It is symbolic somehow, that when Theatre Sister Emma Hastings, 24, smashes into a sleek and expensive Rolls-Royce Corniche convertible she is driving a Ford Popular (to be said, rather scathingly: POP-you-lar). Her family, like the battered third-hand Ford, has seen better days and when this tall, vast, red-headed (!) man kicks her

Her mother thinks he's just dishy.
The Dutch police arrive and she must hand over her identification and passport. Professor Justin Teylingen (40-ish) leafs through it as well (conning her name, profession, birthday, weight and favorite pastimes, ect.) and, for good measure, reads their luggage tags--which I suppose is as good as Googling her. (Which begs the question: Why do so many horror films and rom-cons begin the same way?) The police do not linger and, just by way of doing the bird-witted British ladies a good turn, Justin checks their car, tells them they need a new plug (very cheap) and then writes a note in Dutch telling the mechanic to give the Ford a quick overhaul on his dime.
Talk about a meet-cute.
They see each other again at a concert (which Justin happened to mention would be nearby and very good). See, though it was all sold out, the box office just happened to have two returned tickets (very cheap!) in great seats which happen to be right next to the Professor, his aunt and a gorgeous blonde! Will wonders never cease?
Emma is pleased to be looking her best but can't be comfortable with Justin. He insinuated that she is a bad driver, after all, and who is that blonde!?
Back in England she is once again on duty in a Southampton hospital. Nursing wasn't really what she wanted out of life--she wanted to go to medical school (1972? Go Betty!) but father died and

And then Justin Teylingen lands in her lap (and being a Betty Neels book, this is sadly figurative). He's there for a few months to demonstrate new surgical procedures--a circumstance attributable to genuine (not engineered) and remarkable fate.
They work well together and she is happy to notice that he is an excellent surgeon (which I have to believe for Betty Neels was way more important than the 'rich' in RDD--I can image an RDD in straitened financial circumstances but I can't imaging him botching a surgery for lack of skill).
One day she passes the hospital forecourt to meet her little sister Kitty ('cast in a more vivid mold' than Emma and attending medical school...Do you want to kick her now?) and hands off the Ford Popular keys. Who was the pretty girl who drove away in

Justin wonders why Kitty had to travel from London to Southampton just to pick up a battered old car and drive it another hour and a half home to their mother's.
And so you walk until the car is returned?
I have good legs.
Yes, you have, quite delightful...
Trust Justin. He can see a church by daylight.
He gets Emma to himself for tea one day and, to her, seems full of questions about Kitty. Naturally he's just trying to ferret out why Kitty got to go to med school and older sister had to murder ambition but Emma doesn't know that. Hmm, she wonders later, why does it bother me that he would fall for Kitty? That dawning realization had to call a blitz and sack the quarterback on her way into theatre.
It's going to be awkward now but this is one of those times that being swathed from head to toe is going to work in Emma's favor--the better to hide her feelings...
When Kitty returns the POPular Emma is chagrined to see Justin and Little Willy (who is an occasional date of the variety to call her 'old girl' and comment unfavorably on her looks) being captivated by the delightful Kitty. Little Willy isn't just captivated--he's waving the white flag of his bachelorhood at that vivid medical student.
After an on-call midnight surgery, the plight of the victim (lovelorn bridge-jumper) prompts Justin, Little Willy and Emma to philosophize on love.
Emma: Of course you know the last line--'But after one such love, can love no more.' He must have loved her very much.
Justin: Men do--most men. A woman--their own particular woman--is so woven into the tapestry of their lives that she can't be cut out.
Not the time I would have chosen to make a pass but...

