Saturday, September 18, 2010

Question of the Week

Skills. Sophy, of Blow Hot, Blow Cold, has a lot of skills. Several years ago I was leafing though the fluffy part of the daily newspaper--the part with Dear Abby and clinical eviscerations of award show fashion choices--when I happened across an article about things every adult should know. I forgot everything else that was on the list but for whatever reason (probably my inability to execute the following) I remembered that putting your fingers in your mouth and whistling really, REALLY loudly was there.

Mijnheer van Voorhees can't whistle at all so I don't think my thready little tweet is too shabby but it is unable to be heard (by roving packs of neighborhood boys, for instance) in any way that does me any good.

My question is: What is on your list of things every grown-up should know?


  1. via email:

    Changing a tire and jump starting a car. It's more impressive if you carry cables with you. (I'm not talking knit sweaters here.) I've saved my own day, and helped a few older ladies (yes, there are ladies older than me). Most guys know this stuff but not so many gals do.
    I know how to change my oil, but I make Prof. Bob Vue de Plane do it. He knows how to cook but I don't recall him ever 'laying the table for our supper.'
    Still unable to follow or post. This is a skill that would be very helpful. Anybody able to enlighten me? Tot Ziens, BettyMary

  2. 1. How to read a map.
    2. How to pack light.
    3. How to ask strangers for feminine hygiene products while backpacking and how to improvise when none are forthcoming and you're ten miles (each way) on foot from the closest store(because you packed a little too light).
    4. How to recognize fem. hyg. products in other countries (see #3.

  3. Here's my Top Five Things Every Adult Should Be Able to Do:
    5. Make themselves a nutritious meal from scratch.
    4. Reconcile a checking account (not necessary to do it the "old-fashioned way" but some awareness of how money in needs to equal money out).
    3. Read a map -OR- ask for directions & follow them. (Will accept either.)
    2. Think through a problem to a solution (which solution could be as simple as, "Hello, I can't solve this problem, could you help me please?")
    My Number One Thing Every Adult Should Be Able to Do:
    1. Admit a mistake, apologize appropriately, and make amends.

  4. In my defense, I was helping out my sister-in-law...
