Saturday, August 28, 2010

Page 38

Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?

Midsummer Star has an unusually long (for Neelsdom) introduction until Celine meets Oliver--like 38 pages in. Usually I hate that sort of thing. 22o pages is a quick read and I'd like to dispense with the preliminaries. Still, I love all that build-up with the bed and breakfast and getting to know and appreciate our heroine (which totally comes in handy when you're tempted to smack her over the subject of Nicky).

So, what's your ideal lead-off? Love in the opening sentence? The slow ramp-up?


  1. I always thought of myself as a slow ramp-up until meeting Jim VanderHunkernoddin. One freeway placed call and we were having dinner at an cozy Italien place with wine bottle candles.

  2. VanderHunkernoddin...May I pretty please call him that?

  3. Inquiring minds want to hear about the "one freeway placed call."

  4. Yes. You do want to hear about it. Best. First-meeting. Ever.
