Saturday, January 15, 2011

Betty in Hospital

Via e-mail from Betty Barbara:
A report from Maryland, complete with a Betty in the Wild photo.
Or is it really the wild?
The setting is St Agnes Hospital. The poor patient was yours truly, Betty Barbara. The occasion: Betty Barbara has knee replacement surgery.
The surgery went well, and I am back home, hobbling around, and trying to catch up on TUJD.
The particular Betty Book was serendipitous--I asked Minjheer van der Tarheelin to bring in the camera and a book so that I could take the picture and he chose the one where the RDD's dear mother has leg difficulties!


Dear Betty Barbara,
Greater love hath no Minjheer, than he bring a Betty Neels and a camera.  Mijnheer van der Tarheelin?  Love, love, love the name.
Betty Neels did love her orthopaedic problems. Doesn't Baroness van Duyren (Tangled Autumn) have a dicky leg too? Then there's Esmeralda, she of the gimpy foot...and Jake (Midnight Sun's Magic)  who's not about to let a cast get in the way of walking down the aisle.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery, 
The Founding Bettys


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Betty Barbara. May your recovery involve nothing dicky or gimpy, with a minimum of casting!
    And may your Promise of Happiness come true!

  2. Possibly the best Betty in the Wild picture to date! I love your goals: Pain control and safe ambulation--I think I'll make that mine for tomorrow.

    Best wishes for your recovery!

  3. Is that a male nurse? Were they expecting Betty Barbara to "give trouble"?

  4. Betty Barbara -- Best wishes for a speedy and, yes, pain-controlled (or even pain free!) recovery.

    I love the board -- what a change from nursing in The Great Betty's day when the patient knew next to nothing and everyone thought that was just fine!

  5. Betty Barbara here--
    Thanks to all for the good wishes. They are much appreciated.

    I had fun, of a sort, listing in my mind the ways modern hospital management is like/not like the Betty Neels version. I never had the same nurse twice--one shift and they rotated on. Scott was one of a long list. The nurses administered MOST of the meds, but the Techs did all the routine taking of vitals. The dressing changing was done by a member of the Orthopaedics Dept. Talk about of division of duty! My surgeon stopped by several times, but always alone--no entourage!
    Betty Magdalen--yes, the lovely white board is a great idea. Alas, not everyone bothered writing in their name, or even changing the date!
    But every room had a hand sanitizer dispenser and EVERYONE hit it as they left the room--Every Single Time. Now that I really liked to see.

  6. Betty Barbara -
    Once again, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Your mention of the doctor's entourage reminded me of past hospital stays.
    I was around 23 when I had my gall bladder removed - back in those days, it was major surgery - meaning three or four days in the hospital post-op. Evidently it was a teaching hospital - the doctor came to visit with at least half a dozen student docs. It seemed like more. Very possibly it was. I was a very popular patient - being young and reasonably good-looking. I had Dr. van der Stevejinck bring me pictures of our two kids - partly because I missed them, and partly to ward off lonely housemen.

  7. Doesn't Every Single Time sound like a Neels title?