Kitty puts Emma to bed and promises to do some chores the next day (well, finally!) and then, when Justin takes everyone out to dinner Kitty tells her sister, "...sometimes you look prettier than I do." I'm doing mental gymnastics to turn this into some sort of compliment but, like a musical coda, it just keeps repeating back on itself. ('Look at me!--the vivid sister!')
Editorial Note:
Betty Neels wants me to like Kitty and to find her charming and sweet but I have a feeling that, if I'm using Winter Wedding parameters, she wouldn't dope her sister's children with Seconol probably but I totally buy that she would dump her twins on a sister for months at a time so that she could be with her

Justin visits the country again wherein we get a wonderful moment when she eats currants that he picks for her, and he calls her a stopgap (ew.) and she plucks up the courage to ask who Saskia is. Saskia? Even I can hardly remember who Saskia is! This question feels like a parcel that's been left at the lost and found for weeks on end and then finally retrieved.
Justin seems to be making actual tentative overtures of courtship toward Emma when he asks her to keep the evening free for 'us'. She gets a stomach ache and has to put it off and Justin, a little put out, twits her about standing him up. ('Sulking, Emma?') And he nags her and nags her and nags her. (Understandable if you consider how precarious his position is--if he acts too hastily all might be lost--and how he chafes at not throwing Emma over his shoulder and making her marry him.)
Boy, does he feel a heel when she turns green and begins to shake during a surgery. He ruthlessly finishes up with the delicate operation and then scoops her out of her position and off to a gurney--holding her hand as she drifts into unconsciousness.

Him: So, I like have this killer mansion that you could recuperate at.
Her: For all three weeks?!
Him: Yeah. You'll love chillin' at my pad...with your sister...and my cousin Saskia...and my totally hip Aunt Wilhelmina...
Her: And you will be...?
Him: Dude, incommunicado.
I know, I'd be like, 'I plan to be in my delectable PJs as often as possible and if you're not there, what's the point?'
But she goes to Holland anyway to be babysat by Saskia the Fine, Kitty the Clueless (seriously, you'd think, given her future as a doctor, her powers of deduction would be a squinch higher so that she'd smell romance in the air and give up the freaking Shotgun seat to Emma for once), and Aunt Wilhelmina the Formidable. Justin, beyond conducting her on the Home Tour of Everlasting Love and playing a game of billiards (wherein he discovers even one more thing to love about Emma), is nowhere to be found.
By the end of her visit Emma has learned to love Holland, is still not sure what Justin feels for Saskia (who is utterly blameless and fine), and receives Justin guardedly.
No matter, he kisses her anyway. And then asks her to wait for him while he's...in Utrecht (which here is code for 'Belgium').

Imagine Justin's feelings, if you will, returning home from Utrecht-Belgium to what he hopes is Young Love's Dream only to be greeted by a brittle and uncommunicative Emma and and Aunt that won't leave them alone to get down to brass tacks.
He drives her to the airport with Aunt Wilhelmina prattling on about the history of windmills in the backseat, mystified and hurt.
Fast forward a week or two.

