It is time to leave.
She gets a job as a temporary governess to Eileen, a girl described as 'spoilt', while Eileen's grandmother takes a break. She's had the spoilt darling while her parents were (get this) in South America for two years. (Don't they know that South America means death and gigolos?) Two years. These people left their daughter with grandma for two years and took off. Cordelia is to travel with her to Vienna where Uncle Charles (a middle-aged bachelor) will take over for the remaining 6 weeks of Mum and Dad's South American vacation........two years.
Uncle Charles has the good taste to be nothing like Cordelia's expectations. She notices that he's neither presbyopic nor balding nor rumpled. He's an anesthetist and in the land of Neels that probably means that he's loaded and gorgeous and developed really, really hot hand-eye coordination while fiddling with all those valves.
Dr. Charles Trescombe does not return the favor by noticing her Ninja-like stealth, her disarming smile or the way she handles Eileen like a pair of smooth oak nun chucks.

In one word the Great Neels gives us the whole picture of the painful episode. '...her gentle mouth was half open.'
But if Cordelia's hurt she is also philosophical. Uncle Charles doesn't like her very well but she doesn't much like him either. He is at least better than her step-mother. Over the next few weeks she sees him as a crusty, taciturn hermit, wedded to his work and '"...such a waste, if you see what I mean." And Eileen, a precocious child, saw.'
Editorial note: Though this part of the book isn't filled with much action (aside from copious trips to points of Viennese historical import) it is littered generously with clever and delightful lines like, 'Heaven is a cucumber sandwich.', 'He was as dull as his books and there was absolutely no need for it.', and 'He's got a girlfriend,' hissed Eileen, 'I thought he only read books.'
Someone once said, '...the gate of history turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives.' Eileen's rupturing appendix is a small hinge indeed.
Cordelia rushes her to the hospital and is told to wait. She does what she's told (so refreshing in the world of the romance novel when young ladies eschew sensible advice to their mortal peril with monotonous regularity.) and is forgotten for her pains. The following day, when Charles gives her a small commendation for being 'sensible' in her treatment of Eileen she finally blows her top and gives him the sharp edge of her tongue.
'Well, well, not dull at all and quite an eyeful when she's in a temper. I am surprised, Cordelia.' 'Let go of me, you--bookworm...'
Well of course he's got to kiss her for that.

Only it's not unwilling. Her own dawning realization sneaked up and tapped her on the shoulder while she wasn't looking.
Clear sailing, right? Wrong. The little black raincloud on the horizon is a matchmaking Eileen (who really is a dear) and the oily Dr. Julius...Salfinger. (But pretty please call him Dr. Julius as there is so much more fun there.)
Eileen (still in hospital) notices that her beloved Cordelia has nobody to talk to and no one to take her out. She arranges a meeting and Dr. J takes it from there.
Upon her return from a lunch date she didn't want in the first place, Charles is stung (by a big fat bumblebee of jealousy) into warning her away from him. 'You're not at all his cup of tea.'
Dear me. I need to flip through my Tormented Doctor/Penniless Governess Dictionary:
He meant: You're my cup of tea. Mine, mine, mine!
She heard: I hope when you are a very old woman you will unfold the memory of this one shining day when you got to lunch with a real live doctor as this singular event will never occur again in your lifetime.
When she rebukes him for rudeness I picture him in a pair of 70s era NBA shorts (the creepily short ones) holding out his hands, waiting for a ball as the play continues around him. Courtship is going to be more difficult than he supposed.

He does make up some ground by inviting her to a fun fair (yes, an actual fun fair!) but offers the charming caveat, 'Somehow I don't think it's quite your taste, Cordelia. A visit to look round, perhaps--you should have a country garden for a background...Liberty prints and your hair hanging down your back.' (Don't stare at the unresolved sexual tension. It's rude.)
That doesn't prevent him from winning her a stuffed toy and making what amounts to a move in a too-crowded bumper car.
But his is a Sisyphean task--inching ever closer to the summit and losing ground abruptly. Eileen returns home from the hospital and crossover characters Eugenia and Gerard (from Heidelberg Wedding) visit from England. Eugenia and Eileen go shopping with a cost-conscious Cordelia in pursuit of a dress--neither of whom 'considered privately that there was [any]thing they would wish to be seen dead in for that amount'. But they secure a new dress in shrimp pink which I'm going to call fine.
Charles is quick to pick up any opportunity that comes his way and asks her to dinner. She has a gorgeous time but won't call him Charles. 'It wouldn't do at all.' He sighed. 'Life is never going to be the same again,' he observed...and kissed her swiftly.
Uncle Charles is not letting the grass grow but the plot is wrinkling like a linen suit on a Summer day. His sister Sal (Yes, you heard right. Sal.) is returning from South America (where she has been living it up for two years while other people spoil/raise her child). It is Cordelia's unhappy luck that Charles, driving through the city on the way from the airport with his sister, sees what he thinks is an assignation between Cordelia and Doctor Julius. It is nothing of the sort. It is what the odious doctor describes later as her delivering 'the snub of his young life'.
There isn't enough time to clear matters up and too many people around to do it properly anyway. At the end of two days she is walking through the gates at the airport accompanying Eileen and her family on her way to England.

