Tuesday, April 20, 2010

100% Pure Betty

More distilled awesomeness from our back-of-the-book blurbs:

Who was the bride to be?--A Match for Sister Maggie (I know, I know!! It's you, Maggie!)

"Are you going to marry her, Walle?"--Philomena's Miracle (I'm thinking, "Oh, I so want to read it but how to sound out 'Walle'?" (cudgels head))

His type liked only decorative women!--Hannah (Her type liked only rich, Dutch doctors!)

Deborah knew that she wasn't glamorous!--Waiting for Deborah (And it required an exclamation point!)

A business proposal...or more?--Emma's Wedding (Unless I've mistakenly picked up a copy of the GDP Report, I'm thinking...'or more'.)

1 comment:

  1. Walle - how about WALL-E (as in the little trash compacter robot)?