Miss Emma is washing up the theatre tools at the end of a long day when an unsterile Justin breezes through the swing doors. She can't go anywhere until she gets everything antiseptically cleared away--which suits him just fine as they have a lot of ground to cover before he mucks her up with germs and things.
'I think I shall talk better if there is a the width of the theatre between us.' He smiled tenderly at her and she dropped a string of forceps back into the sink with a little clang. 'Be sure and warn me when you are finished,' he urged her gently.
Justin had finally squeezed the truth out of Aunt Wilhelmina like a grapefruit. Gordian knots are untangled and kissing. Emma keeps her head long enough to ask where Aunt Willie and Saskia will live since they're about to be homeless.
The End
Rating: Boeuf en Croute! I really liked this book--though it does have some cons.
I didn't give this a higher rating because I didn't think that The Great Betty really settled Emma into a deeply consistent character--she is initially described as ordinary-looking but charming and a collector of dates and proposals on the strength of her charm but then she settles into a much more staid and Cinderella-y personality (which I have no quibble with--but it does upset the narrative). Also, Emma's worry over Saskia came out of nowhere--she wasn't fussed about her at all until Justin showed that he wasn't interested in Kitty. (Of course, once in Holland all that arms-about-the-neck flinging that Saskia does to Justin rather fog up her windshields...
Justin was so great--kissing her mother, matchmaking her sister, paying off her automotive debts...
Mother was a peach--equal parts wisdom and slyness.
Emma was full of courage and shyness. The bit with the dodgy appendix was brilliant.
Food: She eats Fraises Romanoff, skips Irish stew because she hates it, is given a salad by a cheap date, is denied a steak and offered some chicken when Justin does some sexist dinner ordering...They have lobster cocktail, trifle, coq au vin, use brown sugar for the coffee (hey, coffee drinkers, is this unusual?), and have chocolate souffle and custard tart. They drink Campari twice.
Fashion: She wears a green and white checked dress that makes her look ten years younger, posseses 2 pink nighties, and one with blue daisies and a pink ruffled dressing gown. She also is purported to look smashing in a brown and white print dress with smocked bodice and billowing sleeves and another coral pink silk shirtwaist. There is also an unspeakable outfit that I blame on the 70s: Orange crepe with an apron top and a white blouse.
It's not the same sort of brown sugar that we bake with -- it's closer to "raw" sugar: pale brown crystals. These days, it's one of the choices you get in British restaurants -- even at Road Chefs! Back in Betty's day, it would have been a delicate sugar bowl with these pretty translucent crystals.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone else noticed that of the standard Dutch clichés, we see a lot of dykes and canals in The Canon, a goodly amount of tulips, but virtually no windmills? This book being one of the rare exceptions.
A red-headed RDD? Sorry, my mind can't conjure up a picture. Tall vast red-headed Viking (Erik the Red?)maybe, RDD, nope. I suppose red-haired is easier to deal with than the gingery-haired Roel van Rakesma of Marrying Mary.
ReplyDeleteRed headed, yes... interesting. So weird and off the mark in SISTER PETERS IN AMSTERDAM, it seems that people in Holland (at least in the 60's) didn't like red heads. How odd is that? So, poor Justin, an outcast in his own land!
ReplyDeleteOne of the my absolute faves. Ironically, it suffered a teensy bit upon rereading, as the ending is weak compared to the rest of the book. Bluntly, he's more blatantly in love when he sees she's sick than when he proposes. Letting the side down just a bit...
ReplyDeleteOne thing I love in WWTC is more dreamy, lovesick internal monologue by the heroine. But my favorite bits are where Justin realizes his beloved Emma is sick/in danger/etc. The scene with the appendix is priceless.
I didn't get super bad vibes about Kitty. She's entitled, sure, but she's a good sport and wants Emma to be happy. I agree she's not nearly grateful enough, but I don't think she and Little Willy (oh, sorry, that's not his name is it?) would dump their kids on Emma. Even if they did, Emma & Justin will be great surrogate parents.
Lashings of whipped cream for me, but I've removed a couple dessert-spoonfuls for the lame-o ending. So make it one lash of whipped cream. Justin takes FAR TOO LONG to get to the snogging & proposing.
Queen of Puddings, in my book! Not lashings of whipped cream, but almost, and ceertainly much better-- and even Bettier-- than boeuf en croute.
ReplyDeleteThe reviewer mistook Emma's age. In the book, she celebrates her 26th birthday--- a surprise that was planned by her sister Kitty (who, IMO, came across as likable and loving, even if sometimes self-absorbed and clueless.
My favorite scenes or bits:
After the surprise birthday dinner party, Justin contrives to drive Emma home the long way, stopping to cuddle and kiss in the New Forest. two kisses!!
