Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cruise To a Wedding--Discussion Thread

The back cover of "The Best of Betty Neels" spells Adam's last name with an "s" (Osinga), whereas it's spelled with a "z" the whole way through the book. Early Harlequin certainly didn't have their editing act together. But this is a 'Best Of'. In their defense, I think that novels were more often set in Australia or South Africa or Canada with Anglo names abounding (or Spanish. Early Harlequin, like myself, had a passion for the Latin types.). Dutch possibly threw them.

Rimada's mum has "gold-plated taps" in her bathroom. When house hunting with Mijnheer van Voorhees we might come across a ridiculous and pointless extravagance. (Putting greens for backyards or garages converted into day spas.) Thereafter that house would be dubbed 'Saddam's Palace' as a sort of verbal shorthand for 'tackily ostentatious'.

The Baron, like most RDDs, has thin silky rugs which sound like an accident waiting to happen. Does it sound horribly ghetto to put non-slip mats underneath? Anyway, they sound like the kind of thing that would get spotlighted on Antiques Roadshow, appraised for thousands and enjoined not to let it near muddy feet, accident-prone pets, and pregnant cats much less a floor. When my own darlings muck up the carpets there is no call to alert the National Trust, thank heavens.

One of Loveday's talents is the ability to "travel light". I have a much-beloved sister-in-law who, like some supermodel who can't get out of bed for less than $5,000, is unable to move an inch without trunks and outriders. A three day visit calls for one large suitcase (stuffed to the gills), one carry-on (similarly stuffed) and a bulging purse. I have often wondered if she is actually a drug runner or carries dead bodies around for the mob...

"Pink is such a kind color." Well, yes. It is. Betty sure had a thing for pink didn't she? Like a miracle tonic it could turn the plainest girl into a dream. Pink is the Elizabeth Arden of color.

Cruise to a Wedding is not the most consistent of reads. (Though I hardly blame The Great Betty. She was plonking these out on a typewriter.) Even though Loveday has a well documented fear of heights, she foolishly gets up on the high dive. I'm not a great fan of heights and have reached the age of discretion wherein plummeting to my doom holds no interest for me. I'm on Betty Debbie's side here. Loveday is a bit of an idiot.

We have an assignment for our Betty readers. Both my and Betty Debbie's copy of this is a 'Best Of'. Fourteen-year-old sister Phyllis says: "You turn me on - why, you've got George Michael beaten hollow". Not only was the Baron at a loss, we were too. The facts:
  • It was written before George Michael of Wham! fame became famous.
  • Harlequin was/is not above replacing words like record player with CD player in order to reissue old books.
Conclusion: Betty Neels was an incarnation of Nostradamus and Year's Happy Ending probably contains clues about Armageddon (hence all the inexplicable hits?) or...Harlequin switched the name out for one more trendy or...there really was another George Michael. Go Bettys! Find us the answer!

Not for the first time are we treated to a nurse perusing surgical catalogs for replacement equipment. Cruise to a Wedding gives us possibly the most hilarious description ever:
She was studying a self-retaining catheter, tastefully ringed round with intestinal clamps and a couple of pairs of Judd's basting forceps, all overpoweringly colored...


  1. Betty Barbara here--
    Only other George Michael that I know of is the late sports commentator who got his start in the Washington DC TV market. He did go national, but I doubt our Betty would have had a 14 year-old girl gushing over him, if he was even known in England at the time the book was written!
    Unfortunately I do not have an original printing of the book, or I would look it up for you.
    Or maybe our Betty DID have psychic powers.

  2. I have the 1975 Harlequin version. It reads
    "You turn me on - why, you've got Mick Jagger beaten hollow!"
    Hmm. George Michael?
    Not sure this is the "wholesome" image Harlequin was (at that time) promoting, but perhaps that was before the very controversial song "Father Figure" was released. There are still many who think if promotes going to Brighton with a minor, maybe even a child or daughter.

  3. Mick Jagger? Wow, I wish they had left it as is. Thanks for clearing up our confusion.

  4. I agree, Betty Debby! My copy has an unusual cover, at least to me. I don't really like it. I think they both look sappy, not beautiful and suave.

    Now that I've had a quick look through the book again, my feelings are much the same. There's a bit of honest emotion near the end, when she realized just how he quite ruthlessly used her to get his own end, and threw her to the wolves in regard to Rimalda's mother. And he's supposed to have loved her from the moment he saw her? Bleech.

    Betty Laurel

  5. I am mortified to know that the recent song 'Tik Tok' by the singer Ke$ha (yes.) contains the lyric:
    And now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger
    But we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger

    A) I have freaky lyric memorizing skills.
    B) Mick is still making it as a cultural touchstone while George is...not.

  6. Betty Laurel,
    Thanks for the link to the old cover art. I find it a bit disturbing that the doctor looks like a teenager. Eww. The girl is not any better.

    Betty Keira,
    You do have freaky lyric memorization skills. I like to think that I had something to do with getting you started...

  7. Don't make me pull this blog over, you two!!! You know I will . . .

  8. Being seventeen years older than Betty Keira has some advantages...I was able to make sure my 3 year old sister knew the lyrics to "Play That Funky Music, White Boy", way ahead of her pre-school playmates.

  9. Besides Mick Jagger/George Michael change, another difference between the original 1975 version and the reprint is the check her father gives her. In the original verison, it's for 25 pounds. In the updated version, there's no amount specified for the check.
