Georgette Heyer. My local library actually has a ton of Heyer books, and I was lucky enough to get a bunch of them. After reading Cotillion, I was intrigued. I liked the book quite a bit...but I wouldn't be found sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S....I did like the way Heyer crafted most of the story...and for such a long frothy story, that was saying something. So in I dove. Since nearly everyone who recommended Heyer had a different favorite, I figured I'd just have to read what was available and make up my own mind.
Masqueraders. A boy disguised as a girl and a girl disguised as a boy...because their father told them to. They each manage to fall in love...but when a boy dressed as a girl falls in love with a girl, how is he to woo her? And when a girl dressed as a boy falls in love with a man...ditto. Quite the tangled web...which is all untangled by the happily ever afters. Delightful. (I would buy this one...)

Sprig M
uslin. At first I didn't think I would like this book. A very respectable man is traveling on his way to propose to an old maidish woman whom he has known and liked for years. He ends up practically abducting a beautiful 16 year old run-a-way. For her own good. Most of the book involves him thwarting her escapes and countering her endless supply of lies...which at first were annoying, but then you just can't help but see how audacious and occasionally brilliant they are - even when they backfire.(I might buy this one...)

The R
eluctant Widow. Meeting and marrying a man on his deathbed? Where's the fun in that? This book just missed being enchanting. The heroine is a bit too whiny for my taste (although, in all fairness, she had plenty to grumble about). Hidden staircases, murder, manslaughter, spies, lost military secrets - these all add up to a more serious story. Which is okay, just not one of my favorites. (Library check-out only).

Sylvester. T
he Duke of Salford may as well be Mr. Darcy. He is very proud and also very correct in his manners, to everyone. He decides it's time that he marries so that he may...*ahem*...beget an heir to his awesomeness. He tells his mother that he has looked over the eligible bachelorettes and narrowed the choice down to five. He plans on choosing one - but he doesn't have any particular preferences...she suggests another girl (Phoebe) - and so he goes off to meet and perhaps marry her. Trials and troubles ensue...he finally begins to see that perhaps he might be a tad proud, she begins to see....I love that his mother is the one who pretty much proposes for him. (I would buy it in a minute, if I found it at a thrift store)

The Grand Sop
hy. Sophy is a force of nature. If I had to describe her I would have to say that she strongly reminds me of Barbara Streisand in Hello Dolly. Only younger. When her father goes off to Brazil on a diplomatic mission, she stays with her cousins in London. And she fixes everyone. She has great dash and verve - this is one book that I would describe as "a romp". Quite, quite fun. So far, it's my favorite. Read it. Now. (I will definitely be buying this one...I can see us becoming quite good friends).

Something about 'The Grand Sophy' tickles my memory. I could swear I've read it. Anyway, I've decided to read it again--if I get a minute!
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is "sprig" muslin? I thought it was a typo for "spring" until I noticed the cover title.
ReplyDeleteI'm imagining "sprigs" of flowers or leaves on muslin...
ReplyDeletevia email:
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are enjoying Heyer's books! She's a long-time favorite author of mine.
Sprig muslin: I believe "sprig" denotes the kind of decoration on the fabric: some sort of small decorative design all over (small flower or some such). I don't think it would be a print--maybe embroidered? The title comes (I have always assumed) from the 16-year-old girl who is the main engine of the plot (although not the heroine--Heyer does this from time to time, e.g. "Charity Girl" and "The Foundling"). Sprig muslin was considered a suitable fabric for young ladies' dresses. (I make no claim to expertise in historical costume, however.)
Betty Maria
I would not say Reluctant Widow and Sprig Muslin are two of her best (and I have 'em all) ... for a very different Heyer, try Black Sheep. And April Lady is unusual (married couple but no Brighton ... or shall we say nothing overt). Lucky you reading them for the first time!
ReplyDeleteMy mom got me started on GEorgette heyer...and she also got me started on Betty Neels!! I own two bookshelves worth of Betty Neels (anyone need books-ask me I probably have extra copies). My next mission is to collect Georgette Heyers. If you get the chance, read "The convenient Marriage" and "The Faro's daughter" (my first G.H...sigh!)
ReplyDeleteEssies Summers is another great author too(Thanks Mom!) though it's all Kiwiland in her books all the way.
My Essie Summers obsession is well documented. I think we're soul Bettys.
ReplyDeleteYes, we are....and guess what, my name starts with K too!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's Kirthi :)
Sylvester and The Grand Sophy are two of my favorites. I used to have a bunch of Heyers but now only have 6, I think.
ReplyDeleteBritHub 1.0's family has them all in (I think) first editions. I lust over these, but I'm not sure I'll have a shot at getting them when my ex-mother-in-law pops off.
I love all of GH's mysteries!
ReplyDeleteThe only problem is finding any of them used in local thriftshops!!! Hah!
🤍 Sylvester 🤍 is my favourite Georgette Heyer.
ReplyDeleteI love Georgette Heyer. My favourite is ‘These Old Shades’ (there’s a delightful follow up novel called ‘Devils Cub too’), but I haven’t met a novel by her that I didn’t like.
ReplyDeleteMy parents were big fans of Heyer (and, of course, of Betty Neels) so all her books passed through our house and my hands. While all the titles and covers are familiar, the only one I remember finishing was A Civil Contract. I loved it as a young teen, perhaps because it seemed to be more of a real story, or because I identified more with Jenny than with her other heroines. When I re-read it recently, as an old married lady, it was even better.