When Emma rescued the elderly lady (Mrs. Coffin!!) who had fallen down into the well. A VERY well written scene. I felt I could feel my own muscles straining and my back breaking after 2 hours! And then!! Justin came to find Emma, spotting her holding on to Mrs. coffin for dear life. To show (not tell) his deepening love, The Betty has him speak with a harsh ( "overcome with relief") voice, from a white face ( white face is mentioned twice)!! well!!
The appendicitis scene. As Betty Magdalen said, top top notch!!! Feeling a pain in her tummy, Emma canceled their date, so he got snarky, thinking she was faking it, but during surgery it got MUCH worse. Stoically, she held up long enough to allow the surgery to be completed, and just at the end, he noticed her hand was shaking ( nothing gets past our RDDs) and takes a quick look at her face, finding it green, her eyes huge with pain. "Emma," he says urgently and softly, then he takes over,seeing to her care while also finishing the last sutures. Ten points, Betty!!
More proof of his devotion: He holds her hand as they take a walk. He helps clean out the chicken coop (what else do we need!!). He brings her oodles of gifts each day, when she is recovering from appendicitis ( magazines, red roses, books). He arranges for Little Willy (what a moniker) to leave early, and take Kitty with him, so he can have Emma all to himself.
Minor goodnesses:
I also appreciated how LA Neels portrayed Emma's relationship with "Mad Minnie" Sister Cox, the grump with painful feet, and how she handled her colleagues complaints about her.
Also, how Emma supported novice Nurse Jessop when MadMinnie would have written her off, and when the Prof RDD Justin would have banned her from his surgery theater.
Lashing of Whipped Cream for me: He's great and she's not a complete push over like some of the Betty's gals. Her Mom's great and I love all the "scrub" room conversations - Betty does good work here. :)
ReplyDeleteThis part of the review made me crack up!
"And then Justin Teylingen lands in her lap (and being a Betty Neels book, this is sadly figurative)." - Actually, one of my favorite parts of the book is when Justin comes and helps her unzip her nightie after her surgery and then tells her to take it off and put on the bathrobe (WOW - really "suggestive" for part for Betty!Shocking LOL)
Lashings of Whipped Cream from me, too. I love this one. I love how he doesn't hide how he feels the whole time. I love how she's not a shrinking violet. And the Crisis!Junkie that I am, I ADORE the appendix scene. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is lashing of whipped cream for me. I enjoyed this book a lot. I loved when he kissed her in a car and they were talking. Love!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely lashings of whipped cream! Only one very tiny thing missing- no rescued puppy, kitten or donkey. But rescuing Mrs Coffin from the well makes up for it lol.
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ReplyDeleteI've only recently discovered this blog. Thank you. Keira, you are a very entertaining writer! I haven't laughed out loud so much in a long time (we're still neck-deep in COVID 19). Being house-bound, I decided to re-read Betty Neels because, for me, they evoke a simple romance a'la Jane Austin set in 'somewhat modern' times.
ReplyDeleteI use a 5-star rating, but will translate to the blog's rating system and wholeheartedly give this book a Lashings of Whipped Cream.
-Wouldn't Justin's 'advanced age' prompt him to want to act more quickly on love, not take things slowly? I did appreciate the number of times he kissed her.
-Sexiest Neels scene ever where Justin unzips Emma's dress and holds out her dressing gown for her. Closely followed by him sleeping in her bed at home. (I wonder if he snooped around looking for diaries and panties since he already displayed this tendency with her passport/luggage tags?)
-Justin has such a huge house and only one car?
-Was Justin so oblivious that he never suspected his aunt of conspiring to marry him off to his first cousin (yuck)?
-Why did Justin run off to meet his cousin's fiance instead of staying with Emma? Bad choice Justin! On the other hand, Emma stayed put to say Goodbye even with the aunt pushing for her to run along. You go Girl!
I will continue to read through my collection in concert with this blog.
Welcome Newest Betty! I love all your observations. We are a little thin here but have a lively group over on Facebook if you are inclined to join.
DeleteWonderful first comment, Newest Betty! I cannot seem to stop smiling — my face is hurting!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he snooped around ... 😄
What a hefty read for a Neels book! It actually took me a few days to finish this one and what a pleasure it was to have to make it through so much detail about their work (together and apart) and all of the visiting and double dating...this one is now in my top five for sure.
ReplyDeleteReading this book I was fascinated by Willy's plans for him and Kitty: after she finishes her training they will "look around for a practice and go into partnership." My BN expertise isn't that great, I must admit, a lot of books out there for me to read still. But it struck me as an unusual thing in BNland, Kitty being expected to work after marriage.