Squashed up against a stout matron and a 'weedy young man' on a bus, Cordelia contemplates her future and becomes a statistic in the local crime rate. (I am betting it was the matron.) She is not exactly penniless but close to it and manages to make her way into a seedy part of town where the rent on a dreary bedsitter will make catastrophic inroads on her savings. Getting her name on the books of Mrs. Sharp's employment agency will further deplete her pounds and pence.
Charles, meanwhile, is combing the city for her.

He only made it one day without her before informing his servants (Thompson and Mrs. Thompson) that they have to get back to London sooner. In the course of his superlative search for her (seriously awesome) he tells Thompson, Mrs. Thompson, his mother, Cordelia's old Cook, and Mrs. Sharp about his marital plans.
When he finally tracks her to that drab bedsit (enjoying the lies he has to tell Mrs. Sharp to get Cordelia's address enormously) they have a reunion to cap all reunions and she becomes satisfyingly proprietorial: 'I love you more than I can say.' She put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently. 'Later on you shall tell me how you found me--'
The End
Rating: I remember loving this one and that's always a difficult hurdle to clear but this one did it. It started great (What's better than an evil step-mother? Soulless twins, that's what.) and then there's a lot of travelogue (which is more interesting than a lot of them but still, we're inspecting a lot of imperial silver, if you know what I mean.). Vienna comes in two parts (The avoid-Charles-at-all-costs part wherein the principles meet at breakfast--and the battle of the dueling dawning realizations part) and I like the second way better.
Eileen is such a fun part of the book--she's precocious, that one.
And the finish is a magnificent tour de force for Betty who sometimes gave us only a page and a half of wrap-up. Charles gets to fret about losing Cordelia, lose sleep, find out more about her past (and thus about her)...they spend a lot of time talking and not talking. Great, great end.
Boeuf en Croute but a really, really well made one.
Food: Cordelia enjoys sandwiches in a lay-by, lobster soup, filleted trout, boeuf en croute, Gentleman's Relish, buttered toast, ham sandwiches, madiera cake, the kind of picnic food found in glossy magazines (where immaculate children are frolicking happily around the assorted picnickers, no doubt), cold watercress soup, chicken vol-au-vents (I owe my knowledge of this word entirely to Betty.), smoked duck stuffed with cherries, lobster patties, aubergines in butter, sorbet, ices, fairy cakes, roast duck with black cherries (wait. Didn't I just say that?), and smoked salmon.
Fashion: Cordelia wore knitted sweaters, 'wearing clothes [the cook] wouldn't give to the jumble', a silk jersey dress 'for social occasions', a 'finely pleated crepe skirt in a pleasing' shade of plum (Is there a pleasing shade of plum?), and a shrimp pink crepe number. Eileen gets to not wear a rainbow hued cat suit and does get to wear denim trousers and a cotton top.
"she watched Nature take Nurture out to the woodpile and kick its can."
ReplyDeleteLove it.
I'm trying to think of any Neels wherein the step-siblings (or any half-siblings to the heroine) are actually nice. Anyone? Of course all the little darlings that belong to the RDD will automatically become the best half brothers and sisters ever.
"An Ideal Wife" doesn't have stepchildren, but Louisa does have a stepmom that she mostly gets along with. I think that might possibly be the best 'step' relationship in Neeldom.
Betty Barbara here--
ReplyDeleteLike Betty Keira, I had a hard time with the leaving your kid behind for two years part. A Really Hard Time! I kept trying to imagine a situation (in 1985, in South America) where that would be necessary and failed.
And Sal's blithe dismissal of Cordelia in London just screamed "Plot Device"; unless we were to believe that Sal was jealous of how close Eileen felt to Cordelia. (And whose fault is that, dear Sal?)
I agree- Eileen was a poppet, most of the time, though there were times that she acted a lot younger than 11 (those tantrums!).
In answer to other questions--I think of Plum as being a rich, dark reddish purple--so yes, I would find it a pleasing color.
And a query of my own--for the number of big, fat cream cakes that everyone ate, how did they not gain weight?? I want the secret!!
I know! They practically lived at Sacher's. You'd have to start rolling me down the street...
ReplyDeleteI think all Neels characters walk a lot, thus burning off all those calories. (Not to mention that Dawning Realizations are a lot of work.)
