterloo?
Besides naming a cat, "Waterloo," what is the cultural/historical British meaning for "Caroline's Waterloo"? I've wondered ever since I read it last. I looked it up too, but got nowhere. It's like a secret hidden British thing that only the Brits know. Or BN.
By the way, what do you like about that book? Could you expound?
ReplyDelete1. Waterloo was the last significant battle of the Napoleonic wars...Napoleon didn't actually surrender there (although that's what is implied in the ABBA song of the same name), but it was a crushing defeat...the opposing army was led by the Duke of Wellington (British). The phrase "met his Waterloo" has come to mean someone who has met with devastating or utter defeat - much like the hero of Caroline's Waterloo.
ReplyDelete2. What do I like about the book? Since the review will post on Monday (and I explain more there), I'll just have to say that, in my opinion, Caroline is the awesomest heroine in Neeldom. I love her indomitable spirit, and ability to build on her successes.
Betty Barbara here, trying to get back to birthdays--
ReplyDeleteAround here birthdays are definitely celebrated, but not lavishly. I do believe more money is spent on the balloons and cards than on some of the presents. My favorite gift is bookstore gift cards! As a known book-aholic I truly appreciate those gift cards!
Past birthdays have included jewelry from Mijnheer, but that is not a necessity. We often go out to dinner--but again, not a requirement.
So I guess I don't really have any really fantastic suggestions-- Sorry.
But I am sure you will have a Happy Birthday.
In 'Tabitha In Moonlight' our Tabitha has to work on her birthday--but that's the day she first meets the RDD. Sir (Dr) Whosits makes a cryptic comment about her getting a great birthday present. Giggle, snort. My favorite Betty birthday scene.
My youngest sister gave me my best birthday present. It was tickets to see James Taylor on my birthday 8 years ago. Unfortunately, my favorite and oldest sister died 3 days before my birthday that year and my BIL had the funeral on my birthday. Not the best way to celebrate, but I kept my yap shut and little sis was able to get her money back.
ReplyDeleteSome memorable presents:
From my HH
- my first pair of medical Crocs
- a laminator (so I can may bookmarks etc.)
- a paper cutter (ditto above)
Oldest son has scored some great presents:
- a metal electric water boiler(kettle)
- a really cool bed pillow that I love.
- a shirt that says Notre Dame Mom (wish it still fit.)
Caroline's Waterloo just might be my very favorite Betty too! Can't wait for the review -- love love love that book!
ReplyDeleteMy 50th was last year, too, and my sisters and several nieces, along with my son, daughter-in-law & husband, surpised me with a party on our brand new wrap-around porch - a tea party! It was lovely. We had three different cakes and strawberries (it was June) and tea, hot and cold. I got several gifts - nothing earth shattering - chocolates, tea, books, definitely all on my "favorites" list. And I still got the "absolutely necessary" birthday dinner with my sisters - a tradition we began when I was still quite young, and living at home. I am the youngest of six daughters - the eldest has children my age. My mother would take all of us out for all of our birthdays - no husbands or children, just us girls. We've kept to it for more than 35 years and it has irritated the heck out of some people over the years. My sister has continued the tradition with her three daughters. Very special time and, I must admit, the highlight of my birthday, every year.
ReplyDeleteI don't come from a very gifted-at-gift-giving family, and in recent years it's been the tradition to host (or visit) my cousins because my aunt (who is 80-something and lives with them while continuing to volunteer as a civil rights attorney for the ACLU) has her birthday the day before me. As a result, presents tend to be small and enjoyable if not very memorable.
ReplyDeleteBut my favorite birthday presents were dinners out with just my mother when I was quite young. We'd go to a local fancy restaurant and I'd always have beef Stroganoff. Funny, even 35 years later, those memories are very vivid -- I can still picture the garden at the back of the restaurant, covered in snow and lit up with little lights.
Count me in the "events that become memories" category of Best Gifts Ever.
By the way, for all that Betty didn't do birthdays, she did have fun with the Dutch traditions for Christmas and Sint Nicolaas, at least in the early books. Damsel in Green has a lot of fun with the holidays.
I would have to agree that my best birthday presents have been events. Specifically, this year my son, his girlfriend and our daughter surprised me by joining my husband and I for a weekend in Spokane, Wa. The real gift was that our daughter told us she is expecting our first grandchild in April. Hard to top that!
ReplyDeleteA practical, elegant gift I do remember was a jewelery ball, a quilted pouch with pockets inside to carry jewelery when traveling. I use is when I do belly dance or theater. Very handy. Gift certificates to book stores are always nice too! Or maybe a longed for book.
Betty Laurel