ReplyDeleteIt's the notion of a pleasing shade of shrimp pink that I'm struggling with.
I'm with Betty Magdalen. I can't think of any shade of shrimp pink I'd consider 'pleasing'.
ReplyDelete'Let go of me, you--bookworm...'
ReplyDeleteLove this retort!!! Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the first time a Neels heroine calls the doctor names to his face?
Don't know if it's the first but it's certainly the most heartfelt and creative.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with Sal and company (Pa seems incidental) being under house arrest by the military junta of Brazil until its overthrow in 1985ish--no one could talk about it lest they disappear forever--heehee.
ReplyDeletePlus, I think that Betty finally got a ward right--usually they're either too old acting or way too young acting--Eileen was both--just right for her age.
I think I'm going with the "Let go of me, you--bookworm" for a sleeping t-shirt. When I wear it Professor van der Hertenzoon will know not to buy any evening train tickets for Brighton.
Betty JoDee -- your t-shirt idea reminds me of a cartoon in The New Yorker with the couple sitting up in bed and the caption reads: "Is this a reading night or a sex night?"
ReplyDeleteAs for Magic in Vienna, I have no recollection whether I liked it when I read it 25+ years ago, but I didn't like this time, except for the ending. Yes, Eileen is lovely, but Cordelia is way (WAY) too whinging and Charles is nearly comatose. Cordelia and Eileen have more and better dialogue than Charles and Cordelia have. And I'm getting tired of the heroine who takes offense at every single remark thrown her way. She's sensible -- boo hoo. She deserves treats -- "don't pity me, Doctor!"
She gets angry with him so much and so often that after a line about how vehemently Cordelia couldn't stand Charles, The Great Betty actually has to stick in a disclaimer about how much she also loved him. In real life, if my BFF said all that about a guy she doesn't know well, chances are she's telling the truth about the hatred and fibbing about the love.
Still, it's got a great ending. Pathos, loneliness, a dreary future, all hope is lost, and then Charles shows up. Those iterations of Charles and Cordelia I liked -- the people in the first 180 pages needed more Viennese magic!
I never really noticed before, but some parents in the Great Betty's books DO go away for ages. I could no more imagine that, than fly in the air. Notice I did not say I didn't want to go away when mine were littlies,Just no relatives long-suffering to take up the slack!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRe the shrimp pink dress - I kept thinking of it a la Lady Gaga's meat dress. I love me some succulent Gulf shrimp, but the mental images were almost enough to put me off shrimp for a while.
ReplyDeleteOk, can the more mathematically inclined Betties help tot up the sums in the ending chapter? My skirt is almost entirely inside out and my pencil points are worn to the erasers by now trying to get them straight. Perhaps I missed the explanatory paragraph (as I often do when I am reading when I should be working or doing housework or talking to my family members or whatever). Perhaps it was corrected in other editions.
ReplyDeleteAfter getting mugged on the bus, Cordelia was left with 40 pounds. "Even the modest tips she had handed out had made alarming inroads into the 40 pounds." So she's down to say 35 £.
Then she has to pay 10 pounds to Mrs. Sharp "for putting [her] on the books." 25£.
Mrs. Sharp tells her Mrs. Dyson rents rooms for (da dum) 40£ weekly.
Mrs. Dyson says her rates are really 50£, but since "yer's a nice young lady, yer can have it fer 40...money in advance." She sticks out her hand and Cordelia takes the money out.
"Cordelia tried to cheer herself up ... she had roughly 25£ in her pocket."
No, she's 15£ in the red with zilcho in her pocket. Where'd the 40£ for rent come from? Was there a hidden pocket in her purse or suitcase? Did Mrs. Sharp give her an advance (as if)? Oh to have some magically replicating money like that (although more than 40£ would be appreciated)! Oh, to have been a proofreader on Betty's original manuscripts!
B. Baersma
Well, spotted! I never noticed. If she still had roughly 25£ in her pocket, then the original sum must have been 80£, not 40£.
DeleteI just read this one. She only had to give £5 to Mrs Sharp, the rent was only £12 per week. I’m thinking there were some changes between editions and the £40 she had in the edition I read was supposed to be more in the one you read.
ReplyDeleteOnly £12 weekly! Is that more or less realistic than £40? Whichever, I'm happy to see it was changed.
ReplyDeleteB. Baersma